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#148756 10/05/06 07:11 PM
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to not post whole dialog + code i jump on important...

everything that i have in init event ~20 lines of code/events work exept this one (any only one that wont work)

if ( $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt) = 0 ) { .did -m protect 49 }

and it doesnt matter if i put it on begining of init or whereever...

but when i try it debug like this:

//if ( $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt) = 0 ) //echo -a empty | else //echo -a not empty

it works...
so why wont it disable ID in dialog init if it is correct syntax ?

#148757 10/05/06 07:27 PM
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where you have if ( $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt) = 0 ) { .did -m protect 49 }

did you mean if ( $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt) == 0 ) { dialog -m protect 49 }

#148758 10/05/06 07:31 PM
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Make sure it's an edit box you're trying to disable.

/did -b Will disable ID's.

#148759 10/05/06 07:42 PM
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oh god... im so stupid

answer was in -b =)

/me hides

thanks heh

#148760 10/05/06 07:47 PM
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try this to test, in the init section put
echo -a file test: $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt)

if that line comes back with nothing after the "file test" then its $null

then this should work

if ( $lines($mircdirsystem\spam_channels.txt) == $null ) { did -m protect 49 }

-b disable id
-m disables editbox

#148761 10/05/06 08:40 PM
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yeah =)
i messed up with editbox where i should use ID
(not -m but -b)

also i wish to ask, what code should it go for LIST control
that for example when it is empty (nothing is SELECTED) id is disabled, and when there is something SELECTED that ID becomes enabled.

because for now i have dialog on init to check if file.txt is empty or not, and same goes in dialog sclick events
but kinda looks stupid to have ID (Button) enabled if nothing is selected (i use dialog thru which user can add something to list(.txt file) and remove things from same)

i can post full code if it is needed

Last edited by raZOR; 10/05/06 08:41 PM.

#148762 10/05/06 09:09 PM
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hey guys

#148763 11/05/06 03:19 AM
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on *:dialog:[color:red]name[/color]:init:*: did -b $dname [color:red]ID_OF_BUTTON[/color]
on *:dialog:[color:red]name[/color]:sclick:[color:red]ID_OF_LISTBOX[/color]: did -e $dname [color:red]ID_OF_BUTTON[/color]

Half of this stuff is explained in the help file.. Feel free to read it some time smile

#148764 11/05/06 02:20 PM
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Using this thread... could someone tell me if it is possible to define many Default buttons, one per tab?

I have something like that:

  button "Add", 7, 112 40 20 10, flat default tab 1
  button "Add", 14, 112 40 20 10, flat default tab 2

And so on... but it doesn't seem to work, I only get the first button like default, ignoring the rest of declarations. Any idea?


Abstraction is art.
#148765 11/05/06 02:30 PM
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You need to do it at runtime: use the sclick event to watch for tab clicks and the /did -t command to dynamically set the default button.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148766 11/05/06 04:03 PM
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on *:dialog:[color:red]name[/color]:init:*: did -b $dname [color:red]ID_OF_BUTTON[/color]
on *:dialog:[color:red]name[/color]:sclick:[color:red]ID_OF_LISTBOX[/color]: did -e $dname [color:red]ID_OF_BUTTON[/color]

Half of this stuff is explained in the help file.. Feel free to read it some time smile

yes i understand those events :P
but i dont understand what should i write in List SCLICK
so it detects if LIST is empty or not ?

i have this code:

if ($did = 46) {
if ($did(46).lines == 0) { .did -b protect 49 }

where 46 is list control and 49 is button
and when list control is clicked on (and has no lines)
button does NOT become disabled

#148767 11/05/06 04:08 PM
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The sclick event isn't fired unless an item is selected in the listbox, so your script will never run.

#148768 11/05/06 04:09 PM
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so in other words, this is impossible what i need ?

#148769 11/05/06 04:26 PM
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Yes but you could work around it. Check out this example:

dialog t {
  title ""
  size -1 -1 300 300
  option dbu
  list 1, 0 0 300 270, vsbar
  button "clear", 2, 270 270 20 20
  button "add item", 3, 240 270 20 20
on *:dialog:t:mouse:*:{
  if ($did(2).enabled) && (!$did(1).lines) did -b $dname 2
  elseif ($did(1).lines) && (!$did(2).enabled) did -e $dname 2
on *:dialog:t:sclick:2: did -r $dname 1
on *:dialog:t:sclick:3: did -a $dname 1 test

#148770 11/05/06 04:55 PM
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Or you could employ a different logic altogether: since your script always knows when text is added/removed (assuming the user doesn't type /did -a/-r himself!), you can do what you want at those moments. More specifically

[*]Open your dialog with the button disabled.
[*]Whenever the sclick event for that listbox fires, it means a (non-empty) line was selected, so enable the button.
[*]Whenever something is removed from the listbox, check $did().sel (either $did(id,0).sel or $did(id,1).sel). If it's 0, disable the button.
[*]Whenever the listbox is overwritten with text (eg a file is loaded over any existing text), disable the button.

