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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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Can somebody try to reproduce this? Go into a channel without the ^ in your nick. Then clone yourself with a nick that starts with ^. With the ^nick, enter the channel and then leave. Now, with your original nick, click on the ^nick in the join/part message.
I just noticed it selects me. Kinda surprised me since I saw the part message and was able to click on the nick, I had to double check to make sure that clone nick was actually not there. Oh, you may have to be an op for this to work....the nick and myself I noticed/tried it on are both ops in the channel.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The server doesn't use ^ as a mode prefix aswell does it? I once saw a server which used ^ as a mode prefix AND allowed it to be the first character in a nick, it played havoc with mIRC's nicklist colouring and I think would also cause what you're seeing here. If you find that this is the problem then it's really a case of bad server setup, you would be wise to report it to an IRCOp.
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I don't think so, I'll copy & paste the initial server info: Your host is irc.station51.net, running version tr-ircd(kenora)-5.0(01)-r#3 This server was created Sun Nov 17 2002 at 23:38:02 CST irc.station51.net tr-ircd(kenora)-5.0(01)-r#3 aAinorRtwx abcefhiIklmMnNoOpqrRstTuvxz abefhIklMouvz NOQUIT SAFELIST INVEX EXCEPTS WALLCHOPS MAP USERIP CHARSET=rfc1459 CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 MAXBANS=100 TOPICLEN=307 KICKLEN=307 are available on this server WATCH=128 MODES=13 SILENCE=10 NICKLEN=30 CHANTYPES=&# PREFIX=(uohv).@%+ CHANMODES=abehIMouvz,k,fl,cimnNOpqrRstTx NETWORK=Station51 MAXCHANNELS=30 are available on this server Duey
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I doubt this is a bug, as I can reproduce it without the need to clone myself
After typeing a message to somebody, including the nickname in the item. I then cloned the messages, but prefixed the nickname with a ^.
Clicking on the nickname, highlights the nick without the ^.
This would simply sugest it is ignoring the ^. This could be classed as a unexpected feature.
It would be a bug, if you didn't part the ^ nickname, and it selects the wrong nick.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes, it does appear to be some sort of feature where non-alphanumeric characters around a nickname (only up to 1 character either side) will be ignored if no nickname directly matches the word or if the same character is on either side of a word.
Here's a few quick examples of how mIRC treats nicks: Word -> With nicks moo and moo^ in the channel -> With just moo in the channel moo -> moo -> moo moo^ -> moo^ -> moo ^moo^ -> moo -> moo _moo^ -> moo^ -> moo _moo^_ -> moo^ -> Nothing
mIRC treats brackets '[ ]' and braces '{ }' differently, for example with the nicks moo and moo} the word {moo} would match moo first. I assume this behaviour extends to parentheses '( )' aswell, but I haven't tested.
All in all mIRC seems to treat it very logically and the feature works rather well, it could be argued that it would be annoying if someone left a channel without you realising and upon clicking their nickname you opened a window to someone else, but the chances of such similar nicknames on the same channel with that occurring are slim to say the least.
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