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#172130 06/03/07 02:15 AM
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paulgr Offline OP
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my MIRC was finally fixed as you recall but as of yesterday when i go into MIRC it takes about 20-30 seconds to login and when someone types the trigger to my fserver,it just hangs. Is there something i'm doing wrong? any advice you could give? nothing on comcast seems to be doing it as they show an open flow so looks like something is blocking files from being sent or recieved on my end,but my router is not on on my modem or windows forewall is turned off so i'm confused. Please help. when i type in the /ctcp command in the main window it says "RIVMSG unknown command" i did an antivirus and spyware check but nothing serious was in there.


P.S. if you wish to talk one on one in Dalnet,please name the room and let's PM so we are not distracted. Thanks.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sounds to me like a router issue. Routers sometimes will reissue your "license" for a certain internal IP address. With multiple computers on the same router, your forwarded ports may no longer be forwarded to YOUR computer, but to another on the network. Check your router settings and make sure it's forwarding ports to YOUR computer's internal IP address. As a note, setting your computer's internal IP up as static will prevent this.

If you don't have a router, then it could be various other issues and I don't really know what to tell you to help.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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paulgr Offline OP
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i explained earlier,or at least i thought i did,that i have a router. i don't know how to check on this but the same ipconfig address is the same it has always been as it is a static ip address. the server address is about the same. the internet ip address is the same as well. nothing has changed. the only thing thatmight have changed,and why it would wouldn't make sense,is i bought an external dvd burner recently. it started yesterday,1 day after i bought it. so unless that is the cause i do not know what else to do. i even went to comcast and checked my ports and no one has changed it there either. i don't know.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The only way that I can see your DVD burner having any affect, is if it connects via USB port and you're using a USB router. Even then, it shouldn't make a difference, but that's the only possibility that I can think of.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well, I don't know the settings for your router, so I can't be much more help than to explain what happened with mine (until I set the internal IP to static)...

My normal internal IP was and another computer on the network was The router will reissue the license to the IP addresses every so often and would sometimes swap me to be .1.2 instead of .1.1. Because all ports were set to .1.1, my computer no longer had those ports forwarded to it. By setting my computer as static in the router (not static from your ISP), I didn't have to worry about that again.

Another option you have is just to turn off your router and modem. Wait 15 seconds or so and turn on your modem. Let that start up completely (all solid green lights, with the exception of the PC Activity light that usually flashes amber). Once it's fully started (about 15 seconds), turn on your router and let it start up completely. Then try mIRC again and see what happens. Sometimes, that's all that is needed.

You may also want to check your Localhost info in mIRC's options and make sure it matches with what it should be.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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paulgr Offline OP
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well my DVD Burner is a usb external. if that is the problem then i guess i better keep it unhooked until i need it. i can try the reset modem thing but otherwise i guess i'll have to conclude that it's not going to work right again. anyway thanks.and as i mentioned my ip is static. always has been and still is the same ip number means it's static.

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paulgr Offline OP
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ok i just noticed yesterday and it didn't click until a few minutes ago that when i called my ip address used to be .10 at the end but now it says .11 under ipconfig. i went to my port configuration and changed it from .10 to .11 and i do get in faster now. but my fserver still shows "RIVMSG unknown command". so obviously there is another step i'm missing somewhere. i checked the DCC section under options and i'm not sure what to change unless i have to change ports for DCC as well at random. any ideas? never mind,it's fixed. i restarted MIRC one more time and everything is normal now. thanks again for your help.

Last edited by paulgr; 06/03/07 03:30 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah, you do need to manually set up your router to have your IP be static. It won't be static automatically, even if it *appears* to always be the same IP... eventually, it won't be.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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paulgr Offline OP
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well as i said before,they set it up and they told me from day 1 it is static. but anyway i figured it out. sorry for the trouble.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Keep in mind that there is a static internet IP (this is what your ISP provides -- usually for extra money) and a static internal IP (this is through your router and has nothing to do with the ISP).

In either case, I'm glad you have it working again.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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paulgr Offline OP
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yeah me too. sorry that i did not believe you though. you rock.

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