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#155465 07/08/06 05:17 AM
Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,245
I changed my code, had some typos and needed to change the op command to the mode
alias opup {
  var %chncnt = $comchan($$1,0)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %chncnt) {
    if ( $comchan($1,%i).op == $true ) { mode $comchan($1,%i) +o $1 }
    inc %i

#155466 07/08/06 05:25 AM
Joined: Jun 2004
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gomp Offline OP
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I changed my code, had some typos and needed to change the op command to the mode
alias opup {
  var %chncnt = $comchan($$1,0)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %chncnt) {
    if ( $comchan($1,%i).op == $true ) { mode $comchan($1,%i) +o $1 }
    inc %i

Oh my...

Just as foretold..

Just as I knew it would happen..

I edited now, suddenly,

/mao /mode #innvikling +o gomp | mode #utvikling +o gomp | mode #archangels +o gomp | mode #åndeligheten +o gomp | mode #åndelighet +o gomp | mode #filosofisk +o gomp | mode #åndelig +o gomp | mode #shamanism +o gomp | mode #ascension +o gomp | mode #ugdulf +o gomp | mode #dreamt +o gomp | mode #dreaming +o gomp | mode #gudene +o gomp

that code made the trick..

Now I can type /mao
and gomp is oped EVRYWHERE! laugh

(allt eh channles listed)

But As I knew it, it came as no real supprise..

I rather wished I was wrong though. But then again!

Thank you all for the help! laugh

#155467 10/08/06 06:23 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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ME either. smile

Here is what I put it in Remote as..

; - DE/op in all channels at once...

menu nicklist {
Common Channels
.Op : common op $snicks
.Deop : common deop $snicks
.Half-Op : common hop $snicks
.DeHalf-Op : common dehop $snicks
.Voice : common voice $snicks
.Devoice : common devoice $snicks
alias common {
var %a = 1, %b = $numtok($2,44)
while %a <= %b {
var %nick = $gettok($2,%a,44)
var %c = 1, %d = $comchan(%nick,0)
while %c <= %d {
var %chan = $comchan(%nick,%c)
if ($me isop %chan) {
if ($2 == op) && (%nick !isop %chan) { .mode %chan +o %nick }
elseif ($2 == deop) && (%nick isop %chan) { .mode %chan -o %nick }
elseif ($2 == hop) && (%nick !ishelp %chan) { .mode %chan +h %nick }
elseif ($2 == dehop) && (%nick ishelp %chan) { .mode %chan -h %nick }
elseif ($2 == voice) && (%nick !isvoice %chan) { .mode %chan +v %nick }
elseif ($2 == devoice) && (%nick isvoice %chan) { .mode %chan -v %nick }
inc %c
inc %a

; ---- End ----

Then I clcik on the menu, and nothing happens.

I use /mop /mode #innvikling +o gomp | mode #utvikling +o gomp | mode #archangels +o gomp | mode #åndeligheten +o gomp | mode #åndelighet +o gomp | mode #filosofisk +o gomp | mode #åndelig +o gomp | mode #shamanism +o gomp | mode #ascension +o gomp | mode #ugdulf +o gomp | mode #dreamt +o gomp | mode #dreaming +o gomp | mode #gudene +o gomp
in Aliases..

But yeah, I guess that would have workd too.

Thank you for helping me. And I am on EFNET, if you think the server might be casuign it.


I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
#155468 10/08/06 06:29 PM
Joined: Jun 2004
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gomp Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Jun 2004
Posts: 243
I changed my code, had some typos and needed to change the op command to the mode
alias opup {
  var %chncnt = $comchan($$1,0)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i &lt;= %chncnt) {
    if ( $comchan($1,%i).op == $true ) { mode $comchan($1,%i) +o $1 }
    inc %i

I still cannot get that to work either.

But I'll use my Allias command.


I do not speak English. I speak Norwegian. So please bear with my poor English spelling and grammar.
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