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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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I am an op in a room in MIRC and recently another op decided to put a gamebot in the room. someone who supposedly is a repair person for the bot knows 10x more then anyone about MIRC and even knows how to crash your PC and everything else. He tried bugging some of my members and i told him to stop and the started saying "F You" to me so i banned him. ever since he starts renaming himself and freezing my PC and crashing it etc. I reported that to the owner of the room and he unbanned him saying to wait and see what he does. Today he came in the room and i said nothing to him and he threatened to either let me in his PC for 5 minutes or he'll do it again. he's frozen my PC 2 times today so far. his name is Notty. Is there a way you can ban him permanently? he takes on different forms of the name Notty so i know it's him. Please help.
Last edited by paulgr; 20/03/07 02:47 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No one here can do a thing. Take it up with the IRCOPS on the network, the #help channel on the network, or e-mail the network from their website. If you know his host, you could also contact the host with the problem.
Other than that, just use a good firewall and make sure that you don't run any scripts you don't know about. Generally, you can freeze someone's computer if the person doesn't run a script or have a virus/trojan or have open ports.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i have Windows Firewall on but it don't work. in the past 2 or 3 people hacked into my computer and someone said "get a firewall" and i installed 3 different ones,1 for each time they recommended it. and all 3 times, person who hacked me says:hahaha. so obviously firewalls do not work.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, there's a wealth of evidence that firewalls do work, if they're not working for you then perhaps there's a fault at your end? Perhaps they aren't set up properly, or, as I predict, you have other insecurities on your computer that people are exploiting. Make sure all you're software is up to date, make sure you have all available updates from Microsoft Update ( www.microsoftupdate.com) and ensure you have 2 or more antiviruses installed, run a full scan on your computer with them, and then reboot when requested by those programs/websites. For suggestions check out the this thread. If someone is that determined to hack your computer then they will do so, but I have very high doubts that you have encountered people who are that good. Sounds like you've simply encountered one of the army of kiddies out there who is taking advantage of a common exploit on your computer that you probably know nothing about. Either way it has nothing to do with mIRC the IRC client. mIRC just connects you to IRC. The channels, people or networks that exist on IRC are under no control by the developers, testers or other users of mIRC. Good luck though! Regards,
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i have Windows Firewall on but it don't work. in the past 2 or 3 people hacked into my computer and someone said "get a firewall" and i installed 3 different ones,1 for each time they recommended it. and all 3 times, person who hacked me says:hahaha. so obviously firewalls do not work. First, Windows Firewall is worthless.  Beyond that, *where* do you see "hahaha"? If it's in mIRC, then it's not a firewall issue, but most likely a script issue. What script(s) are loaded?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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this was on MSN,not MIRC that the "hahaha" thing came up. plus when i had Windows 95,someone havked into my PC and kept opening my DVD/CD drive and i bought a program called Bulldog or something like that. Originally they told me it was an anti-virus but it was a Firewall. at first he still opened my CD Drive after installing it,but after figuring out how to get it fixed,2 days later he came on again saying "hi. i'm not bulldog but i can help you get rid of this" at that point i was like "come on" so after 2-3 attempts of firewall,i have concluded the encryption is not that strong. even several people i talked to,especially yesterday,said it's not 100% foolproof.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OK. Lots to cover here. Firstly, firewalls have nothing to do with encryption. Neither does mIRC, IRC, or computer security in general. A firewall is a program or a physical peice of hardware that monitors your incoming and outgoing connections and denies or allows those connections based on various rules. They're important as an added layer of defence for improved computer security, but in general they'll do little to stop malware, especially if it's being run as scripts on a peice of software which you've specifically allowed to make connections (ie. mIRC). I'm not entirely sure I'm following you but it sounds like you bought a "firewall" off someone after they broke into your computer? Using software given to you by someone who intruded into your computer is like buying a burglar alarm from a burglar. You should never use software suggested by anyone you meet on the Internet unless you're absolutely sure it's legit. First things first: Check out the Anti-Virus and Firewall Resources thread for links to legitimate firewall and anti-virus software. You'll want to run at least a couple of the AV-scanners listed in that thread (the free ones work just fine) and also at least one of the Trojan Removers. You might also want to look into deleting all your mIRC scripts and only downloading them in future from sites which check submitted scripts (for a brief list take a look at the Scripts and scripting information for mIRC section of this site's link page). Steps to prevent future infections and hacks: 1) Run virus-scans every week or two using any of the programs listed in the above link. The free ones should work fine. 2) Always run firewall software. Use one of the ones linked above. The free ones should work fine. 3) Regularly check you're using the most up-to-date version of any software you use. Particularly your web browser, email client, IM clients (MSN etc.), IRC client (ie. mIRC), AV software, firewall software, and of course Windows itself. 4) If you're using a newer version of Windows (2000, XP, or Vista), consider setting up and using a Limited User Account for your everyday computing activities. You only need to use a full Administrator user account when you're doing things like installing, updating or removing software. The rest of the time a Limited User Account will usually do and in the event that you do get hacked or infected it will help prevent anyone from doing especially damaging things to your computer. 5) Consider also getting a hardware firewall and router if you don't already have one. It's another layer of defence although of course this is something you can't get for free and it can be complex to set up if you don't know what you're doing.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If someone's just messaging you with "haha" on MSN Messenger, then that doesn't mean they hacked you. It's easy to send someone a message. If the person got you to install a script (With or without your knowledge) in mIRC, that script could be set up to allow someone else to open/close your CD/DVD drives and then he/she could just send you a message on MSN. That's why I asked what scripts you have loaded.
Either way, follow what starbucks_mafia suggested and get some good antivirus, firewall, and anti-spyware/trojan/malware programs and run them and you should be fine. You would also be better off uninstalling mIRC and removing ALL scripts and then installing a clean copy of mIRC from this site and *no* scripts and then see if you have problems.
