Hi there all.
I have a bot in my channel and recently i have noticed that it is devoiceing people when they deop. it never used to do this but is doing it all the time now. for the users to deop they type the command !deop below is the code for that command.
on 100:text:deop*:?: {
if ($2 == $null) { .msg $nick Command incomplete. Syntax: /msg $me deop <#channel> [nick] | halt }
if ($me !ison $2) { .msg $nick I'm not on that channel. | closemsg $nick | halt }
if ($me !isop $2) { .msg $nick I'm not oped in $2 $+ . | closemsg $nick | halt }
if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null) && ($nick !isop $2)) { .msg $nick You're not oped in $2 $+ . | closemsg $nick | halt }
if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 == $null)) { mode $2 -o $nick | closemsg $nick }
if ($level($mask($address($3,2),2)) == 500) { .msg $nick I will not deop my owner. | halt }
if ($3 == $me) { .msg $nick I don't think I'll like this. | closemsg $nick | halt }
if (($2 !== $null) && ($3 !== $null)) { mode $2 -o $3 | closemsg $nick }
My question is this, as this is an occurance all the time now, can in this command add a line to give the said user voice upon de-opping. ?
Thanks in advance for any assistance