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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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isn't there a way i can have dalnet search for my ip address so i can enter the room? i can get the popup at times but as it is not my ip address it won't allow me to enter as i have a code under perform. even without the code i can enter but my fserve won't work unless it matches my ip address. I'm getting more frustrated on this by the day 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Uh... none of that really makes any sense. First of all, anything regarding serving, we can't help with... but as far as connections go...
Your IP has nothing to do with entering a channel unless there is a script being run in the channel that is preventing access to anyone without the correct IP, or if you are banned in that channel. Dalnet (or any network) has nothing to do with it... the networks always know your IP.
If you provide the error message, it will help. If the channel is invite only, or requires you to have a registered nick, or it says you are banned, or whatever... we need to know that to help.
If you are referring to mIRC's options (Local Info section under Connect), then try changing how it's getting the IP/DNS information.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well until my isp shows in green i cannot enter my room at all. it just sits there half the time and the other half the room pop up window comes up but when i type the name it'll just disappear and won't let me in the room. and yes i agree. it doesn't make sense,but i have tried everything from service men coming out to coming on here and even calling up linksys (wireless modem) and nothing has worked. when my isp does finally show where i can enter it takes hours before it happens and if i suddenly lose my connection at MIRC or my ISP then it takes hours again to get back in. lately i have had to resort to java chat to get back in the room. I wiwh there was an alternate MIRC-like program that worked with MIRC. maybe i'd have less problems. even if it is my ISP they don't seem to want to touch it so... i don't know. this stinks and i want this problem to go away  they even detected a 9 packet loss but when the service people came they said they found 0. so i'm really confused now 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Packet loss isn't anything to worry about unless it's a high number or happens really often.
As for the rest... what do you mean by "until my isp shows in green" ... can you copy/paste what you're referring to? Actually, copy/paste your entire connect stuff (see below as an example).
* Connecting to irc.velocityirc.net (6667) ———————————————————— -saralum.criten.net- *** Looking up your hostname... ———————————————————— -saralum.criten.net- *** Checking Ident ———————————————————— * Identd request from * Identd replied: 1038, 6667 : USERID : Windows : Riamus ———————————————————— -saralum.criten.net- *** Found your hostname ———————————————————— -saralum.criten.net- *** Got Ident response ———————————————————— > Welcome to The Criten IRC Network Riamus!Riamus@c-71-232-85-249.hsd1.ma.comcast.net > Your host is saralum.criten.net[@], running CritenIRCd(a1)-1.4(04)
...and so on...
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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* Disconnected - * Connecting to punch.va.us.dal.net (6666) - -punch.va.us.dal.net- *** Looking up your hostname... - -punch.va.us.dal.net- *** Checking Ident - * Identd request from - -punch.va.us.dal.net- *** Found your hostname * Identd replied: 40002, 6666 : USERID : UNIX : Paul2 - -punch.va.us.dal.net- *** Got Ident response - Paul2 Nickname is already in use. - Welcome to the DALnet IRC Network Paul6!Paul2@ Your host is punch.va.us.dal.net, running version bahamut-1.8(03) This server was created Tue Sep 26 2006 at 20:41:38 UTC punch.va.us.dal.net bahamut-1.8(03) aAbcdefFghiIjkKmnoOrRswxXy bceiIjklLmMnoOprRstv NETWORK=DALnet SAFELIST MAXBANS=100 MAXCHANNELS=20 CHANNELLEN=32 KICKLEN=307 NICKLEN=30 TOPICLEN=307 MODES=6 CHANTYPES=# CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ STATUSMSG=@+ are available on this server CASEMAPPING=ascii WATCH=128 SILENCE=10 ELIST=cmntu EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=beI,k,jl,cimMnOprRst MAXLIST=b:100,e:45,I:45TARGMAX=DCCALLOW:,JOIN:,KICK:4,KILL:20,NOTICE:20,PART:,PRIVMSG:20,WHOIS:,WHOWAS: are available on this server - There are 162 users and 31831 invisible on 42 servers 79 IRC Operators online 15807 channels formed I have 4489 clients and 1 servers - Current local users: 4489 Max: 14910 Current global users: 31993 Max: 44820 -punch.va.us.dal.net- *** Notice -- motd was last changed at 30/6/2006 16:03 - Local host: punch.va.us.dal.net (
