11.Fixed various tabbed text display bugs in @window text/listbox.
May I ask is the newer (6.2+) nature of a non listbox windows TAB stops, to now over write data extending into that tab, if a tab then follows the that data.
//window @ex fixedsys 1 | echo @ex $str(A,100) | echo @ex $str(B,100) $+ $chr(9) $+ $str(C,100)
* first line ishows data extends past the tabstop
** second line shows tabstopped data backing up to the tabstop and overwritting the previous data
--Mirc 6.21--
Im happy with it either way, but would like to know what it is, as i havent patched any scripts to deal with this newer behavour up to now, as i thought it was a bug.