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Ninko Offline OP
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Would this write the whole line to a file then...

else {
    sockread &temptext
    write <filename> $bvar(&temptext,0)

Ninko #195613 27/02/08 11:23 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can't use /write. You have to use /bwrite, as mentioned.

To overwrite the text in the file:
/bwrite filename.txt 0 -1 &temptext

To append the data to the end of the file:
/bwrite filename.txt -1 -1 &temptext

In either case, you're better off removing the file before writing to it so you make sure you only have the data from the variable in the file.

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Strange, using /bwrite filename.txt 0 -1 &temptext has messed up the data. It's as though its only reading random parts of the line

on *:sockread:test:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Error.
  else {
    sockread &temptext
    /bwrite filename.txt 0 -1 &temptext

Maybe its reading the line from the sock to quick or something?

Last edited by Ninko; 27/02/08 11:41 PM.
Ninko #195619 28/02/08 01:52 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Im really loving binvars, this is roughly what I do.

Binvars handle the line byte by byte, or character by character. You can change it to a text result with the $bvar(&var,N).text where the N stands for the byte number.

1 is the 1st character or byte. 2 is the second character or byte. 32 is the 32nd character in the line and so on. So if I say $bvar(&var,48-).text, it will return everything from character 48 on in plain text format. (Read the mirc help file for more information.)

Lets say Im searching for an email address in a very long line.

I first have the sockread echo to a window so I can find what to look for. echo -a $bvar(&var,1-).text

Let's say I want to retrieve the "mailto" address from a page. First I find the email address in the code.

<a class="no-textdecoration-white" href="mailto:webmaster@email.com">Contact Webmaster</a> -

Then I look for something before the address that only exists in this one place and nowhere else on the whole page. Let;s say I got lucky and "mailto:" only exists on this one line.

As starbucks Mafia pointed out, you sockread -f to a &binvar. We will name it &var.

sockread -f &var

Then use $bfind to find "mailto:".

if ($bfind(&var,1-,mailto:)) {

This starts at character 1 and searches everything after. (1-)

;It's found mailto: and now gives me the byte number for the first character in my search string. "m" is the 41st character.

<a class="no-textdecoration-white" href="m

So now I know that $bvar(&var,41).text == m. I also know that there are 7 characters in mailto: so 41 + 7 is the first character of the email address. I set this number (41 + 7) as a local variable and then I search for the end of the email address.

As you can see, mailto:webmaster@email.com" , it has a " at the end of it. So what I do is start my search from the beginning of the email address and search for the next " and set the number as the 2nd local variable.

(Binvars allow you to search for ascii characters or plain text characters.)

So this is how I do it.

if ($bfind(&var,1-,mailto:)) {

var %em_1 = $calc($ifmatch + 7), %em_2 = $bfind(&var,%em_1,")

echo -a Email Address is $bvar(&var,%em_1,%em_2).text !


Ok so now I know the last number of the email address. (%em_2)
If I need to search for anything else in this line I will start my search from this number doing it the same way.

This may not be the best way of using binvars but this is how I figured it out. I hope it makes sense. mIRC help file has a lot to say about using binvars and the identifiers that help you.

Ninko #195620 28/02/08 02:00 AM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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No the things is that the bwrite command has several option on it.

bwrite filename.txt S N &TempText

The S is the Start Position to bwrite the new information
If S is -1, the informations are appended to the end of the file
If S is 0, the file is cleaned and the informations are appended to the file ( that has no information )

Hope i have help you.
Good luck

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Ninko Offline OP
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Hi all,
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much DJ_Sol, I'm finally starting to get it now lol. Thanks to everyone else who also replied!


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