* Connecting to punch.va.us.dal.net (6662) * Unable to connect to server (Connection timed out) - * Connect retry #1 hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net (6668) - -hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net- *** Looking up your hostname... - -hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net- *** Checking Ident - * Identd request from* Identd replied: 40000, 6668 : USERID : UNIX : Paul2 - -hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net- *** Found your hostname - -hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net- *** Got Ident response - Paul2 Nickname is already in use. - Welcome to the DALnet IRC Network Paul6!Paul2@
Welcome to the DALnet IRC Network Paul6!Paul2@ Your host is hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net, running version bahamut-1.8(03) This server was created Fri Dec 3 2004 at 03:47:15 SGT hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net bahamut-1.8(03) aAbcdefFghiIjkKmnoOrRswxXy bceiIjklLmMnoOprRstv NETWORK=DALnet SAFELIST MAXBANS=100 MAXCHANNELS=20 CHANNELLEN=32 KICKLEN=307 NICKLEN=30 TOPICLEN=307 MODES=6 CHANTYPES=# CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ STATUSMSG=@+ are available on this server CASEMAPPING=ascii WATCH=128 SILENCE=10 ELIST=cmntu EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=beI,k,jl,cimMnOprRst MAXLIST=b:100,e:45,I:45 TARGMAX=DCCALLOW:,JOIN:,KICK:4,KILL:20,NOTICE:20,PART:,PRIVMSG:20,WHOIS:,WHOWAS: are available on this server - There are 165 users and 31969 invisible on 42 servers 79 IRC Operators online 15758 channels formed I have 1326 clients and 1 servers - Current local users: 1326 Max: 5008 Current global users: 32134 Max: 44822 - -hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net- *** Notice -- motd was last changed at 21/9/2005 8:14 - Local host: hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net (
etc etc etc. no room pop up or anything. unless that ISP above matches my true id,i can't enter the room. and even when i can my server cannot be accessed. this series goes on forever until it finally lets me in. I just don't get it.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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When Raimus said "Uh... none of that really makes any sense." he mean't your post didn't make sense.  Meaning, you didn't specify enough information so that anyone could really begin to understand the problem. That's why it's best to give us all the info you can on your first post. Like the connection information etc... Now i'm confused. You're connecting to the server. So it's not an ip problem  . If your IP were the problem you wouldn't even be able to connect. Room popup? Do you mean once connected a join command is initiated? Or mIRC's channels list popup dialog? Sounds like they have you banned from the room and don't want you joining. Once your connected to a server, and try to join a channel that your not allowed in. You won't join it  . when my isp does finally show where i can enter it takes hours before it happens and if i suddenly lose my connection at MIRC or my ISP then it takes hours again to get back in. ISP finally shows? Or IP address?  By Green I guess you mean when it shows you the "Local Host:" line in the status window.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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i never said it was an IP problem. meaning Comcast. I just said when i try to connect,the above happens. and yes i guess what you said on the list of rooms,it doesn't come up. according to the guy in #help,he said that he noticed that when my isp comes up,it'll show under dns,but the ip that shows for real on MIRC is different. so i had to put /localinfo -u under perform so that everytime if it says my IP address and if it matches the real one,then people can access my server. otherwise i'll just enter the room and that's it. more then likely though i can't even get on because if it makes a noise upon connect,it'll say something like for instance (the channel ip) well that's all it does. the room popup list won't come up or anything. Again as i stated once before,when i had just a plain ol cable modem,i never had this issue. now that i have wireless,i get this problem constantly. But i doubt this problem is ever going to go away. If you want to come on MIRC so we can fix this one on one fine,but we need to do it in #help or another room in dalnet that is private,and not the room i attend. I just need to get to the bottom of the solution once and for all.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think part of the problem is your choice of words...
You are connecting to a network's server. hotspeed.sg.as.dal.net is one of many servers for the Dalnet network. It is not a channel. Channels do not have IP addresses. A channel is something like #help.
Keep in mind that even if the list of rooms does not appear, you can still join a room by using /join #channelname . Example: /join #help .
