I wrote an very simple WHOIS script with lines like:
raw 330:*: {
if ($numeric == 330) { echo AuthName: $3 }
It works, but have one mistake, when I enter the whois command I get some output in the active window and the server window.
It's is possible to get the raw numbers from the output in the serverwindow?
I have "catch" the numbers 301,307,310,311,312,313,314,317,318,319,330,338,369,401,406 in my script but I still get the output:
USER is using modes +iwx
USER is connecting from *@p57AB6B93.dip.t-dialin.net
how to get the raw numbers for this messages? Or is there another way to get this output in the active window?
(I have try raw PROP:*: and raw *:*: but no luck)