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#186223 19/09/07 02:50 PM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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I've never liked scripts, too much crap in them and not alot of functionality from my past experiences, but I was thinking of trying one now, can someone name a few good ones that aren't all about colourful pop ups... those do my head in.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The best script is the one you write yourself. All the others suck, regardless of what people will tell you here. They're all bloated with unnecessary crap and probably most of them don't work as they should anyway. Write your own.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Rock is correct. I haven't used a script for a few years now. Ever since I _sort_ or learned how to script I've been using my own stuff. Sometimes it's easier to learn to script from using scripts of others to see how things work. But you'll find on mircscripts.org there's quite a few scripts on there that are used by many.

I've seen the script "NNScript" mentioned alot on these boards but I've never used it. Another would be Invision but the best person to ask about the full benifits to using that script is probably Riamus2.

But undoubtedly the best script is your own, whether it's coded badly or not.

RoCk #186227 19/09/07 03:41 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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That's really not true at all. Saying all scripts suck unless you write it yourself is like saying all applications suck unless you write them yourself. And yet here you are using a web browser you didn't write on the forums for an IRC client you didn't write that runs on an operating system you didn't write. I'm guessing you don't think they all suck, and even if you do, there's a reason you haven't written your own: because as bad as they might be anything you write yourself would probably be worse. The same is true for most people and scripting. While there are no doubt a lot of duds out there, I'm sure there are some decent scripts that are simply beyond what most people could write for themselves.

Unfortunately I don't know what those scripts are so I can't help the OP, but saying there aren't any good ones is just plain wrong.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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While I'm sure there are good scripts available, if you're finding it difficult to find one you like you might want to consider using individual addons instead. A lot of people seem to think their options are limited to vanilla mIRC or using a full script, while addons are overlooked.

The truth is that no matter how good a full script is there's probably several things it does that you won't need and several things you need that it won't do. Instead of settling for the closest match to your tastes you might find it more useful to think about exactly what things you want that mIRC doesn't do and then find separate addons for each task. It might not be all tied together as nicely as a whole script but often the focus on a single task leads to addons being better quality than their full script counterparts.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Maybe I was a bit harsh when stating my opinion of most all-around scripts, but I didn't mean they suck only because I did not write them, in fact they're probably better for me not writing them, but most of them do suck because they all seem to be wanting to impress people with their scripting abilities and tend to cram as much unnecessary functionality into the script as they can. I'm a musician and I would much rather not work with other musicians that do absolutely everything they know how to do on every song, we call that over-playing, and they do it really for no other reason than the fact they they can and they want everyone to know what they can do, so you end up with a song all garbaged up with over-playing instead of a good solid song.

Over scripting can be the same way with themes and colors and things that don't necessarily need to be there but only to make it a bit prettier. Coupled with bloating cosmetics, the scripts also end up with over functionality meaning that by trying to do too many things, the script now doesn't really do any one thing very well, but it does a lot of it. Most users, when they download one of these scripts, will probably only use a small percentage of the functionality of that script. Also they may load the script and look around and decide it's too complicated and bloated and decide to not use it at all. As far as using other people's scripts, I do use a couple of add-ons and I'm pretty happy with their funcionality, stability and performance.

Applications to me are no different, I've argued more times than I care to recall against unnecessary functions and cosmetics being added to mIRC. Emoticons (smilies?), buddy list, more colors, avatars, voice/video support are some of the things I've argued heavily against here in the past and always will, because mIRC is one of the few applications that I like whose author has refrained from over functionality and over bloating and I really appreciate that. I tend to stick to applications that do only one or two things, but do those things very well.

~ Edit ~

My apologies for the long winded reply.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, there is truth in everything people have said here. And yet it all comes down to your own preferences. What do you want or need in a script? What don't you want? Would you prefer to have a single script that does the things you want but also does more than what you want or many individual scripts that only do what you want? Everyone answers questions like those differently. And even if a LOT of people like a script, it doesn't mean that you will. The best thing you can do is to decide what you want and then look around for options and decide what you like rather than what others like.

Some scripts can be complicated, or at least appear so, just by being "full" scripts that include a lot of features. Invision is one like that. There are a lot of people who don't like it for that reason. It has so many options that a lot of people aren't willing to try and learn it even though it really isn't difficult and we offer tutorials to do so. Other people love scripts like this because it has everything they could want in a single script rather than having to get a lot of scripts and hope they don't conflict.

If you do take the route of a full script, you should find one that is actively being updated. That way you know it will continue to work in new versions of mIRC and you can suggest features and/or changes and maybe get them added to the script. If you choose one that isn't very active, even if it's a good script, it will eventually let you down unless you can edit it yourself.

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Hoopy frood
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People that creating there script and relesing it on the net, they look on what they want in a script, as for me, im a gamer and i play one game allot, this means that i put in functions for the game i play in my script, so a script that are relesed on the web are made for it's creator then he/she let others download it, you can look at http://www.mircscripts.org/ , there you can see what script got downloaded the most times, and then try find one you like that way, if many people using it, then it can't be that bad wink

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Vogon poet
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Originally Posted By: starbucks_mafia
That's really not true at all. Saying all scripts suck unless you write it yourself is like saying all applications suck unless you write them yourself. And yet here you are using a web browser you didn't write on the forums for an IRC client you didn't write that runs on an operating system you didn't write.

actualy it is true

user (atleast the one who knows) always modifies programs and OS
he/she/it uses.

mirc script:
me example, i downloaded 1 script 6 years ago and i liked it
but it wasnt 100% as i wanted it to be so it sucked and got annoyed, therefore i modified it for personal usage - no distribution (but since it was abandoned who cares aynway...)
and now i use it modified to MY taste.

i use opera, Opera as default when downloaded and installed
is ugly and bloated with features, i customised it to fit my own needs (removed all useless things to me) and saved config
so i can always have it as it IS made for ME.

using winxp, as default when installed it is ugly piece of Sh1t.
so i also modified it to fit my needs and my taste of look.

you can download good featured script
but when it doesnt 100% fit to user (if it has too much or too little features or is ugly), it becomes repulsive.

Last edited by WideOpenSpace; 20/09/07 01:44 PM.

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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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lol oook, back to scripts! I had galaxy a while back, and liked it (maybe thats because I was new to the whole thing) It may not be what I am looking for now, but does anyone know where I can download it? and if anyone has used it, what did.do you think of it?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Here are the authors details:

OmegaIRC: #GalaxyProject
irc.omegairc.org: #GalaxyProject, #SpaceCat
Nicknames: SpaceCat, surfa, surfer
Script Used: Galaxy by SpaceCat

Not sure if the channel exists or not.

Also, I found an e-mail address: galaxymircscript@yahoo.co.uk

Again, I'm not sure if they are still checking those e-mails.

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