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#155445 06/08/06 09:48 PM
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I want to be able to give op to someone in all the channels I am in, having op.. Like IF i am in 30 channels, and then a freaind joins, 23 of them, and I want to op him, in all channels, then I fo not have to ho in the 23 channels to op hip manualy.. but just use a /command or a rightclik menu, to give a op commando that gives him op in all 23, ar once.

Like: /mode $chan +o Gomp..
Only, that that only op in the channel I am typing it in..

$active <-- I even tested with that, and actives, and chans, etcetera..

It there not a option for this?

and are there anywhere youcan see all the $something commands?


(sorry the spelling, I cannot see this little text, and I just make more mess by trying to correct it.)

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155446 06/08/06 09:58 PM
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Hoopy frood
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 on @*:join:#:{
if $nick == &lt;friend's nick&gt; {
.mode $chan +o $nick

Put this in YOUR remotes and change <friend's nick> to the person's actual nick.

I suggest doing it this way if you only have one or two nicks to be checked. If there's, say, 5 or more nicks to be checked, say so, and I'll do up a slightly different code.

#155447 06/08/06 11:30 PM
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I do not want aotomatic.

I want to do it with one command, or a right click..


I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155448 06/08/06 11:32 PM
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Babel fish
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menu nicklist {
» Add to Hostlist:.auser hostlisted $1
» Remove From Hostlist:.ruser hostlisted $1
On @*:join:#: { if (hostlisted isin $level($nick)) { mode # +o $nick }

oh you posted you want it done manualy while i was typing thiis thing

menu nicklist {
$iif($me isop $chan,» Controle $$1 )
.$iif($me isop $chan,» Host $$1 ):/mode $chan +o $$1
.$iif($me isop $chan,» DeHost $$1 ):/mode $chan -o $$1

Last edited by ik000ike; 06/08/06 11:37 PM.
#155449 07/08/06 12:25 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Sorry for the misunderstanding
Try this instead of my original post
 menu nicklist {
  Op in Common : common.op $snicks
alias common.op {
  var %a = 1, %b = $numtok($1,44)
  while %a &lt;= %b {
    var %nick = $gettok($1,%a,44)
    var %c = 1, %d = $comchan(%nick,0)
    while %c &lt;= %d {
      if ($me isop $comchan(%nick,%a)) &amp;&amp; (%nick !isop $v2) {
        .mode $v2 +o $v1
      inc %c
    inc %a

Highlight the nick(s) that you want to op, then right click and select Op in Common.

Each nick that is selected will be opped in all channels that both of you have in common and that you have ops in.

#155450 07/08/06 02:14 AM
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Hoopy frood
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Just a friendly reminder, $comchan has an op property grin

#155451 07/08/06 02:45 AM
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True, however I thought it might be a bit more important for the steps to be recognized and understood, than worry about the extra 6 bytes of code that mine actually takes.

#155452 07/08/06 03:17 AM
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Cool! smile

I can't get it to worc though.


When I presst the button, nothing happens.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155453 07/08/06 03:32 AM
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menu nicklist {
» Add to Hostlist:.auser hostlisted $1
» Remove From Hostlist:.ruser hostlisted $1
On @*:join:#: { if (hostlisted isin $level($nick)) { mode # +o $nick }

oh you posted you want it done manualy while i was typing thiis thing

menu nicklist {
$iif($me isop $chan,» Controle $$1 )
.$iif($me isop $chan,» Host $$1 ):/mode $chan +o $$1
.$iif($me isop $chan,» DeHost $$1 ):/mode $chan -o $$1

From my first Post.

I want to be able to give op to someone in all the channels I am in, having op.. Like IF i am in 30 channels, and then a freaind joins, 23 of them, and I want to op him, in all channels, then I fo not have to ho in the 23 channels to op hip manualy.. but just use a /command or a rightclik menu, to give a op commando that gives him op in all 23, ar once.

Like: /mode $chan +o Gomp..
Only, that that only op in the channel I am typing it in..

$active <-- I even tested with that, and actives, and chans, etcetera..

It there not a option for this?

and are there anywhere youcan see all the $something commands?


(sorry the spelling, I cannot see this little text, and I just make more mess by trying to correct it.)

No hard feelings or anything..

Juts to prove I did infact point that out in the first point.

I see how spelling it wrong may have been a factor though.

