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#171394 23/02/07 08:55 PM
Joined: Feb 2005
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344

I got this:
alias dice {
  var %print, %roll
  var %counter = 1
  var %howmany, %type, %rollcounter = 0
  while (%counter <= $0) {
    if ($pos($gettok($1-,%counter,32),d,1) != $null) {
      if ($left($gettok($1-,%counter,32),1) == $chr(100)) set %howmany 1
      else set %howmany $remove($left($gettok($1-,%counter,32),2),d)
      set %type $mid($gettok($1-,%counter,32),$calc($pos($gettok($1-,%counter,32),d,1)+1),3)
      while ($calc(%rollcounter + 1) <= %howmany) {
        if (%type == 100) set %roll %roll $calc(10 * $rand(1,10))
        else set %roll %roll $rand(1,%type)
        set %rollcounter $calc(%rollcounter + 1)
      say $gettok($1-,%counter,32) $+ : %roll
      unset %roll
      unset %howmany
      unset %type
      unset %rollcounter
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 4) set %print %print d4: $rand(1,4) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 6) set %print %print d6: $rand(1,6) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 8) set %print %print d8: $rand(1,8) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 10) set %print %print d10: $rand(1,10) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 12) set %print %print d12: $rand(1,12) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 20) set %print %print d20: $rand(1,20) / 
    else if ($gettok($1-,%counter,32) == 100) set %print %print d100: $calc($rand(1,10) * 10) / 
    else set %print %print Entry %counter (d $+ $gettok($1-,%counter,32) $+ ) invalid / 
    set %counter $calc(%counter + 1)
  set %print $deltok(%print,-1,32)
  if (%print) say %print
  unset %print

i want that to respond on a text.
i thought this would do the trick:
On 1:text:*!rol*:#:{

Somehow it doesn't ..... please help

Bullseye #171398 23/02/07 10:59 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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By calling an alias, you no longer have a channel, so you can't use /say or /msg or whatever. To fix that, use:

On 1:text:*!rol*:#:{
  dice $chan

Then, in the Dice alias, replace any "say" with "msg $1".

Btw, if you'd like, I can show you my AD&D dice rolling script for comparison. Just let me know.

One point I'll make as well... you really should use "elseif" and not "else if". It's the correct syntax and in the future, "else if" may end up not working because it's the wrong syntax.

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Riamus2 #171412 24/02/07 02:04 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually, $chan, $nick, and other event identifiers are maintained and available from aliases that are called from within that event.

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  myalias $1-

alias myalias {
  echo -s In $chan $+ , $nick said: $1-

@OP, it looks like your /dice alias requires parameters. Probably the value of the dice you want to roll. If there are no parameters, nothing will happen.


Last edited by genius_at_work; 24/02/07 02:09 AM.
genius_at_work #171415 24/02/07 02:43 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I stand corrected. smile

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