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#165639 30/11/06 09:04 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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don't mess about with your settings for a quick fix.

Maybe you should let your idiot tech support employees
know that as they seem to be the ones giving the advice
on changing settings and have no clue what the hell is
going on. BT sounds more and more like a mickey mouse
club all the time. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only
service a lot of people can get. It's sad.

I'm unfortunate enough to be sitting in my business tech support chair at BT now.

It seems that your paying customers are the unfortunate ones.

Last edited by RoCk; 30/11/06 09:12 PM.
#165640 30/11/06 09:57 PM
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Hoopy frood
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Heh. This is obviously someone with no real customer service ability... telling people they are "whining" and that he is "unfortunate" to be where he is. Very bad CS skills. smile

And I have to agree with RoCk... if they KNOW it's a BT issue, they should tell all of their tech support people. I've seen so many posts saying that BT told them it's not BT's fault, or that they should change their settings. Obviously, one hand doesn't have a clue what the other hand is doing.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#165641 01/12/06 05:30 AM
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Hoopy frood
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After hearing all of your whining

whaaa whaaaa whaaaaa LOL you of course do understand that if no one whined the error would never get repaired, and since the error has been recognised as being at BT whinning becomes justified complaints. If someone dents your car are you whining when you want them to fix it?

Since the error is now been recognised as on BTs end, are they informing all customers of this who ring, and have rung and been miss informed that its not BT ?
Id hazzard a guess thats a big fat NO!.

My comments for redirecting to "english native speaker" were in general, I have never experenced any support services that can not provide such. BT by the looks even sees the need for it, by your own statments has based its commerical tech support in britain with at least some of the reasoning for that being the knowledge of the difficulties in using second language
speakers as the support staff.

As to me personally I dont mind who im talking to as long as they understand me and i can understand them, and they know somewhat about what there ment to be supporting.

As to a patch, for most i would say wait it out BT well fix it, if u cant then use a SSL connection, I have since my last post gotten a person conencted on SSL and hes sending and dccing fine, looks like the ISP cant see his DCC init messages so no disconnect.

#165642 01/12/06 05:32 AM
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Hoopy frood
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You cant really blame them, no ISP wants to fess up and say "oh yeah we been screwing with your access and now you cant use the internet" or worse "ummm yeah we did something but we dont really know what or how to fix it" OMG can u amagine how many customers you loose on that!

#165643 01/12/06 07:45 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I can - my cable company alost lost me a few weeks ago for that very thing

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
#165644 01/12/06 09:46 AM
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Ameglian cow
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actually, m00 dude, the people that i have been in contact with, even tried "remote assistance" to forward my ports (yes that was a bt "tech help guy", he tried his best sure, but obviously he wasnt informed, so whats the point in having a technical support team, if they arent informed of problems, i mean this dude even asked his superior, and he didnt know anything about it either...so theres obviously a major lack of communication.

about there language, i couldnt care less if there indian, pakistan, bosnian, russian, whatever, i can still make out "most" of the things there saying, and i dont think the language barrier is whats causing the problems when you phone, its because there not informed on issues.

and no, mines still not working laugh cool

#165645 01/12/06 10:40 AM
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the problem today is "give them less info and look smarter". They give less and less info out but dont really fix the problems in a timely fashion. Sure they may get around to fixing it a week later after being on hold 5 separate times with one call having enough time to get the mail, take a shower, cook lunch, eat lunch, let people into a room across the street, take two phone calls on call waiting and STILL not be brought to a tech guy who never knew that the "your call will be answered in "X" minutes" queue hasnt been working for over a week lol

Rant over :P

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it
#165646 01/12/06 11:10 AM
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Ameglian cow
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been on the phone with them, and he said he was gonna forward it to the engineers and contact me tommorow, shame it took over a week for this to happen, but lets hope it goes somewhere.

