Well this would require you too look at all the scripts you have individually and deleting anything that has a structure of something like
menu channel { script blah blah}
then going into remotes making your brand new one for example
menu channel {
.Calc:dialog -md Calc Calc
.Notepad:dialog -md notepad notepad
.mspaint:run mspaint
.xtheme:set %current.theme xtheme
.orangetheme:set %current.theme orangetheme
.Mp3 Player:dialog -md mp3 mp3
you get the point in how im creating 3 menus with submenus in them
Now being that is said you can also use the MENU command not only to shove those scripts into the CHANNEL Menu but also your nicklist,menubar etc...
so instead of
Menu Channel {
you would do
Menu Channel,Nicklist,Menubar {