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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Can anyone explain why the drop down box referenced by $did(2) is a lot longer than the one in $did(4)? It looks like the box is a minimum of 8 times the size that it needs to be. Here's the layout for the dialog: dialog Observer {
title "Observer"
size -1 -1 665 215
option pixels
text "Account", 1, 5 5 120 16, center
combo 2, 5 21 120 100, edit drop
text "Route", 3, 125 5 60 16, center
combo 4, 125 21 60 100, edit drop
text "Name", 5, 190 6 50 16
edit "", 6, 240 5 285 20
text "Address", 7, 190 27 50 16
edit "", 8, 240 25 230 20
text "Apt", 9, 475 27 20 16
edit "", 10, 495 25 45 20, right
text "Phone", 11, 545 6 30 16
edit "", 12, 575 5 85 20
text "Special Directions", 13, 190 45 50 40, center
edit "", 14, 240 45 420 40, multi
box "Deliveries", 15, 5 120 70 90
check "Daily", 16, 7 134 50 16
check "MP/LL", 17, 7 150 50 16
check "Sat. Only", 18, 7 166 65 16
check "Vacation", 19, 7 182 65 16
box "Billing", 20, 73 120 60 90
radio "PIO", 21, 75 134 40 16, group
radio "CMP", 22, 75 150 40 16
radio "Mthly", 23, 75 166 45 16
radio "Bi-Wkly", 24, 75 182 55 16
text "Start", 25, 190 125 100 15, center
list 26, 190 140 100 70, size
text "Stop", 27, 290 125 100 15, center
list 28, 290 140 100 70, size
text "Deliveries", 29, 390 125 55 15, center
list 30, 390 140 55 70, size
text "Billing", 31, 445 125 50 15, center
list 32, 445 140 50 70, size
text "Payment Amount && Date", 33, 495 125 150 15, center
list 34, 495 140 50 70, size
list 35, 545 140 100 70, size
edit "", 37, 495 105 50 20
text "Balance", 38, 545 106 50 16, center
edit "", 39, 595 105 50 20, read
button "OK", 40, 135 125 50 18, ok
button "Save", 41, 135 145 50 18
button "Apply", 42, 135 165 50 18, default
text "Paid To", 43, 190 90 100 16, center
edit "", 44, 190 105 100 20, right
text "Expiry", 45, 290 90 100 16, center
edit "", 46, 290 105 100 20, read right
button "Cancel", 36, 135 185 50 18, cancel
text "Postal Code", 47, 545 27 60 16
edit "", 48, 605 24 55 21
Last edited by RusselB; 27/06/06 11:41 PM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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both drop down lists have the same length for me.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks. If that's the case, then something is happening to the length of the drop down list when I add items to the list (or at least that's what I'm thinking would be the problem). here's the section of the dialog that loads the information into those two id's on *:dialog:Observer:init:*:{
if !$hget(Observer) { .hmake Observer 100 }
if $exists(Observer.hsh) { .hload Observer Observer.hsh }
var %a = 1, %b = $hget(Observer,0).item
while %a <= %b {
set %rtes $addtok(%rtes,$gettok($hget(Observer,%a),1,44),32)
inc %a
did -r $dname 4
didtok $dname 4 32 %rtes
did -bh $dname 40
on *:dialog:Observer:sclick:4:{
set %rte $did(4).seltext
did -r $dname 2,6,12,8,10,48,14,44,46,37,39,26,28,30,32,34,35
did -u $dname 16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24
var %a = 1, %b = $hget(Observer,0).item
while %a <= %b {
var %sub = $hfind(Observer,$+(%rte,*),%a,w).data
did -a $dname 2 %sub
inc %a
A couple of examples of the data stored in the hash table are: 49070325 33,161,Nelson,801,J. McNally,O, ,06/28/2006,D 49055125 446,371,Brock S, ,Cooper Elizabeth,O, ,11/04/2006,D The 8 digit number at the beginning is the hash table item, the rest of the information is the data comma separated There's a total of 276 items currently in the hash table
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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RusselB, are you talking about Length-wise, or height-wise? this is what the dialog looks like for me:
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Top to bottom, not left to right.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Can you post a picture of the problem you are having?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah..I think this should do the trick..should've thought about posting it earlier. As you can see, the box for the dialog is a lot longer than what is required for the data to show.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I noticed you are using a loop and /didtok to load the combo box. As a test, maybe try putting a regular /did command in the loop and forgetting about the /didtok.
You could try to determine exactly how many extra spaces there are (ie 6 extra spaces for every proper line). As for a cause, I can't see anything in that code that could be causing the extra spaces.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Wrong part of the code. This dialog box is referenced as ID 2 (Account), which does use a loop, but not the didtok. The didtok line is used to fill ID 4 (Route)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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one other thing, not sure if you intended it if you remove the drop style on the combo, then your size of 100 fits ID 2 and 4 veritcally in that clear space
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thank you for noticing that. I don't think it was intentional, however, I've been working on this in spurts for the past couple of months (after loosing one that was complete due to a hard drive crash), and sometimes when I'm more awake than others. That effectively solves the problem I was having (although it was purely a problem with the visual appearance rather than how the dialog actually works).
I'd still be interested in knowing if someone could explain why the drop down list was allocating so much space. Based on some rough calculations, it almost looks like it was allowing space to accomodate an entry for each item in the hash table.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Based on some rough calculations, it almost looks like it was allowing space to accomodate an entry for each item in the hash table.
Isn't that what looping from 1 to $hget(Observer,0).item would do ?
var %a = 1, %b = $hget(Observer,0).item
while %a <= %b {
var %sub = $hfind(Observer,$+(%rte,*),%a,w).data
did -a $dname 2 %sub
if %sub = $null it will still add null to the list as an item.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Bingo...that was the problem. Easily countered by checking if %sub == $null before adding to the list.
Thanks to all who worked on this problem.