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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Jun 2006
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Like this perhaps...
on *:TEXT:-*:#: {
if (%icybot == off) { msg $chan Sorry, IcyBot is disabled. }
elseif (%banners == off) { msg $chan Sorry, banners are disabled. }
else {
if ($1 == -mpot) { msg $chan 11,0"¼0,11¼»12,11"¼11,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»10,10%%%%%%0 Master Mpot 10,10%%%%%%2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»11,12"¼12,11¼»0,11"¼11,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -colors) { msg $chan 0,1 1 0,2 2 0,3 3 0,4 4 0,5 5 0,6 6 0,7 7 0,8 8 0,9 9 0,10 10 0,11 11 0,12 12 0,13 13 0,14 14 0,15 15 }
elseif ($1 == -duncan) { msg $chan 9,0"¼0,9¼»10,9"¼9,10¼»2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»3,2"¼2,3¼»3,3%%%%%%8 Duncan007 3,3%%%%%%2,3"¼3,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»9,10"¼10,9¼»0,9"¼9,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -ichban) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»10,4"¼4,10¼»2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»1,1%%%%%%0 IchbanRyushi 1,1%%%%%%2,1"¼1,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»4,10"¼10,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -kuros) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»6,4"¼4,6¼»13,6"¼6,13¼»13,13"¼13,13¼»11,13"¼13,11¼»11,11%%%%%%0 Kuros 11,11%%%%%%13,11"¼11,13¼»13,13"¼13,13¼»6,13"¼13,6¼»4,6"¼6,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -ekal) { msg $chan 11,0"¼0,11¼»12,11"¼11,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»10,10%%%%%%0 Ekal 10,10%%%%%%2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»11,12"¼12,11¼»0,11"¼11,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -lunaki) { msg $chan 13,0"¼0,13¼»1,13"¼13,1¼»2,1"¼1,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»6,2"¼2,6¼»6,6%%%%%%0 Lunaki 6,6%%%%%%2,6"¼6,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»13,1"¼1,13¼»0,13"¼13,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -marajah) { msg $chan 3,0"¼0,3¼»1,3"¼3,1¼»5,1"¼1,5¼»5,5"¼5,5¼»2,5"¼5,2¼»2,2%%%%%%15 Marajah 2,2%%%%%%5,2"¼2,5¼»5,5"¼5,5¼»1,5"¼5,1¼»3,1"¼1,3¼»0,3"¼3,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -kuro) { msg $chan 6,0"¼0,6¼»2,6"¼6,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»12,12"¼12,12¼»1,12"¼12,1¼»1,1------13Kuro-Sakura1,1-----12,1"¼1,12¼»12,12"¼12,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»6,2"¼2,6¼»0,6"¼6,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -peth) { msg $chan 14,0"¼0,14¼»15,14"¼14,15¼»1,15"¼15,1¼»1,1"¼1,1¼»7,1"¼1,7¼»7,7------0Penguin7,7-----1,7"¼7,1¼»1,1"¼1,1¼»15,1"¼1,15¼»14,15"¼15,14¼»0,14"¼14,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -vrixis) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»4,5"¼5,4¼»4,4"¼4,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»5,5------4Vrixis5,5-----4,5"¼5,4¼»4,4"¼4,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»4,5"¼5,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -austin) { msg $chan 1,0"¼0,1¼»6,1"¼1,6¼»15,6"¼6,15¼»15,15"¼15,15¼»14,15"¼15,14¼»14,14------8Austindel The Horrendous14,14-----15,14"¼14,15¼»15,15"¼15,15¼»6,15"¼15,6¼»1,6"¼6,1¼»0,1"¼1,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -iron) { msg $chan 1,0"¼0,1¼»2,1"¼1,2¼»14,2"¼2,14¼»14,14"¼14,14¼»4,14"¼14,4¼»4,4------8Ironguard The Fierce4,4-----14,4"¼4,14¼»14,14"¼14,14¼»2,14"¼14,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»0,1"¼1,0¼» }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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on *:TEXT:-*:#: {
if (%icybot == off) { msg $chan Sorry, IcyBot is disabled. }