I tested that code, and all it did was to op the person in the chaneel where I right clicked, like doing the same and oping him would do.. confused

I want to have it op in all channels I am in, and that the other person I want to op, is in, only by one command..

THank you for giving it a go though.

I'll just do it manually like this..

/opbot /op gomp #channel | op gomp ... .... . .. on and on and on..
I was just looking for a easy way, and again it is nothing but overvomplications. (Really no oofecne or anything, this just has happende every time I post here,.. I used more time to get back to the actuall issue in the first post than I do .. ther eI do it again.)

I wish there was a command like /op gomp $chans
That would just seek out every place I could uop him.

but, 'll do it manually now..

SO I bet my bets, on that nect time I open here, there is a easy way I could have used...

Gah.. So frustrating to not be able to make onself understood.
And I do not want to look like I am blaming you, but did you read all words as in the entire post, or just a few lines, and jumped at it?

Just curious, maybe I should write in block next time. smile

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155454 07/08/06 03:48 AM
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To illustralet it really easy..

(And since this did not worc.)

/massop /op gomp #innvikling | op gomp #utvikling | op gomp #archangels | op gomp #archangels | op gomp | op gomp #åndeligheten | op gomp #filosofisk | op gomp #åndelig | op gomp #shamanism | op gomp #rytmeboksen | op gomp #ascension | op gomp #åndelighet | op gomp #ugdulf | op gomp #dreamt | op gomp #gudene

THat did not worc..

I do not uysnerstand why, but now I at leats make it pososible to understand what I am after!? confused

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155455 07/08/06 03:49 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Oops...I had a variable placed incorrectly.
Here's a corrected and tested version, along with some additional options.
 menu nicklist {
  Common Channels
  .Op : common op $snicks
  .Deop : common deop $snicks
  .Half-Op : common hop $snicks
  .DeHalf-Op : common dehop $snicks
  .Voice : common voice $snicks
  .Devoice : common devoice $snicks
alias common {
  var %a = 1, %b = $numtok($2,44)
  while %a &lt;= %b {
    var %nick = $gettok($2,%a,44)
    var %c = 1, %d = $comchan(%nick,0)
    while %c &lt;= %d {
      var %chan = $comchan(%nick,%c)
      if ($me isop %chan) {
        if ($2 == op) &amp;&amp; (%nick !isop %chan) {          .mode %chan +o %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == deop) &amp;&amp; (%nick isop %chan) {          .mode %chan -o %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == hop) &amp;&amp; (%nick !ishelp %chan) {          .mode %chan +h %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == dehop) &amp;&amp; (%nick ishelp %chan) {          .mode %chan -h %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == voice) &amp;&amp; (%nick !isvoice %chan) {          .mode %chan +v %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == devoice) &amp;&amp; (%nick isvoice %chan) {          .mode %chan -v %nick        }
      inc %c
    inc %a

#155456 07/08/06 03:54 AM
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I Wish this worlds could exprexx my joy!


I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155457 07/08/06 03:59 AM
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Hoopy frood
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All it takes is some patience and good feedback. Total time from your original posting, to my final posting with the working code, roughly 6 hours

#155458 07/08/06 04:07 AM
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Way cool to do this for me!

But I am sad to say, it does not work her.. frown

I must be doing something wrong.

I selcet the nick, find the new meny.. tested +v and +o but not a thing happens, no error no nothing.


  menu nicklist {
  Common Channels
  .Op : common op $snicks
  .Deop : common deop $snicks
  .Half-Op : common hop $snicks
  .DeHalf-Op : common dehop $snicks
  .Voice : common voice $snicks
  .Devoice : common devoice $snicks
alias common {
  var %a = 1, %b = $numtok($2,44)
  while %a &lt;= %b {
    var %nick = $gettok($2,%a,44)
    var %c = 1, %d = $comchan(%nick,0)
    while %c &lt;= %d {
      var %chan = $comchan(%nick,%c)
      if ($me isop %chan) {
        if ($2 == op) &amp;&amp; (%nick !isop %chan) {          .mode %chan +o %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == deop) &amp;&amp; (%nick isop %chan) {          .mode %chan -o %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == hop) &amp;&amp; (%nick !ishelp %chan) {          .mode %chan +h %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == dehop) &amp;&amp; (%nick ishelp %chan) {          .mode %chan -h %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == voice) &amp;&amp; (%nick !isvoice %chan) {          .mode %chan +v %nick        }
        elseif ($2 == devoice) &amp;&amp; (%nick isvoice %chan) {          .mode %chan -v %nick        }
      inc %c
    inc %a

I put that in Remote. smile

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155459 07/08/06 04:26 AM
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I am testing this now..

