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Babel fish
Babel fish
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I seem to be stumped on how to create and manange multiple sockets for my MUD client script. I really want to be able to play more than one MUD at a time with it. Basically what I need is a method to create, read and write for each socket I create and general management like loss of connection on one of them. Any help in this would be apprechiated Anyway here is the link to the script hereThanks
GigIRC Network Admin irc.gigirc.com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use the sockopen command to open a socket using the address variable as the socket name rather than a fixed socket name. This will let you open a socket based on the address chosen from your dialog. You're still limited to one connection to each MUD address, but I think that's what you're wanting. If not, then include in the socket name a number that increments with each new connection to the given MUD.
EDIT: Also, when you create your MUDClient window, name the window based on the address. You can then use the window name to know which socket to access for your sockwrite/sockread commands.
Last edited by Riamus2; 23/06/07 07:14 PM.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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That is exactly what I want, don't want to create something you could use to cheat in MUD'S Could you maybe create a example script demostrating how that can be done? It doesn't have to run or anything, just want to see how it would look in code. Thanks
GigIRC Network Admin irc.gigirc.com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I'm not at home, but here's something quick that may get you started. I'm only showing part of your script to get you started. If you need more after I'm home, I'll do more.
on *:dialog:MUDclient:sclick:4: {
%mud.MUDclient.addy = $did(1).text
%mud.MUDclient.port = $did(3).text
%mud.MUDclient.info $1-
sockopen MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text $did(1).text $did(3).text
window -HexSl12k[9] +bestxn @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Fixedsys 9
var %i = $lines($scriptdir\MUDclienttab.cfg)
var %b = 1
while %b < %i {
%gimme = $read($scriptdir\MUDclienttab.cfg,%b)
iline -ln @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text %b %gimme
inc %b
echo 7 -m @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Connecting to $did(1).text on port $did(3).text
if ($sock(MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text).status == active) { echo 7 -m @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Already Connected }
on *:input:@: {
if (@MUDclient* iswm $active) {
var %MUDclient = $remove($active,@)
if ($left($1-,1) == /) { if $1 == /s { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient /s | halt }
if $1 == /h { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient /h | halt }
if $1 == /r { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient $cr | halt }
if $1 == /lock { if (!%saymode && $2) { echo 7 -m @ $+ %MUDclient CommandLock ON | %saymode = $2 | halt }
on *:sockread:*: {
if (MUDclient* !iswm $dname) { return }
var %MUDclient = $dname
if ($sockerr > 0) { echo 4 -m @ $+ %MUDclient Connection to $remove(%MUDclient,MUDclient-) Lost | return }
Note in the last line that I changed it so that it isn't using the address variable. That is because your address variable will change if you connect to more MUDs. By setting the variable based on the socket or @window, it will not matter how many MUDs are open.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Are you sure $dname return dialog name in on sockread event ? $dname only return dialog name in a on dialog event.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Thanks, but I think I can managed, and the current one doesn't seem to give too much trouble. Only thing I noticed was that you used $dname instead of $sockname in your example, but I worked it out. Here is the full script if you want to check for errors:
menu status,channel {
.Connect:dialog -ma MUDclient MUDclient
.Autologin:dialog -m Autologin Autologin
menu @MUDclient* {
Connect:dialog -m MUDclient MUDclient
Autologin:dialog -m Autologin Autologin
Clear Buffer:clear @MUDclient
dialog MUDclient {
title "MUDclient"
size -1 -1 200 135
edit "mud.wormhole.se", 1, 5 25 190 20, autohs
text "Port:", 2, 6 47 50 20
edit "4000", 3, 5 65 190 20, autohs
button "Connect", 4, 5 95 60 30, ok
button "Cancel", 5, 135 95 60 30, cancel
box "Remote Host:", 6, 0 1 200 135
dialog Autologin {
title "Autologin"
size -1 -1 200 135
edit %mud.name, 1, 5 25 190 20, autohs
text "Password:", 2, 6 47 50 20
edit %mud.password, 3, 5 65 190 20, autohs
button "OK", 4, 5 95 60 30, ok
button "Cancel", 5, 135 95 60 30, cancel
box "Name:", 6, 0 1 200 135
on *:dialog:Autologin:sclick:4: {
%mud.name = $did(1).text
%mud.password = $did(3).text
on *:dialog:MUDclient:sclick:4: {
%mud.MUDclient.addy = $did(1).text
%mud.MUDclient.port = $did(3).text
%mud.MUDclient.info $1-
sockopen MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text $did(1).text $did(3).text
window -HexSl12k[9] +bestxn @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Fixedsys 9
var %i = $lines($scriptdir\MUDclienttab.cfg)
var %b = 1
while %b < %i {
%gimme = $read($scriptdir\MUDclienttab.cfg,%b)
iline -ln @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text %b %gimme
inc %b
echo 7 -m @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Connecting to $did(1).text on port $did(3).text
if ($sock(MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text).status == active) { echo 7 -m @MUDclient- $+ $did(1).text Already Connected }
;Opening Routine
on *:sockopen:MUDclient*: {
if ($color(background) == 0 || $color(background) == 15) {
%colour = 1
%mud.bn = 99,01
%mud.bn2 = 01,00
%mud.br = 99,04
%mud.br2 = 00,04
%mud.bg = 99,03
%mud.bg2 = 00,03
%mud.by = 99,08
%mud.by2 = 00,07
%mud.bb = 99,02
%mud.bb2 = 00,02
%mud.bm = 99,13
%mud.bm2 = 00,06
%mud.bc = 99,10
%mud.bc2 = 00,12
%mud.bw = 99,15
%mud.bw2 = 00,01
else {
%colour = 15
%mud.bn = 99,01
%mud.bn2 = 15,01
%mud.bw = 99,15
%mud.bw2 = 01,15
if ($sockerr > 0) { echo 4 -m @MUDclient- $+ %mud.MUDclient.addy Cannot Connect to %mud.MUDclient.addy | return }
else { echo 7 -m @MUDclient- $+ %mud.MUDclient.addy Connection Opened to %mud.MUDclient.addy
if ((%mud.name != $null) && (mud.password != $null)) { sockwrite -nt @MUDclient- $+ %mud.MUDclient.addy %mud.name
sockwrite -nt @MUDclient- $+ %mud.MUDclient.addy %mud.password
;Input Processing
on *:input:@: {
if (@MUDclient* iswm $active) {
var %MUDclient = $remove($active,@)
var %MUDclient2 = $active
if ($left($1-,1) == /) { if $1 == /s { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient /s | halt }
if $1 == /h { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient /h | halt }
if $1 == /r { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient $cr | halt }
if $1 == /lock { if (!%saymode && $2) { echo 7 -m %MUDclient2 CommandLock ON | %saymode = $2 | halt }
else { echo 7 -m %MUDclient2 CommandLock OFF | unset %saymode | halt }
if $1 == /fw { var %mud_cnt = 1,%mud_total = $len($1)
while (%mud_cnt <= %mud_total) {
if ($mid($1,%mud_cnt,1) isnum) {
var %mud_number = $iif(%mud_number,%mud_number $+ $mid($1,%mud_cnt,1),$mid($1,%mud_cnt,1))
else var %mud_direction = $mid($1,%mud_cnt,1)
inc %mud_cnt
if (%mud_direction) {
if (!%mud_number) { var %mud_number = 1 }
while (%mud_number) {
sockwrite -nt %MUDclient %mud_direction
dec %mud_number
unset %mud_number %mud_direction
else { return }
if ($1 == greet || $1 == tell || $1 == whisper || $1 == follow) { if ($2) { aline -ln $2 } }
if ($sock(%MUDclient).status == $null) { echo 4 -m %MUDclient2 Not Connected | halt }
else { if (%saymode) { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient %saymode $1- }
else { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient $1- }
if (%mud.name != $null) { echo %colour -mi1 %MUDclient2 4[ $+ %mud.name $+ 4] $1- }