elseif (%banners == off) { msg $chan Sorry, banners are disabled. } elseif ($1 == -mpot) { msg $chan 11,0"¼0,11¼»12,11"¼11,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»10,10%%%%%%0 Master Mpot 10,10%%%%%%2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»11,12"¼12,11¼»0,11"¼11,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -colors) { msg $chan 0,1 1 0,2 2 0,3 3 0,4 4 0,5 5 0,6 6 0,7 7 0,8 8 0,9 9 0,10 10 0,11 11 0,12 12 0,13 13 0,14 14 0,15 15 }
elseif ($1 == -duncan) { msg $chan 9,0"¼0,9¼»10,9"¼9,10¼»2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»3,2"¼2,3¼»3,3%%%%%%8 Duncan007 3,3%%%%%%2,3"¼3,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»9,10"¼10,9¼»0,9"¼9,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -ichban) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»10,4"¼4,10¼»2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»1,1%%%%%%0 IchbanRyushi 1,1%%%%%%2,1"¼1,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»4,10"¼10,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -kuros) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»6,4"¼4,6¼»13,6"¼6,13¼»13,13"¼13,13¼»11,13"¼13,11¼»11,11%%%%%%0 Kuros 11,11%%%%%%13,11"¼11,13¼»13,13"¼13,13¼»6,13"¼13,6¼»4,6"¼6,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -ekal) { msg $chan 11,0"¼0,11¼»12,11"¼11,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»10,2"¼2,10¼»10,10%%%%%%0 Ekal 10,10%%%%%%2,10"¼10,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»11,12"¼12,11¼»0,11"¼11,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -lunaki) { msg $chan 13,0"¼0,13¼»1,13"¼13,1¼»2,1"¼1,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»6,2"¼2,6¼»6,6%%%%%%0 Lunaki 6,6%%%%%%2,6"¼6,2¼»2,2"¼2,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»13,1"¼1,13¼»0,13"¼13,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -marajah) { msg $chan 3,0"¼0,3¼»1,3"¼3,1¼»5,1"¼1,5¼»5,5"¼5,5¼»2,5"¼5,2¼»2,2%%%%%%15 Marajah 2,2%%%%%%5,2"¼2,5¼»5,5"¼5,5¼»1,5"¼5,1¼»3,1"¼1,3¼»0,3"¼3,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -kuro) { msg $chan 6,0"¼0,6¼»2,6"¼6,2¼»12,2"¼2,12¼»12,12"¼12,12¼»1,12"¼12,1¼»1,1------13Kuro-Sakura1,1-----12,1"¼1,12¼»12,12"¼12,12¼»2,12"¼12,2¼»6,2"¼2,6¼»0,6"¼6,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -peth) { msg $chan 14,0"¼0,14¼»15,14"¼14,15¼»1,15"¼15,1¼»1,1"¼1,1¼»7,1"¼1,7¼»7,7------0Penguin7,7-----1,7"¼7,1¼»1,1"¼1,1¼»15,1"¼1,15¼»14,15"¼15,14¼»0,14"¼14,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -vrixis) { msg $chan 4,0"¼0,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»4,5"¼5,4¼»4,4"¼4,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»5,5------4Vrixis5,5-----4,5"¼5,4¼»4,4"¼4,4¼»5,4"¼4,5¼»4,5"¼5,4¼»0,4"¼4,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -austin) { msg $chan 1,0"¼0,1¼»6,1"¼1,6¼»15,6"¼6,15¼»15,15"¼15,15¼»14,15"¼15,14¼»14,14------8Austindel The Horrendous14,14-----15,14"¼14,15¼»15,15"¼15,15¼»6,15"¼15,6¼»1,6"¼6,1¼»0,1"¼1,0¼» }
elseif ($1 == -iron) { msg $chan 1,0"¼0,1¼»2,1"¼1,2¼»14,2"¼2,14¼»14,14"¼14,14¼»4,14"¼14,4¼»4,4------8Ironguard The Fierce4,4-----14,4"¼4,14¼»14,14"¼14,14¼»2,14"¼14,2¼»1,2"¼2,1¼»0,1"¼1,0¼» }
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I'll try that, Deegee. Furthermore, I just wrote this up with the if $ == b, so people can make the bars bold if they want. !colorbar4 is working fine, !colorbar5 isn't. I coping this right out of the scripts editor, I can't figure out why !colorbar5 isn't spacing in front of the IF's. Yes, I know, less halt more return, and more else, but It's a work in progress. on *:text:!colorbar_how:#:/notice $nick To make a colorbar with five colors, you can type !colorbar5 color1 color2 color3 color4 color5 nickcolor nick. To make one with four colors, you may type !colorbar4 color1 color2 color3 color4 nickcolor nick. To access the list of colors, type -colors. You can put more than one word in the name. A title is optional. After you have picked a colobrar, contact Mpot and send it to him. He will add it to my database for easy call up, and join notice.
