I have well over 70 bad words nicks for multiple channels, some require wild cards
Simplest way to keep track of these nicks is the User List, with a specific level of your choice.
(I prefer numbered levels.) User List can contain any wildcarded mask, or even just nick.
/help levels
study event prefixes on that page too
can I combine notice, text, action and cctp all in one script?
events have to be scripted separately, but if the commands are the same for each,
you can put the commands in an alias and just call the alias in each event.
I would prefer something easier to add and subtract words in a jiffy.
Easier than what?
menu channel {
.Add badword: set %badwords $addtok(%badwords,$?="Word to Add",44)
.Remove badword: set %badwords $remtok(%badwords,$?="Word to Remove",1,44)
re flooding on re-connect...
I doubt whether the channel windows are open or not has anything to do with it.
How are you joining the channels on your original connect?