As far as things not being 100% foolproof, that is obviously true. Nothing is really 100% foolproof and a hacker who really knows what he/she is doing can defeat all forms of protection. However, 99% of "hackers" are kids who use simple programs written by the real hackers that let them attack people using known exploits in Windows and specific programs. That is why it's always good to stay updated.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well what does firewall do? keep an individual from "getting in your computer" so if they are still coming on going "hahaha" sounds like it didn't do a good job. in any case i reported that guy who has been doing this to the room owner and he unbans him and treats me like i don't know what i'm doing. he's always done this since i became an op. i'm thinking of not coming in the room anymore because if the op doesn;t give a **** about me,then it's obvious i'm not wanted.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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starbucks_mafia explained how firewalls work. If you allow a program full access to the internet (which you'd have done for mIRC and MSN), then it isn't going to stop a script or other event that is using those to access the internet from working. For example, if I have a script in mIRC that sends my computer information somewhere and I have mIRC set to full access, then the firewall won't prevent that information from being sent.
What a firewall is meant to do is to prevent unwanted programs from accessing the internet and to keep people from accessing your computer through ports that aren't allowed. Messaging you on MSN has nothing to do with hacking you and if you have a script running on mIRC that is doing things to you, then that's not something a firewall is going to stop. It's up to you to NOT use scripts that you don't understand and trust. And, you have yet to state what script(s) you are using.
In any case, I listed who you should talk to. The owner of the channel was not on the list because he/she cannot do anything except ban the person from the channel. That won't prevent the person from bothering you.
Take our advice and you shouldn't have problems. Or, ignore it and live with it or leave the channel/network if that's what you really want. In any case, you apparently are running something that is allowing the person to bother you and you should get it taken care of whether you leave that channel or not.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well that proves my point. it wouldn't stop the guy on MSN so it's not going to stop the guy on MIRC either. but anyway...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The point is that you should use one regardless of your current situation.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If he's got some kind of access to your computer then you're probably infected with a trojan or some other malware that's giving him access. A decent firewall may help stop him connecting, but probably won't. What you need to do is run the AV scanners and trojan scanners and unload any suspect mIRC scripts so you can get rid of whatever you're currently infected with. What a firewall will do in future is help prevent connections and exploits of Windows which will help prevent further infections and hacks.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well if it won't help,firewall or not,no reason to even get one. and secondly all he is doing is overloading my packets. i don;t think he needs access to my PC, by hacking into it for example, to do it. when i tried changing my nick he knew it was me because selectiong /whois nick gives him my ip address and that's what he goes by to overload my packets again. and i run my anti-virus every day and there are no viruses in it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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by using a firewall you can have your computer ignore all those packets he sends. if your computer doesn't react to them they cause no trouble to you and won't overload your connection. you simply have to configure your firewall right.
also, that person is not an 'mIRC member'. it's simply another user on IRC, who doesn't even have to use mIRC as their program to connect to an IRC network.
please note that mIRC is simply a chat program that connects you to an IRC network which provides the actual chatting service. there are many more programs that are able to connect to IRC networks beside mIRC. mIRC is just simply the most known Windows client.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As mentioned, a good firewall, when set up correctly, will prevent such attacks. Also, you still haven't mentioned what script(s) you are using, or if you've tried removing them to see if that's what the problem is. Why? That could easily be where you're having issues, but you seem to be ignoring it.
Also, as we've mentioned, use more than just an antivirus program. Antivirus programs aren't designed for trojans and other malware. Yes, they can find a lot, but that's not their real purpose. That is why it's important to use anti-trojan and anti-spyware software as well as your antivirus program. Good ones are Spybot: Search & Destroy, Ad-Aware, and Hijackthis (for IE hijackers). There are others as well that you can try. Be aware that such programs find many things that *could* be bad, but aren't necessarily bad. So don't just delete everything that those programs list (mainly in reference to Spybot and Hijackthis). If you don't know if it should be there, ask before removing it. And, for Spybot, set it so it makes a backup in case something gets messed up, so you can return to what you had before removing things.
Basically, you have a choice. You came here asking for help. We've told you who to contact. Have you contacted those that were mentioned? We told you what protection programs to run. Have you done so? We've given you the help you asked for, but it seems as though you're ignoring it rather than trying it.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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ok again if i run an anti-virus and have zip,zero,nada viruses,then he's sending packets a different way without viruses. but anyway,if he's not an MIRC member then i don't know what to do. as i said i could get one but i'd get attacked anyway as i just explained these firewalls simply don't work. but anyway thanks.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You still are ignoring what you've been told. You were told who to contact. Do so.  And as has been said, antivirus is not the only thing you should run to make sure your computer is "clean" ... use what was given to you.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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hmmmm firewalls wont work? depends on how it is set up, dont assume what someone tells you is the absolute truth. Before you make such statements check the facts, learn how to set one up, make sure you know the exact nature of any scripts you use (running someones popupscript or file serving script is fine but could contain exploits and backdoors) In other words look at your own practices and listen to the information everyone else here has been giving you and help yourself.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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As an IT Helpdesk Tech, I try to give a certain amount of respect and tolerance to those who are not gifted with the ability to understand computers. I can honestly say this it the first time I have gotten a headache from reading a discussion. Maybe it was that he was assuming he knows what he’s talking about on what works and what doesn’t as system protection, and what is considered hacking, besides the whole pc crash thing. Or maybe its cuz he was refusing to truly read what everyone here tried to explain. I don’t normally post on things like this. But im serious, I didn’t have a headache before I read... now I do. Stupidity is excusable, but Intentional Ignorance isn’t. Oh god im starting to rant, im done.