on *:text:!colorbar4 *:#:{
if (%icybot == off) { msg $chan Sorry, IcyBot has been disabled. | halt }
if (%bannermaker == off) { msg $chan Sorry, banner making has been disabled. | halt }
if ($$7 == b) { msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$5,$chr(44),$5,------,$6,,$8-,,,$5,$chr(44),$5,-----,,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼») | halt }
msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$5,$chr(44),$5,------,$6,$7-,,$5,$chr(44),$5,-----,,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼») | halt }
on *:text:!colorbar5 *:#:{
if (%icybot == off) { msg $chan Sorry, IcyBot has been disabled. | halt }
if (%bannermaker == off) { msg $chan Sorry, banner making has been disabled. | halt }
if ($8 == b) { msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$5,$chr(44),$5,------,$6,,$9-,,,$5,$chr(44),$5,-----,,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$4,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼») | halt }
msg $chan $+(,$2,$chr(44),0"¼0,$chr(44),$2¼»,$3,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),$3¼»,$4,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$4¼»,$5,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$5¼»,$6,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$6¼»,$6,$chr(44),$6,-------,$7,$8-,,$6,$chr(44),$6,-------,,$5,$chr(44),$6"¼,$6,$chr(44),$5¼»,$4,$chr(44),$5"¼,$5,$chr(44),$4¼»,$3,$chr(44),$4"¼,$4,$chr(44),$3¼»,$2,$chr(44),$3"¼,$3,$chr(44),$2,¼»0,$chr(44),$2"¼,$2,$chr(44),0¼»)
Last edited by Mpot; 28/09/07 10:26 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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What is the $chr for a space?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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You are a life-saver. I couldn't seem to get it with $asc.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Why is unload C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\Callup_Banners.mrc
not working?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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So, the -rs switch is required?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes : /unload <-a|-nrs> <filename>
In the help file, arguments that are between < > are required
Last edited by Wims; 29/09/07 09:10 PM.
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This is not working. It works all the way to the message, and then messages the $nick, but the $read isn't working, so the bot messages the nick with one word, the nickname of the person who insulted them, and it messes up. This should be working. I have another script, in the same exact directory, with a $read of a file in that directory, and it works fine. >.> EDIT: I changed it to read the file that the other script does, and it worked. Which leads me to believe that insult.txt is buggered. But the problem is, I tried several other .txt's, didn't work... on *:TEXT:!insult*:#:{
if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan Specify someone to insult. }
msg $$2 $nick $read(insult.txt) | closemsg $$2 | msg $chan $$2 has been insulted.
on *:TEXT:!insult*:?:{
if ($2 == $null) { msg $nick Specify someone to insult. }
msg $$2 $nick $read(insult.txt) | closemsg $$2 | msg $nick $$2 has been insulted.
And, insult.txt:
Last edited by Mpot; 29/09/07 09:53 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Type //echo -a $isfile(insult.txt) in any window to see if the file exists.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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It's coming back $false. But that makes no sense. Because I'm looking at the file right now. Saved. It's there.
EDIT: I changed it to $read(C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\insult.txt) and it worked fine. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. o-0
Last edited by Mpot; 29/09/07 10:01 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I can't figure out why !colorbar5 isn't spacing in front of the IF's.
The colorbar4 script has a closing brace in the line with no /if, but there is no opening brace...
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I can't figure out why !colorbar5 isn't spacing in front of the IF's.
The colorbar4 script has a closing brace in the line with no /if, but there is no opening brace... That would indeed explain it.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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It's coming back $false. But that makes no sense. Because I'm looking at the file right now. Saved. It's there.
EDIT: I changed it to $read(C:\IcyBot2\Scripts\insult.txt) and it worked fine. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. o-0 try typing this //echo -ag $nofile($mircexe) | echo -ag $mircdir $mircdir is where mirc.ini is located, not mirc.exe This is where mirc will look for files with no paths, or relative paths. You can set mirc to use the dir where mirc.exe is (or another dir) with the -r commandline switch /help command line