see the + and arrows going up and right in the 'clones' bit? The mIRC editor doesn't like them, i just replaced the + and arrows with other characters and mIRC saves all the code fine.
If you have a literal ASCII codepoint 26 (ie. the value returned by $chr(26)) in your text then mIRC will only read up to that point. It's because on Windows this the End-of-file character which shouldn't appear in plain text files.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
yeah i'll try that. Bizarre one though, even in the script editor it shows up as an actual arrow pointing right, i'd of never of thought that in a million years.
If you're using the same font in the script editor as you are in your theme (and you should be, consolas is THE coding font!) then it would appear as the same.