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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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is there a script that checks if someone that joins your channal is in a member list. And if it's not, it kicks him?
(yep bad english i'm dutch)
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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on *:join:#chan: { if (!$istok(%allowed,$nick,32)) && ($me isop $chan) { ban -k $nick You are Not allowed on this channel } }
alias allow {
if (!$istok(%allowed,$$1,32)) { set %allowed $addtok(%allowed,$$1,32) | echo -a $$1 added to your allow list }
else { echo -a Error $$1 is already on your allow list }
Add those, and everytime you want to allow someone you type /allow someonesnickhere I've made a delete one, too, but alterativly you can open up the variables tab and delete their nick
alias delete {
if ($istok(%allowed,$$1,32)) {
set %allowed $remtok(%allowed,$$1,32) | echo -a $$1 deleted from your allow list
else { echo -a Error $$1 is not on your allow list
Last edited by s0urce; 20/05/07 02:43 PM.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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And is there anyway it checks a web page or something if it contains the name that someone uses?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Ummm.. No. My script doesn't... But if you want to use a lot of names you could make it read a text file or something.
on *:join:#: { noop $read(c:\users\myname\filename.txt,s,$nick) if ($readn == 0) { ban -k $nick You are Not allowed here } } But you'd have to copy their nicks to a text file, and the it would have to look something like this
nick1 nick2 nick3.. etc... I think using hashs would be better.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This could be done using sockets, however, we would need the exact address of the website before we could go much, if any, further with this.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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For something like this, where the information is stored, and then accessed infrequently, using a text file is actually better than a hash table, as it will save on memory requirements, and, on average, the extra time required to read the text file, versus having to check a hash table, just to see if the entry exists (or not) is miniscule.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Ok i will try if i can install the script, i am a noob in this kind of things ^^
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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sry for the doublepost:
it doesn't work, must there be an exect location you place it or is anywhere in the remote just fine?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Putting the code in any remote file is fine, however, note that the code itself requires the text file with the multiple nicks to be in a specific location, and have a specific name. You can, of course, change that information, but it also has to be changed in the script.