Usage: /ignorar <channel>
alias ignorar {
var %loopz = 1
if ($nick($1,0) != 5) {
while %loopz <= 50 {
.ignore $nick($1,%loopz)
inc %loopz
It looks like your code ignores the first person in the channel, then checks if there are exactly 5 people in the channel. If there are, then the code stops, otherwise it continues until the first 50 people in the channel have been ignored.
The above is a better written version of your current code.
Please note that # doesn't always return the channel in an alias, and (technically) it's never supposed to return the channel, so you should/need to pass the channel name in a parameter.
If you'll tell just exactly what it is you want your code to do, then I or someone else will be happy to assist.