on *:text:*:#: {
if ($nick == YourNickHere) {
if ($1 == !join) && ($2 != $null) { join $2 | .notice YourNickHere Done. }
else if ($1 == !joinall) && (%channels.to.join) && (!%jall) { join %channels.to.join | set -u30 %jall 1 | .notice YourNickHere done. }
Edit the line where it says "YourNickHere" (3 places), and set the variable by the command:
/set %channels.to.join #channel,#channel1,#channel2 and so on.
Don't add to many channels tho, it can flood you out.
Here you can store the channels the bnc's should join if more then one, just store the channels in the %channels.to.join variable, the format are: %channels.to.join #channel,#channel1,#channel2,#channel3
!join #channel <- make it join the channel given
!joinall <- make it join all channels set in the variable
I also made it so you need to have the right nick to trigger the command, i could do it more secure by add your host instead of the nick, but since i don't know your host you maybe can fix that your self? If you need help with it, feel free to ask.