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#156064 11/08/06 11:56 AM
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 79
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 79
written by me grin

on ^!@*:text:*:#: { if ($nick isreg #) { .signal -n c # $nick $1- | haltdef } }
on ^!@*:action:*:#: { if ($nick isreg #) { .signal -n c # $nick $1- | haltdef } }
on ^!@*:notice:*:#: { if ($nick isreg #) { .signal -n c # $nick $1- | haltdef } }
ctcp !@*:*:#: { if ($nick isreg #) { .signal -n a # $nick $1- | haltdef } }
on !@*:ctcpreply:*: { if ($nick isreg #) { .signal -n b # $nick $1- | haltdef } }
on *:signal:*: { 
  if ($signal == a) { .signal -n d $1 $2 ctcp }
  if ($signal == b) { .signal -n d $1 $2 ctcpreply }
  if ($signal == c) {
    if ($regex($3-,/[[:cntrl:]]/g) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 codes }
    if ($regex($3-,/[[:upper:]]/Sg) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 caps }
    if ($regex($3-,/\d/Sg) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 number }
    if ($regex($3-,/[[:punct:]]/Sg) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 symbol }
    if ($regex($3-,/[ $chr(174) ]/Sg) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 ascii }
    if ($regex($3-,/[ $chr(160) ]/Sg) > 49) { .signal -n d $1 $2 blur } 
    if ($regex($3-,/./Sg) > 199) { .signal -n d $1 $2 lenght }
    if ($regex($3-,/(www.)|(http:)|#/Sig)) { .signal -n d $1 $2 advertise } 
    if ($regex($3-,/\b([censored]|suck)\b/Sig)) { .signal -n d $1 $2 swear } 
    .hinc -u3m $+(repeat,$1) $hash($+($2,$remove($strip($3-),$chr(160),$chr(32))),32)) 1 | if ($hget($+(repeat,$1),$hash($+($2,$remove($strip($3-),$chr(160),$chr(32))),32)) > 2) { .signal -n d $1 $2 repeat } 
    .hinc -u3m f $hash($+($1,$2),32) 1 | if ($hget(f,$hash($+($1,$2),32)) > 4) { .signal -n d $1 $2 row } 
  if ($signal == d) {
    if ($2 ison $1) {
      .hinc -u2m d y 
      if ($hget(d,y) < 22) { !.quote -q kick $1 $2 $3 }
      Else { Halt } 
      .hadd -u2m o $+($2,*@*fakeded*)
    .timer_ 1 3 !mode $chan $1 $+(+,$str(b,$hget(o,*).item)) $hget(o,1).item $hget(o,2).item $hget(o,3).item $hget(o,4).item $hget(o,5).item $hget(o,6)).item $hget(o,7).item $hget(o,8).item $hget(o,9)).item $hget(o,10).item $hget(o,11).item $hget(o,12).item } 
on ^*:join:#: { halt } 
on ^*:part:#: { halt } 
on ^*:ban:#: { halt } 
on ^*:unban:#: { halt } 
on ^!*:kick:#: { halt } 
raw 001:*:{ halt }
raw 002:*:{ halt }
raw 003:*:{ halt }
raw 004:*:{ halt }
raw 005:*:{ halt }
raw 007:*:{ halt }
raw 008:*:{ halt }
raw 009:*:{ halt }
raw 251:*:{ halt }
raw 252:*:{ halt }
raw 254:*:{ halt }
raw 255:*:{ halt }
raw 265:*:{ halt }
raw 266:*:{ halt }
raw 267:*:{ halt }
raw 377:*:{ halt }
raw 375:*:{ halt }
raw 372:*:{ halt }
raw 376:*:{ halt }
raw 366:*:{ halt }
raw 333:*:{ halt }
raw 324:*:{ halt }
raw 329:*:{ halt }
raw 441:*:{ halt }
raw 367:*:{ halt }
raw 368:*:{ halt }

I need comments about each portion does would be good idea. Thanks.

#156065 11/08/06 09:48 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 417
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 417
you might want to change your halt to haltdef, that way your script will not affect other scripts that use some of the same commands.

Intelligence: It's better to ask a stupid question, then to prove it by not asking....
#156066 12/08/06 12:23 AM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 7,252
Just a suggestion: Replace your raws with
 raw *:*:{
  if $istok(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 251 252 254 255 265 266 267 377 375 372 376 366 333 324 329 441 367 368,$numeric,32) {

#156067 12/08/06 07:59 AM
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 79
Babel fish
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Babel fish
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 79
Thanks both of you esspecially RusselB :P *Thumbs Up*

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