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#16238 21/03/03 06:34 AM
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Mike019 Offline OP
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I use cable and been recently having problems with my FServer and also can't send files to others.
I been trying to look for a solucion but can't seem to find it.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC is compatible with non-dial up, are you sure you have your ports open for DCC? Have you tried DCC sending without BlackIce running? Does your ISP give you your own IP address or is it shared with others? Are you connecting through a router? Any of those things can affect your ability to DCC send, and they are not the only ones.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Cable:Some cable users have resolved their DCC problem by doing the following:
1. Be sure the cable provider doesn't have you firewalled.
2. While disconnected, in File>Options>Connect>Local info, under on connect always get, clear both the local host and the greyed out ip address boxes.
3. In Windows control panel>internet options>connection, change both modem and LAN settings to "automatically detect"

you can also see my reply on another of your posts about this same subject re your firewall

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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If you're behind a router, forward ports to your machine. If you have a firewall, allow the ports DCC uses to pass through. Then set your DCC ports in mIRC to the ports you've forwarded and/or allowed to pass through. After these things have done, it should work. smile (If you're using Zone Alarm or something, make sure to have it allow mIRC to run as a server)

- Wherever you go there you are.[color:lightgreen]
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Mike019 Offline OP
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Shared i use a Program named : All Aboard for networking.
So i can get on and so my cousin.

But i uninstalled BlackICE and used Zone Alarm,and the Mirc is set as a server and also allowed,but people just keep typing my name,but the chat window won't even open now.
What should i set the ports to,then ? i dont know much about port openning or forwarding.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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You have 1 computer with 2 networking cards and that computer is running software to share your internet with other computers that are connected to the same hub you are, correct?

If so, I have no idea how to use that program. I should still be able to walk you through the process if necessary though.. Just msg me on IRC if you need more help..

If you wish to contact me, Type this in your mIRC:
/server -m undernet -i Nick754 Nick4354 email name -j #nltester

I'm any of the names in there with a -NL at the end of it, just type !ping2 in the channel, then msg the one with the lowest response time. (there've been massive server splits on undernet, that's why I'm having you do that) smile

- Wherever you go there you are.[color:lightgreen]
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Mike019 Offline OP
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The program, is just to link the other computer,nothing to do with sharing files or any other things. smile
So your help could be of use.

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