In this code:
ON *:TEXT:*Geil*:?: { /msg #spelletjes !op | .timer 1 5 | /msg
#spelletjes !akick $address($nick,2) This is NOT a sex chat! ALSO in private! }
You have a .timer set up with a return seperator ~> | between the .timer and the command its going to execute, being your /msg command.
When setting up a .timer (if you have any other scripts using them) you can give it a name like: .timer.geil
Naming them will give each one its own detail, making them unique to mIRC, so you dont start the same timer twice. In the example below, I used the persons nickname appended to the .timer to make it unique.
With the return seperator between the .timer and the message, you've started a timer with no command. mIRC will start a 5 second .timer, but yet execute the /msg command instantly, without the delay.
This code should fix it:
ON *:TEXT:*Geil*:?: {
/msg #spelletjes !op
.timer. $+ $nick 1 5 /msg #spelletjes !akick $address($nick,2) This is NOT a sex chat! ALSO in private!