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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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are there any way to sort the content of a list in alphabetic order? this is what I got so far:
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($strip($1) == !game ) {
msg $chan 3URL/games
if ($strip($$1) == !addgame) {
write C:\..\games.txt $3- :: added by $nick $+ <br />
msg $chan 3done
and then I got the text file loaded to a .asp file
<div class="box">
<!--#include file="games.txt"-->
what i now want is to sort the content of the 'games.txt' im not forced to use a .txt file, but I need to be able to load it in a .asp file anyone got any ideas of how you can do this?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Use /filter. It will allow you to easily sort a text file.
/filter -ffcut 1 32 textfile.txt textfile.txt
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't know if the format of a .asp file would prevent this from being able to be used directly, but if it's the same as a text file, or if you can use a text file instead, then I would recommend using /filter /filter -ffb c:\..\games.txt c:\..\games.txt * Note: I haven't used /filter much, so this is based upon what I have read in the help file.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Since the OP was asking about an alphabetic sort, I have to wonder about the inclusion of the u switch, which, from the help file, is used for a numeric sort. Also, based on the code the OP presented, it looks like each game is written to a different line in the text file, making the t switch irrelevant, since the sort would be on the full game name, not just the first word of the name.
As I said in my post, I haven't used /filter much, so if I'm mistaken, I would appreciate clarification.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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thanks, everything works fine now 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I put "u" because it works with alpha-numeric text. A game can easily start with numbers instead of letters.
As for the "t", I tried without and it didn't want to work. I rarely use /filter either, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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OK..the help file, as I said, states that that u switch is for a numeric sort...that probably should be updated to read alpha-numeric.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, both are alpha-numeric. It's a matter of whether it looks at the full number to sort or just the first digit. Example: 4 this 40 is a 199 test of 87 the 0 emergency 121 broadcast 9 system
/filter -ffct test.txt test.txt Result: 0 emergency 121 broadcast 199 test 4 this 40 is 87 the 9 system a of
/filter -ffcut test.txt test.txt Result: 0 emergency 4 this 9 system 40 is 87 the 121 broadcast 199 test a of
Notice that without -u, it will sort per character (121 is before 40 because 1 is before 4). With the -u, the sort will sort based on the actual number (40 is before 121). I do agree that a better explanation in the help file would be good.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I tried to make the script a bit more advanced, but ran into some problem. im linkin the textfile where I save all the added lines into a webpage, and filtering it with and it worked great, but then I tried to add links and simple html code to it <a href="LINK" target="_blank">TEXT</a><br /> the problem is the filtering starts to filter the link in that scentence, not the text. and the code im adding into the filtered textdocument are <a href=" $+ $2 $+ " target="_blank"> $+ $3- $+ </a> so now I wonder if there are some way to start the filtering at the third word ( $3- ), or some other way around the problem
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The 1 in the filter command you showed is the word number. Change it to 3 if you want to do the 3rd space-delimited item (i.e. word).
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