#165647 01/12/06 11:23 AM
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Bowl of petunias
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Well when I telephoned the Steve Rxxx, in Shrewsbury (BT Wholesale), who were responsible for the ip ranges i was connecting to according to RIPE database. I received his assurance, that it was BT Retail!, now it appears to be Wholesale - Doh.

My favourites on my telephone have changed to include the 0845 xxx 7020 Business support. Let's hope they have all been informed about the error, because as late as yesterday afternoon (30th), they still did not know about it.

As it has now been a week without "service" let's all put in a claim for a weeks rebate on rental

While I am sure we all understand there is no magic button to rectify the situation, there should surely diagnostics to see a) why has it taken a week to admit to a fault inspite of numerous telephone calls to BT, even giving this forum as reference in many cases b) should we as users have to pay for the phone call to inform BT they have a problem c) the MSF (Major Service Failure) not yet noted on the Status on btbroadband website.

Annoying innit

#165648 01/12/06 12:17 PM
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ashton Offline OP
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Just spoken to BT support in the UK.
After lengthy discussion with one guy who said he was unable to help I asked to speak to his supervisor. Low & behold after further discussion he called the engineering dept. After a long wait sure enough they now acknowledge there is a major problem with there hardware & they are working on it now.
I asked them for goodness sake tell support in India!

#165649 01/12/06 12:52 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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lets hope it gets resolved then, keep us informed of any changes/messages/phonecalls

#165650 01/12/06 04:31 PM
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Fjord artisan
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replying to no-one in particular. The missus told me when i got in from work that theres a talk talk guy coming out tonight wanting to sign us up to the phone service, couldn't have come at a better time I think he's about to get a phone+broadband sale just in time for the weekend.

screw BT, they are screwing us! lol


#165651 01/12/06 04:54 PM
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Fjord artisan
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hmmm numerous sends have just worked fine, and so far one get is working...

lets hope they've sorted it eh.


#165652 01/12/06 06:31 PM
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Ameglian cow
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still doesnt work for me....

#165653 01/12/06 08:46 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ya missus went and changed ya to talk talk's service maybe? LOL

#165654 01/12/06 08:49 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well if it has been repaired at the ISP end, then your problem is likely in all the settings they tried to get you to change locally. Your problem now is finding out if in fact BT has fixed it, before bothering to try fixing your settings, becuase if they havent then nothinsg gonna solve it anyway frown,

And of course thats the RUB isnt it, a company blames the user, the user adjusts settings and then when it is fixed the user still cant connect due to settings changed.

#165655 01/12/06 10:07 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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it's not changed, just for some reason it's an intermittent problem, it's toying with me, challenging me to a duel.

I hate BT


ps. I missed the talk talk guy, apparently the missus heard him at the door while she was in the bath, i was too busy on IRC probably... mad

#165656 01/12/06 11:42 PM
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Riamus. I am not talking to you as a technical support agent. More so as a fellow IRC user who happens to be a BT tech support agent. I like to think that I can post on message boards and offer advice without going through all of the formalities that my job entails.

Obviously the BT tech guys are going to try to help as much as they can. If they try forwarding the ports on the router, they are under the wrong impression. They are still trying to help you though.

All I was trying to say with my previous post is that BT recognise the problem as a major fault, hopefully saving you all from calling us up to ultimately hear the exact same thing.

Basically, all we can do on tech support is REFER the fault. We can't personally go to the server and repair it. I understand that it's more than frustrating and inconvenient, and our Wholesale engineers are working to repair it.

Don't shoot the messenger.

#165657 02/12/06 04:22 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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she should have rushed out of the bath and opedn the door, hell he might have given you a discount! :-)

#165658 02/12/06 10:20 AM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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All I was trying to say with my previous post is that BT recognise the problem as a major fault, hopefully saving you all from calling us up to ultimately hear the exact same thing.

do the indian tech know this? as one is supposedly phoning me at 12 this afternoon.

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