Last edited by qwerty; 11/05/06 05:01 PM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148771 11/05/06 05:00 PM
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nice =)


will try =)

Last edited by raZOR; 11/05/06 05:01 PM.

#148772 11/05/06 05:30 PM
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well now i have this
  if ($did = 49) { 
    if ($did(46,1).sel) { 
 some code that re-loads contents of .txt into list
    if ($did(46,0).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }
  ;this is where it should disable button 49

but its not working

#148773 11/05/06 05:33 PM
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    if ([color:red]![/color]$did(46,0).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }

#148774 11/05/06 05:36 PM
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  if ([color:red]![/color]$did(46,0).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }

Edit: hixxy beat me to it.

#148775 11/05/06 05:37 PM
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if ($did(46,0).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }

This will disable the button if nothing is selected in the listbox. Isn't that the opposite of what you want? Also, if you reload a .txt by overwriting the listbox (and not by appending to it), no line will be selected after the file is reloaded, so you can just disable the button without checking anything.

Edit: SladeKraven beat me to it :tongue:

Last edited by qwerty; 11/05/06 05:40 PM.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148776 11/05/06 05:41 PM
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uh uh
now i am confused

isnt ,0 = no line
and ,1 = some line ?

and my goal is to button disable ONLY if there is nothing in listbox

coz when i remove all from list, the button is still enabled

Last edited by raZOR; 11/05/06 05:44 PM.

#148777 11/05/06 05:49 PM
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1 is true, 0 is false.

You're checking to see if the control does have a value. When you should be checking to see if the control doesn't have a value.

#148778 11/05/06 05:55 PM
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No, you should read the help file on $did().sel (and in fact the entire page on dialogs). Also, when you don't know what something does exactly, USE /echo. Bold cannot stress this enough, /echo is the best way to figure out how stuff works.

$did(name,id,0) -> total number of selected lines
$did(name,id,1) -> index of 1st selected line
$did(name,id,2) -> index of 2nd selected line

Inside an on DIALOG event $did(name,id,N) can be $did(id,N)

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148779 11/05/06 05:55 PM
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so then

this : if (! $did(46,0 ).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }
is equal to this?
if ($did(46,1 ).sel) { .did -b protect 49 }


#148780 11/05/06 05:58 PM
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"$did(name,id,0) -> total number of selected lines"

then by some logic it should be

if ($did(name,id,0) == 0) { disable coz it has no lines }

anyways that code by hixxy (last) and Slade works.
i just now want to figure out this logic coz it has no
sence to me

Last edited by raZOR; 11/05/06 05:59 PM.

#148781 11/05/06 06:00 PM
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if ($did(name,id,0) == 0)
is the same as
if (!$did(name,id,0))

which is what hixxy used

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148782 11/05/06 06:08 PM
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ehm i just noticed that code actually doesnt work for me smirk

so if that is true:

if ($did(name,id,0) == 0)

then why my button does NOT get disabled
when nothing is in list control ?

#148783 11/05/06 06:35 PM
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if ($did(name,id,0)[color:red].sel[/color] == 0)

Sometimes, people on here make mistakes in their posts or assume you know what to do and write shorthand versions. It's ok to try and correct things yourself sometimes.

#148784 11/05/06 06:38 PM
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Oops, I guess I copied raZOR's mistake, thanks.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com
#148785 11/05/06 07:07 PM
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Np smile Happens to everyone.

#148786 11/05/06 07:20 PM
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there is 1 odd thing happen
when i click on list but not ON content (like if i have added 3 lines of something, so i click below them) list PASSIVE selects some line and on execution (button) button get disabled confused

yes, it works when ACTIVE selected line, but why it disables on PASSIVE select ?

#148787 11/05/06 07:21 PM
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Eh? Could you rephrase that?

#148788 11/05/06 07:26 PM
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when listbox is PASSIVE selected and i click on remove button, button is disabled and ofcourse nothing is removed from list . so why this happen (disables button) if i didnt selected anything ?

Last edited by raZOR; 11/05/06 07:28 PM.

#148789 11/05/06 07:31 PM
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Because nothing is selected. One of the items has focus, but it's not selected.

#148790 11/05/06 07:33 PM
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uh oh...

so while trying to have checkup if no lines are in list
it disables button but in same time if nothing is selected
even there are things to select it disables button again...


so is this like.. only way it can be ?

#148791 11/05/06 07:35 PM
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I don't get you.

