Is it possible to let the
. be $1 and
settrivchan be $2.
But let the command givin be one whole word like
.settrivchan That would make it possible to check $2 (
somewhere in the you then can have:
if ($strip($2) != settrivchan) { bla bla }
I have no idea howto do that.
Perhaps somehow use $+ or [ $+ [ bla bla ]]
I also tryed something like:
on *:chat:*:{
if ($left($strip($1),1) == $chr(46)) {
if ($right($strip($1),-1) == settrivchan) {
if ($right($strip($1),-1) != settrivchan) || ($chr(35) !isin $2) { msg =$nick Please use 4.settrivchan #chan to set or add a trivia channel to the bot | halt }
if ($me !ison $2) { msg =$nick Please make sure I am present in $2 $+ , else you cannot add that channel to the bot | halt }
var %toadd = $2
chan.add %toadd
if (.setpoint == $strip($1)) { etc etc etc and so the if's go on for a while
but i still can't figure it out.