Does anyone know of a script that will type what song you are listening to on Winamp at the moment? I use Winamp a lot, and it would be nice to have those things where you can type in something and it says what you are listening to on Winamp.
I think I have seen a script like this for an mIRC addon, but is there on that is accociated with Winamp?
Well, it seeme like a nice script and all, but I currently use Winamp 3. It seems like that script only supports Winamp 2.x. However, it did mention it should support it soon, so I will be keeping my eye on that script.
might wanna check out the site you downloaded winamp if this is, if I'm not mistake there is an addon for mIRC with winamp 2.* and one for winamp 3.*
With all due respect for your right to do it, i must tell you that for those of us on slow dialup connections, that huge pic takes fordamever to load which is more than a bit annoying. Perhaps you could find your way to being a bit more considerate of other users here?