Oh for goodness sake.
You've been answered. mIRC versions are released when they are released and not before. Posting "pressure posts" aimed at Khaled to release an update for your own personal problems with the client isn't going to make things come along any quicker, it only serves to annoy other regulars on the board.
Judging from Khaled's posts in the Bug Reports forum, bugs are being fixed in mIRC to accommodate Vista and judging from past versions new features will be added (even in minor updates). Therefore, I don't think starbucks_mafia's suggestion that the current version is likely to be beta tested before release is unreasonable if not likely. Let's just give Khaled and perhaps beta testers the chance to stamp out bugs and wait patiently, shall we?
Thread locked, countless number of "When is the next version going to be released" threads, same answer every time.