As for your local info problem, that's a serving issue and isn't really something we can help with in the forum. However, I will point out that you can set up how your local info is obtained in mIRC Options... Alt-O > Connect > Local Info. Try changing the options in there and leave off the Perform. Once you choose the correct options, you shouldn't need that in your Perform box. Also, just so you know when asking for help serving somewhere else... the local info causing a problem with serving is caused by your router setup. Mention that and someone should be able to sort it out for you.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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that's what i am trying to figure out mostly is the router setup obviously because all the settings under options/localinfo in morc doesn't change anything. and as i explained whether the pop up comes up witjhout my ip address at the bottom or with it,if it does,i type the name and it just simply goes away and i don't go in the room. if i click the picture of the folder with # on it,again i type the name of the room and nothing happens after i hit join. It makes no sense.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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As I told you a long time ago, Paul, setting the router up is simple. Give the computer a static IP address and forward your DCC ports to that address.
Then connect to a server, join a channel you're not banned in and do what you like.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well how can i do that,F'Nar? as i recall i saw that post on that and i replied that as the IP address is Dynamic,i can't make it go to any ip address but this one. Some Internet Providers numbers might say "162.71.842.01" one day or at one time of the day,then later change to "162.71.832.02" for instance. mine is always going to stay at the 842.01 in this case. But if you want to show me how to do this,i will give it a try. on the port forwarding site i have the ports set up exactly as i see it on MIRC so that isn't a problem. I don't know.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Your router usually will not change your computers *internal* IP address... it is usually going to be static unless you change it in the router's settings.
Check out portforward.com for help with setting your specific router up.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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the problem is i'm using linksys,but my ip address only goes to comcast and their setup is different at comcast. and everything on those snapshots are not there. I'm just at a dead end here.
Last edited by paulgr; 29/09/06 05:55 PM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Your router usually will not change your computers *internal* IP address... it is usually going to be static unless you change it in the router's settings.
Check out portforward.com for help with setting your specific router up. OR you turn off the router or reboot the router, I use a linksys with 1 static LAN ip on my linux box and 2 dynamic LAN ip's for 2 winxp machines. The dynamics will change but the linux doesnt. IF paulgr is using dhcp on his windows pc and also has the dhcp server turned on in the router config then his LAN ip could be anything from to (depending how it is setup) Also you have to save every change before changing option pages in the router config. Fire
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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well again you'll have to show me how because nothing i can see in comcast can do that.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Why comcast? you realise you have to do it in the router dont you? do you know how to set that router up?
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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no i don't. if you mean in the router itself,no. but if you mean in the same site where i set up the ports,i'm not sure. I was not given any instruction book or cd after he hooked it up,so...
Last edited by paulgr; 29/09/06 10:57 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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The "site" was your router. The router lives at Go there and, on the main page, disable the DHCP server.
Then you have to go into your computer and set it to "Use the folllowing IP address" and pick one - say Also put in 2 of the DNS addresses from the main page of the router (Static DNS1 and Static DNS2).
Now forward your ports (whatever range you're using for DCC and 113 for IdentD) to
If you have any other computers connected to that router you're going to have to use a static address on them too - anything from to that's not being used by another computer. ( is being used by the router and is being used by the computer you just set up.)
Notice that none of this has anything to do with Comcast, just your computer and your router.
These are the very basic steps, like boiling water to make a soufle. If you can't learn to boil water, being a chef isn't a good choice for you.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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there's nothing on my router page in comcast that shows how to disable or turn of DHCP. Unless it's hidden. i've been on that page 100 times since i got this thing. i'm just confused. If you can help me out on where it might be,let me know.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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there's nothing on my router page in comcast Forget about Comcast. Your router is there whether you're connected to comcast or not. that shows how to disable or turn of DHCP. Unless it's hidden. i've been on that page 100 times since i got this thing. i'm just confused. If the router they gave you is so emasculated that you can't set a static IP, you'll just have to buy one that you can use. You must be able to (1) set a static IP and forward ports to (2) DCC send. If you can't do (1) you can't do (2). It's that basic. If you can help me out on where it might be,let me know. I can help you. The question is whether you're capable of using the help I (and everyone else, here and on DALnet) have been giving you.