else { echo %colour -mi1 %MUDclient2 4[ $+ $nick $+ 4] $1- }
;Reading, Processing and Outputting Routines
on *:sockread:*: {
if (MUDclient* !iswm $sockname) { return }
var %MUDclient = $sockname
var %MUDclient2 = @ $+ %MUDclient
if ($sockerr > 0) { echo 4 -m %MUDclient2 Connection to $remove(%MUDclient,MUDclient-) Lost | return }
else {
sockread -nf %mud.info
if ($sockbr == 0) { return }
if (!%mud.info) { %mud.info = $chr(160) }
if (ÿý isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,ÿý) }
if (ÿü isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,ÿü) }
if (ÿû isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,ÿû) }
if ([H isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[H) }
if ([J isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[J) }
if ( isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,) }
if ([20;1f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[20;1f) }
if ([21;1f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[21;1f) }
if ([22;71f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[22;71f) }
if ([22;58f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[22;58f) }
if ([22;1f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[22;1f) }
if ([23;1f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[23;1f) }
if ([23;63f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[23;63f) }
if ([24;1f isin %mud.info) { %mud.info = $remove(%mud.info,[24;1f) }
%mud.info2 = $ansi2mirc(%mud.info)
if (%space == $chr(160) && !%mud.info2) { unset %space | goto nextread }
if (!%mud.info2) { %mud.info2 = $chr(160) }
if (%colour = 1) { %mud.info2 = $replace(%mud.info2,08,07,13,06,15,14,09,03,11,12,00,01)
%mud.info2 = $replace(%mud.info2,%mud.bn,%mud.bn2,%mud.br,%mud.br2,%mud.bg,%mud.bg2,%mud.by,%mud.by2,%mud.bb,%mud.bb2,%mud.bm,%mud.bm2,%mud.bc,%mud.bc2,%mud.bw,%mud.bw2)
if (%colour = 15) { %mud.info2 = $replace(%mud.info2,%mud.bn,%mud.bn2,%mud.bw,%mud.bw2,02,12) }
%friend = $strip(%mud.info2)
if (says isincs %friend || states isincs %friend || asks isincs %friend || chats isincs %friend || questions isincs %friend || whispers isincs %friend || tells isincs %friend || grats isincs %friend || walks isincs %friend) {
%friend = $gettok(%friend,1,32)
if (%friend != some && %friend isalnum && $len(%friend) > 3) { aline -ln %MUDclient2 %friend }
unset %friend
if (%mud.info2 != $chr(160)) { %mud.info2 = $chr(160) $+ %mud.info2 }
$dll($scriptdirspaces.dll, echo, %colour -mi1 %MUDclient2 %mud.info2)
%space = %mud.info2
unset %mud.info %mud.info2
goto nextread
;Closing Routines
on *:sockclose:MUDclient*: {
if (@MUDclient* iswm $active) {
var %MUDclient = $active
echo 4 -m %MUDclient Connection to $remove(%MUDclient,@MUDclient-) Closed.
alias closemud {
if (@MUDclient* iswm $active) {
var %MUDclient = $remove($active,@)
var %MUDclient2 = $active
if ($sock(%MUDclient).status == $null) { halt }
sockwrite -nt %MUDclient quit
sockclose %MUDclient | echo 4 -m %MUDclient2 Connection to $remove(%MUDclient,MUDclient-) Closed.
on *:CLOSE:@MUDclient*: {
if (@MUDclient* iswm $active) {
var %MUDclient = $remove($active,@)
if ($sock(%MUDclient).status != $null) { sockwrite -nt %MUDclient quit | sockclose %MUDclient }
GigIRC Network Admin irc.gigirc.com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry about $dname. I was trying to hurry and got mixed up after looking at the dialog section. That looks right from a quick scan of it. If you find something not working, post what it is and I'll look closer.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Seems to be working fine, haven't found any thing majorly going wrong with it a few error messages and a extra space issue I worked out already. That's about what I can see with a quick test with it on 3 servers. Will let you know if a error pops up a can't handle Thanks for the help, Riamus2
GigIRC Network Admin irc.gigirc.com
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No problem.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net