/maop /mode #innvikling +o gomp | mode #utvikling +o gomp | mode #archangels +o gomp | mode #åndeligheten +o gomp ... ona and on..

To see if that maby does it. smile

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155460 07/08/06 04:31 AM
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SOrry for making multiple posts, but I feel it would get to messy otherwhise.. as it alredy is a mess..

It did not work ether.. it just oped the first channel, and skipepd the rest of the commands..

Is there a way to get one command, trigger all those commands?

I will have to type them all, but it would workc untill there can be found a easier sulution lto this..

like /mode $allchannels +o gomp

If there only was a way to see all the $commads..

I bet there is one for $channs or something like taht.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155461 07/08/06 04:31 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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you might try this
alias opup {
  var %chncnt = $comchan($$1,0)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i &lt; %chncnt) {
    if ($comchan($1,#i).op) { op $comchan($1,%i) $1 }
    INC %i

to use: type /opup (nickname)

#155462 07/08/06 04:39 AM
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I tested it, and got this:

06:29:53 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:53 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:54 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:54 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:54 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:54 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:54 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:56 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:56 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:58 * curious: you're not channel operator
06:29:58 * curious: you're not channel operator

I am oped in all the channels, and gomp is not.

So to be sure we understand eachother now.

if gomp disconnect; then I must op him, in EVERY channel, to get him oped..

I do not want it auomatic, as that would render anyone wanting to take over channel, capable of doing so with ease..

I just want one command to do the nuber of command..

The worst thing about this is that i recall some coding, form back in the days..

And ther I recall like if you say /hey .. the /hey trigger /timer1 /nick dick /mode -i etcetra.. in one command...

Like one command could do all of these..

(whihc BTW is the accurat channelnames, if anyone want to help me in any manual ways..

/op gomp #innvikling | op gomp #utvikling | op gomp #archangels | op gomp #archangels | op gomp | op gomp #åndeligheten | op gomp #filosofisk | op gomp #åndelig | op gomp #shamanism | op gomp #rytmeboksen | op gomp #ascension | op gomp #åndelighet | op gomp #ugdulf | op gomp #dreamt | op gomp #gudene

i know it is flawed, but I fixed it in mu aliases.. and still dont workl

Last edited by gomp; 07/08/06 04:41 AM.

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155463 07/08/06 04:52 AM
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WOAH! I got it...

I can't get it to be by one /command..

But now I copy & paste this:

/mode #innvikling +o gomp
/mode #utvikling +o gomp
/mode #archangels +o gomp
/mode #åndeligheten +o gomp
/mode #filosofisk +o gomp
/mode #åndelig +o gomp
/mode #shamanism +o gomp
/mode #rytmeboksen +o gomp
/mode #ascension +o gomp
/mode #åndelighet +o gomp
/mode #ugdulf +o gomp
/mode #dreamt +o gomp
/mode #gudene +o gomp

And that does the tric!

Please help me make it more smart thoug.
I know some one out there know the one line command to this, There must be! wink

I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155464 07/08/06 05:12 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't know why my latest version wouldn't work, since I did test it before posting and it worked perfectly for me.

You stated that my code didn't work, yet there were no error messages. What network did you try it on? I'd like to connect to that network and try it myself to see what does or does not happen.

If you know that you just want to op gomp and in the channels specified
 alias opgomp {
/mode #innvikling +o gomp
/mode #utvikling +o gomp
/mode #archangels +o gomp
/mode #åndeligheten +o gomp
/mode #filosofisk +o gomp
/mode #åndelig +o gomp
/mode #shamanism +o gomp
/mode #rytmeboksen +o gomp
/mode #ascension +o gomp
/mode #åndelighet +o gomp
/mode #ugdulf +o gomp
/mode #dreamt +o gomp
/mode #gudene +o gomp 

Usage: /opgomp
NOTE: There is nothing here to ensure that you are opped in those channels, nothing to ensure that gomp is on those channels, nothing to confirm that gomp isn't already opped in those channels.

Please note that multiple posts by you one after another makes your topic look a little messy, especially when the Edit option is available.

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