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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I have these notice flooders using random identh like this: Any script to ban those?
[07:16] * Parts: shake`it (~f3o015oo@ [07:16] * Parts: Denying` (~kxx7199kk@ [07:16] * Parts: HiGh-TiLL-I-DiE3754 (~b228@ [07:16] * Parts: s[e]x (~n193h6388@ [07:16] * Parts: ViolinistUSA7328 (~b94947m@ [07:16] * Parts: dreamrose2375 (~sw9515918@ [07:16] * Parts: Telecom^Engineer1133 (~vl33l2@
Last edited by Garou; 21/09/07 01:46 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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In this particular instance, you could ban the host (*!*@, or all non-idented users (*!~*@*).
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Yes I did ban that ip but they come back with diff ip but always with those same kind of identh. Is it possible to ban random identh or identh with numbers in it on join?
Last edited by Garou; 21/09/07 02:41 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Can my random nick kick be edited to kick bad identh? on @*:JOIN:#:{
if (($israndom($nick)) && (%consonant == on)) { ban -ku600 # $nick 2 14Random Nick Detected }
alias -l israndom {
var %nr = 1, %count
while ($mid($1,%nr,1)) {
if ($v1 isletter bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz) {
inc %count
if (%count >= 5) { return $true }
else { var %count = 0 }
inc %nr
return $false
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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There may be a better way to do this, but you could set your script in an on JOIN event to count the number of numbers in the ident and if it has 3+ numbers in a row, ban the person. It may catch legitimate people as well, but it's hard to avoid since there doesn't seem to be a lot in common with those. I'm guessing regex is the best way to do that.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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ok Riamus2 thx, hope someone have time code it thx.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Regex is indeed the best way to do that. However, I'd need a lot more addresses to text it out on. With the limited number from above, I'm very hesitant that I'd be able to ban 100% of the bots like that. Instead, I'd suggest a clone checker for the channel.
on @*:JOIN:#: {
var %clonemask = $address($nick,2)
if $ialchan(%clonemask,$chan,0) > 2 {
mode $chan +b %clonemask
var %i = 1
while $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick != $null {
if $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick ison $chan { kick $chan $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick }
inc %i
If someone comes on and then that person has two clones come on, it'll trigger the script to ban all the clones from that ISP. If you give me more data (as much as you have, preferably) I can write a tighter Regex and ban them that way instead.
Last edited by Thrull; 21/09/07 09:29 AM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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We have lost of cafe users on our channel will that not ban them also? cause some cafe we can get up to 8 clones.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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How many of those flooders join in lets say 3 seconds?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah, as noMen said, you can ban based of how many join at once... the danger of that being netsplits. I'd still recommend a regex method. Just give Thrull as many idents as you have so he has something to work with.
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Fjord artisan
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6 to 8 join at the same time.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Here's a suggestion. I combined it with Thrull's clonekicker.
on !@*:JOIN:#:{
if ($regex($gettok($address($nick, 0), 1, 64), /[0-9]/g) >= 3) && ($isflood(joinfl. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ [ $wildsite ] ], 6, 3, 1)) {
ban -ku600 # $nick 2 14Random Nick Detected
kickclones $address($nick, 2)
alias isflood {
if (!$3) return
var %v = $chr(37) $+ isflood. $+ $1
if !$(%v,2) {
set $(-u $+ $3,2) $(%v,1) 1
else {
inc $(%v,1)
if $(%v,2) >= $2 {
if ($4) {
unset $(%v,1)
return $true
return $false
alias kickclones {
var %clonemask = $1
if $ialchan(%clonemask,$chan,0) > 2 {
mode $chan +b %clonemask
var %i = 1
while $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick != $null {
if $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick ison $chan { kick $chan $ial(%clonemask,%i).nick }
inc %i
This code does the following - it counts the number of ciphers in the identity of the joiner's address ($regex) - it also counts the number of joins with the same wildsite in a partical channel ($isflood) - if there are 3 or more ciphers in the address and there are 6 or more of such joins within 3 seconds, it will kick/ban the joiner plus its clones that already had joined I couldn't test this completely of course, but I tested the $regex and the $isflood separately. Ehm ... Thrull is responsible for the clone kick  but it looks perfect to me. Btw, Thrull, Riamus, does mIRC known some kind of identifier to retrive the identity without having to use $gettok? I couldn't find one in the help ... O, Garou, you can change the 6 and the 3 in $isflood, but leave the 1 as a third parameter!
Last edited by noMen; 21/09/07 03:54 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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that should work great, cool thx guys.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Btw, Thrull, Riamus, does mIRC known some kind of identifier to retrive the identity without having to use $gettok? I couldn't find one in the help ... Sadly no. Or if it does, it isn't documented that I know of.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Btw, Thrull, Riamus, does mIRC known some kind of identifier to retrive the identity without having to use $gettok? I couldn't find one in the help ... $ial($nick).user
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well, yes and no. $ial($nick).user looks at your entire IAL. It doesn't look at a specific channel, which is problematic. This can be scripted around (as I did in my code above), but it is a bit annoying to have to do it that way.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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It's no problem. There can only be one user with a particular nick online at any one time. Provided <NICK> (and you of course) is on #CHAN, $ial(<NICK>) will always be the same as $ialchan(<NICK>!*@*,#CHAN,1)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Ah, yes indeed, you are correct. My apologies. I was answering a question that wasn't asked. 
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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How about using Regex when they join with nicks like this exemple here?
M_2728816 c_8576494 h_3018346 k_5134810 y_9942033
and `M_2728816 `c_8576494
Last edited by Garou; 22/09/07 06:58 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't know regex very well other than to be able to figure out what smaller ones do by looking at them, but here's a non-regex solution for that one.
if ($right($nick,7) isnum && $mid($nick,-8,1) == _) { ban here }
EDIT: Well, here's a possible regex solution. I've never made a working regex before, but this seems to work. I'm sure it can be improved, and I'm hoping someone can do so so that I can learn it better. 
That will match nicks that have any number of a-z, A-Z, and ` characters followed by a _ and then 6 numbers. EDIT: I counted the number of numbers wrong. Both examples are changed. EDIT2: Fixed the regex thanks to help from qwerty-.
Last edited by Riamus2; 22/09/07 05:15 PM.
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