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Joined: Oct 2007
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Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
Joined: Oct 2007
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I have been trying to get onto #daytraders for a quite a while. Your silly replies to my questions are useless, and just waste my time. What good is finding out who banned me, if I can't contact them. I have never done anything wrong when I was briefly on that channel, never talked, never used bad etiquette. Last night I was able to get on the channel, after the market closed. Now I can't get on again. I have paid my $, and I view this as theft of services unless you can rectify this error on your part.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is only the method (vehicle?) used to connect to IRC networks and join channels, nobody here has any control over those networks or channels. If you can't contact the channel owner to find out why they banned you from their channel, try joining the networks help channel and try asking an IRCop if they can tell you who the owner of the channel is and how to contact them. It's beyond the control of anyone here, sorry. If the advice given in response to your last post is useless to you, I'm sorry but I'm afraid there is nothing anyone here can do to get you unbanned from that channel and all we can do is give the best advice possible to get the ban removed.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Relax. The replies stating to find out who banned you are not useless. mIRC has absolutely NO control over what happens in a channel or on a network. If someone wants to ban you from a channel or network, that's their choice and mIRC cannot do a thing about it. The reason you are told to find out who banned you is so that you can figure out why you were banned and then fix whatever that problem was. You can contact whoever banned you if you just /msg the person. Keep in mind that if you ask like you did here, you may just be /ignore'd and then you'll never get your answer. You can also try asking any other op from that channel, or if the channel has a website, you can check there and see if they have other ways to contact the channel owner(s) such as a forum or e-mail. Additionally, you could ask someone else from the network (in another channel) to help you out by joining that channel and asking for you.

Note that paying for mIRC doesn't mean that mIRC can in any way guarantee that you can connect to IRC or use specific channels/networks. No one can guarantee such a thing.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Yeah relax and spam them here http://www.daytraders.org/contact.asp
You have paid THEM for there service not mIRC, the rest is already said

ps: or try there forum wink

Last edited by ots654685; 05/12/07 02:49 PM.
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,032
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,032

Good addition, they offer some insight into the channel management. They also have a detailed channel rules/guidelines page that SkippyPB should read and see if he may have violated one of their channel rules.

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