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#150507 04/06/06 07:07 PM
Joined: Apr 2006
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Jebus92 Offline OP
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Hi. I'd like to make a bot that can be used by Halfop's and Op's.
At this moment, I only want a time ban command. Eg: !Tbs NICK SECONDS REASON, !tbs Jebus92 300 Example
In that example the nick 'Jebus92' would be kicked and banned for 300 seconds. Thanks in advance!

#150508 04/06/06 09:05 PM
Joined: Apr 2006
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Posts: 464
This question should actually be posted in the scripting section, but here is a code that might work you:

on *:TEXT:!tbs*:#:{
  if ($nick !isop $chan) { notice $nick This command is only available for channel operators. | halt }
  else {
    if (!$2) { notice $nick Invalid syntax, usage: !Tbs nick seconds reason | halt }
    elseif (!$3) { notice $nick Invalid syntax, usage: !Tbs nick seconds reason | halt }
    elseif (!$4) { notice $nick Invalid syntax, usage: !Tbs nick seconds reason | halt }
    else { ban -ku $+ $3 $chan $2 $4- }

Just put that in the bots remote file (ALT + R).
It will only do the ban when someone is OPPED. I couldnt get the half-op thing to work since my network doesn't support that, but it should be easy to fix I reckon.

Try /help if-then-else

Last edited by OrionsBelt; 04/06/06 09:28 PM.
#150509 04/06/06 09:59 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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For half-op, just replace 'isop' with 'ishop'. Also those halt statements are irrelevant with code as you have it, and (in my opinion) make the code look messy.

#150510 04/06/06 10:06 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Why are they irrelevant?
Is the code stopping anyway because of the brackets { } ?

#150511 04/06/06 11:38 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Between the proper usage of the brackets { } and your proper usage of the if/elseif/else comparators.

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