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k, thx ppl.. i thought about that last night as i was going to sleep so, and i also thought about using a dll, but i dont want to do that... so thx anyway
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Hoopy frood
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Yeah, you're right. Not sure what I was thinking. 
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next topic: whats an easy way to check if the mouse is in x which is listed in a hash file(using while loops to check for multi)
used to check if press is in a button
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Hoopy frood
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Depending on how your hash table is : var %a = $hfind(table,$+($mouse.x,.*),0,w)
while (%a) { echo -a $hfind(table,$+($mouse.x,.*),%a,w) | dec %a } In this exemple your item should be like X.Y, it list all match for the X value.
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so, how do i get this to work... uclick: { if ($hget($active) == $active) {
var %x $hfind($active,$+($mouse.x,.*),0,w),%y $hfind($active,$+($mouse.y,.*),0,w)
if (while (%a) { echo -a $hfind($active,$+($mouse.x,.*),%a,w) | dec %a } >= 20) && (while (%a) { echo -a $hfind($active,$+($mouse.x,.*),%a,w) | dec %a } >= 30) {
window -c $active
;if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,20,60,180,20)) {
;window -c $active
} } }
Last edited by foshizzle; 19/01/08 02:58 AM.
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Hoopy frood
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Hum, i'm not sure about what you mean since you don't use the right syntax. if ($hget($active) == $active) { could be var %x $hfind($active,$+($mouse.x,.*),0,w),%y $hfind($active,$+($mouse.y,.*),0,w) You're using wildcare incorrectly here, %y should be : $hfind($active,$+(*.,$mouse.y),0,w) You're using %x %y but the while is based on %a you have an /while inside an /if statement one of your condition is a /while... explain more precisely what you want ? 
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i have my hash table that looks like this
item ID - name (hash name is @Gui in this case)
1 - button X Y W H Text 2 - box X Y W H Text 3 - text X Y W H Text
i want it to search all the IDs and see if any of them are buttons then i want to tokenize the values and use them to see if its pressed in that area
ex :
1 - button 10 10 100 20 blah
i want to be able to click at 10 10 100 20 and do the event
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Hoopy frood
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if ($hget($active)) {
var %exid = $regsubex($str(a,$hget($v1,0).item),/a/g,$+($isclick($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$gettok($hget($v1,\n).data,2-6,32),\n),.))
alias isclick tokenize 32 $1- | return $iif($inrect($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6),$7)
Something like that should works, the $regsubex should return all Ids that match the X Y, separate by a "." Edit : corrected the /g and the ) that return the error.
Last edited by Wims; 19/01/08 06:10 PM.
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Too few parameters: $gettok
Last edited by foshizzle; 19/01/08 05:59 PM.
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Hoopy frood
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Use the new code : uclick:{
if ($hget($active)) {
var %exid = $regsubex($str(a,$hget($v1,0).item),/a/g,$+($isclick($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$gettok($hget($v1,\n).data,2-6,32),\n),.))
echo -a > %exid
alias isclick tokenize 32 $1- | return $iif($inrect($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6),$7)
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thx, but how do u change what %exid says
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and then we come up with
mouse: { if ($hget($active)) {
var %exid = $regsubex($str(a,$hget($v1,0).item),/a/g,$+($isclick($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$gettok($hget($v1,\n).data,2-6,32),\n),.))
if (*... !iswm %exid) {
gui.draw button @GUI 2 20 25 180 20 Close
var %exid = $regsubex($str(a,$hget($v1,0).item),/a/g,$+($isclick($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$gettok($hget($v1,\n).data,2-6,32),\n),.))
if (*... iswm %exid) {
tokenize 32 button $active 2 20 25 180 20 Close
drawrect -frn $2 $rgb(247,242,255) 1 $4 $calc($5 + 25) $6 $7
drawrect -frn $2 $rgb(224,220,250) 1 $calc($4 + 2) $calc($5 + 2 + 25) $calc($6 - 2) $calc($7 - 2)
drawrect -rn $2 $rgb(191,186,195) 1 $4 $calc($5 + 25) $6 $7
$iif($8, drawtext -rn $active $rgb(202,197,215) Verdana 12 $calc($4 + $6 / 2 - $width($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 1) $calc($5 + $7 / 2 - $height($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 1 + 25) $8-, )
$iif($8, drawtext -rn $active $rgb(26,26,26) Verdana 12 $calc($4 + $6 / 2 - $width($8-,Verdana,12) / 2) $calc($5 + $7 / 2 - $height($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 25) $8-, )
drawdot $active
} }
sclick: { if ($hget($active) == $active) {
tokenize 32 button $active 2 20 25 180 20 Close
if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,20,55,180,20)) {
drawrect -frn $active $rgb(202,197,215) 1 $4 $calc($5 + 25) $6 $7
drawrect -frn $active $rgb(184,180,200) 1 $4 $calc($5 + 25) $calc($6 - 2) $calc($7 - 2)
drawrect -rn $active $rgb(151,146,155) 1 $4 $calc($5 + 25) $6 $7
$iif($8, drawtext -rn $active $rgb(202,197,215) Verdana 12 $calc($4 + $6 / 2 - $width($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 1) $calc($5 + $7 / 2 - $height($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 1 + 25) $8-, )
$iif($8, drawtext -rn $active $rgb(26,26,26) Verdana 12 $calc($4 + $6 / 2 - $width($8-,Verdana,12) / 2) $calc($5 + $7 / 2 - $height($8-,Verdana,12) / 2 + 25) $8-, )
drawdot $active
} } }
how to fix that..
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What's wrong with it and which part isn't working?
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Hoopy frood
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What ? %exid return the id(s) you've clicked on If %exid = 1.2.4, you've clicked on Id ($hget(table,Id)) 1, 2 and 4.
Last edited by Wims; 19/01/08 06:53 PM.
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can u change the script i pasted so it works the way i specified below the mouse event and change it so it is the way i wanted
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Hoopy frood
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if (*... !iswm %exid) {
gui.draw button @GUI 2 20 25 180 20 Close
} In which case this statement would be true ? It's the same question for the second statement, %exid return the Nth item... Would you like that %exid return the type of id (button, or else) ?
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ive changed that to click... but what would it say if i did a mouse event or a sclick
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