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pouncer Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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smtp ports are port 25, i want to have some way where i can have my own emails like pouncer@myip / pouncer@mydns.whatever and so that people can send emails to me too on it

if i open a socket on port 25 would this do the job? and when people send me emails, i should accept the socket?

i need your help guys.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No. I'm not sure how the SMTP/POP protocols work any more, but I'm 99% sure there will be more to it than that, otherwise anyone could just listen on port 25 to retrieve your emails.

Might be worth googling them to find out.

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pouncer Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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if i open a socket on my mirc to listen on port 25, how can other people get my emails?

my mirc will accept the incoming connections (emails sent my smtp server) from whoever connects to me on port 25

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First, you'd have to be absolutely certain that your computer is up 24/7 or else you're likely to miss e-mails. And because your computer wouldn't have a "backup" that could bounce the e-mail back with an error message, no one would know that you didn't get it.

Second, you'd have to run an actual mail server program or else make one in mIRC. Just listening won't be enough.

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pouncer Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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alias em socklisten serv 25

on 1:socklisten:serv:{
  var %sock = _test. $+ $r(111, 999)
  sockaccept %sock
  echo -a sockaccepted from $sock(%sock).ip

on 1:SOCKREAD:_test.*:{ 
  var %s
  sockread %s
  tokenize 32 %s

  echo -a %s

Now when i send myself an email by php mail function like:

if (mail("pouncer@mydns.whatever", "subject", "message")) echo "Mail sent";

It actually echos, sockaccpeted etc.. but it doesnt echo anything from the sockread, im trying to make it echo the subject and message somehow,

Last edited by pouncer; 09/05/07 01:27 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As was mentioned earlier, you can't just open a socket and expect the email to just pour out onto your screen. There is a handshake procedure that takes place between then server and the client. Look up the SMTP RAW protocol for the messages that need to be sent back and forth.


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pouncer Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2005
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Thanks for the reply genius, i've tried googling for information about it, but i just keep finding stuff on 'sending emails'

my aim is to recevie the email, any ideas guys?

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