I'm not a supporter of emoticons being built-in, but I do like the ability to allow scripts to show images. It also lets users who want emoticons to use any images they want rather than pre-defined images.
Funny as i had a feel the final tendency of the discussion was that it didn't really matter if emoticon support was added if it could be easily switched on or off and modified. The big open question however is: what should be default? :p
Anyway as argv[0] stated its not an actual RichEdit control, so alot of behaviour as we know it would (probably, doesn't
have to technically) change regarding the selection Model when switched over to the RichEdit from the common controls. I think the choice was made in regards to the custom Richedit was 16bit support back in the day, which nowadays might not stand as firmly as requirement.
When it's a "default" RichEdit it would open up a world of possibilities (i.e embedded OLE applications, text aligning, different wrapping) but without valid grounds for wanting them i think we'll luck out on that :p