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#150356 01/06/06 11:06 PM
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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on *:text:*!voiceme*:#: {
if ($1 == %c $+ !voiceme) {
mode $chan +v $nick }
if (TestingUser isin $nick) return
if (Sableye isin $nick) return
if (PokeMaster isin $nick) return
if (Abhishek isin $nick) return
if (Emokid isin $nick) return
if (Kady isin $nick) return
if (Pinkie isin $nick) return
else {
.ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

This is a !voiceme script. What it does is that it voices anyone on the list when someone types in !voiceme, but bans anyone else that is not on the list. The problem is that everyone is getting voiced instead of the people on the list. How do I go about making it so that only the people on the list can get voiced when they type in !voiceme?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:*!voiceme*:#: {
if ($1 == %c $+ !voiceme) {
mode $chan +v $nick }
if (TestingUser isin $nick) return
if (Sableye isin $nick) return
if (PokeMaster isin $nick) return
if (Abhishek isin $nick) return
if (Emokid isin $nick) return
if (Kady isin $nick) return
if (Pinkie isin $nick) return
else {
.ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

you have the voice ahead of the checks for nicks

try this

on *:text:$(%c $+ !voiceme):#: {
  if (TestingUser isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (Sableye isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (PokeMaster isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (Abhishek isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (Emokid isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (Kady isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  if (Pinkie isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  else {
    .ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

I dont see where you are setting %c but I take that to be some setting that changes once in a while in another alias/script

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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I tried your script out and it partly works. It does only voice the users on the list, and it also does not voice the users that are not on the list. However the ban is not activated. The user that is running the script is a half op on the channel.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:$(%c $+ voiceme):#:{
  var %nicks = TestingUser Sableye PokeMaster Abhishek Emokid Kady Pinkie
  if ($istok(%nicks,$nick,32)) mode $chan +v $nick
  else ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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hixxy, your script didn't even do anything even when the user hosting the script was opped.
I prefer to use MikeChat's script if the ban works, but so far I have had no luck.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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 on @*:text:*!voiceme*:#:{
  var %a = 1, %b = $nick($chan,0,a,v)
  while %a <= %b {
    if $istok(Testinguser sableye pokemaster abhishek emokid kady pinkie,$nick($chan,%a,a,v),32) {
      .mode $chan +v $nick($chan,%a),32)
    else {
      ban -k $chan $nick($chan,%a,a,v)
    inc %a

I don't understand why you have the %c in your original attempt, but the above should work per my understanding of your request.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:$(%c $+ !voiceme):#: {
  if (TestingUser isin $nick) $&
    || (Sableye isin $nick) $&
    || (PokeMaster isin $nick) $&
    || (Abhishek isin $nick) $&
    || (Emokid isin $nick) $&
    || (Kady isin $nick) $&
    || (Pinkie isin $nick) { mode $chan +v $nick }
  else {
    .ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:text:$(%c $+ !voiceme):#:{
  var %nicks = TestingUser Sableye PokeMaster Abhishek Emokid Kady Pinkie
  if ($istok(%nicks,$nick,32)) mode $chan +v $nick
  else ban -ku120 $chan $nick 5,8Read the topic! [2 minute ban]

hixxy: Missed a ! in the call. Now it should work, and (imho) is a better alternative.

Last edited by KingTomato; 02/06/06 06:17 AM.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Good point. I assumed that %c was a stored command prefix.

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