#148792 11/05/06 08:12 PM
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uh oh...

so while trying to have checkup if no lines are in list
it disables button but in same time if nothing is selected
even there are things to select it disables button again...


so is this like.. only way it can be ?

I would say no it doesnt require that something be selected, I have not tested it though.

post your code here and one of will have a solution.

However I think you cant check to see if ID 46 has any lines
on :dialog:NAME:sclick:46:{
if ($did(!$dname,46).lines) { did -b $dname 49 }
else {
did -e $dname 49
code to do something with $did(46).seltext

#148793 11/05/06 10:22 PM
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well if it cannot be done, then i dont wish to bug people :P
ill choose then most fitting solution form all previous givent codes and suggestions.

so i say thanks to all who helped me here smile

thank you.

#148794 12/05/06 12:02 AM
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does this do what you want to do?

dialog list {
  title "List Box"
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  list 100, 20 20 160 60
  button "Add", 900, 30 75 60 10
  button "Remove", 901, 110 75 60 10

;; disable the remove button when starting
on *:dialog:list:init:0:{
  did -b list 901

;; Add something to the listbox, 
;; and if something is added, enable the remove button
on *:dialog:list:sclick:900:{
  if ($cb(0)) { 
    did -a list 100 $cb 
    did -e list 901 

;; Remove a line from the list
;; if the list is empty, disable the remove button
on *:dialog:list:sclick:901:{
  did -d list 100 $did(list,100).sel
  if (!$did(list,100).lines) { did -b list 901 }

#148795 12/05/06 02:15 PM
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yes exactly that, and it works except i get error
/did invalied parameters for

did -d something 100 $did(list,100).sel

when list control is passive selected

#148796 12/05/06 05:40 PM
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Qwerty said:

You need to do it at runtime: use the sclick event to watch for tab clicks and the /did -t command to dynamically set the default button.

so test with this

alias list dialog -m list list

dialog list {
  title "List Box"
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  tab "One", 1, 0 0 200 100
  tab "Two", 2
  list 100, 20 20 160 60, tab 1
  button "Add", 900, 30 75 60 10, tab 1
  button "Remove", 901, 110 75 60 10, tab 1
  list 101, 20 20 160 60, tab 2
  button "Add", 902, 30 75 60 10, tab 2
  button "Remove", 903, 110 75 60 10, tab 2
on *:dialog:list:init:0:{
  did -b list 901,903
on *:dialog:list:sclick:1:{
  did -t list 100 1
on *:dialog:list:sclick:2:{
  did -t list 101 1
on *:dialog:list:sclick:900:{
  if ($cb(0)) { 
    did -a list 100 $cb 
    did -e list 901 
on *:dialog:list:sclick:901:{
  did -d list 100 $did(list,100).sel
  if (!$did(list,100).lines) { did -b list 901 }

on *:dialog:list:sclick:902:{
  if ($cb(0)) { 
    did -a list 101 $cb 
    did -e list 903 
on *:dialog:list:sclick:903:{
  did -d list 101 $did(list,101).sel
  if (!$did(list,101).lines) { did -b list 903 }

#148797 12/05/06 05:46 PM
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it does same errors :P

#148798 12/05/06 06:02 PM
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I have tested it here again, and i get no errors
what are the errors you get??
did you paste my code or are you adapting yours and still getting errors there?

#148799 12/05/06 06:19 PM
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i copy/pasted YOUR code (last) and only changed dialog name coz it fux up when i call /list

i get errors on this lines:

for tab 1
did -d listme 100 $did(listme,100).sel

for tab 2
did -d listme 101 $did(listme,101).sel

to repeat i get in passive click this errors, not in active

Last edited by raZOR; 12/05/06 06:20 PM.

#148800 12/05/06 06:44 PM
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whether passive or active (and the sclick for the tab ID should stop passive)
I get no errors
alias listme dialog -m listme listme

dialog listme {
  title "listme Box"
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  tab "One", 1, 0 0 200 100
  tab "Two", 2
  list 100, 20 20 160 60, tab 1
  button "Add", 900, 30 75 60 10, tab 1
  button "Remove", 901, 110 75 60 10, tab 1
  list 101, 20 20 160 60, tab 2
  button "Add", 902, 30 75 60 10, tab 2
  button "Remove", 903, 110 75 60 10, tab 2
on *:dialog:listme:init:0:{
  did -b listme 901,903
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:1:{
  did -t listme 100 1
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:2:{
  did -t listme 101 1
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:900:{
  if ($cb(0)) { 
    did -a listme 100 $cb 
    did -e listme 901 
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:901:{
  did -d listme 100 $did(listme,100).sel
  if (!$did(listme,100).lines) { did -b listme 901 }

on *:dialog:listme:sclick:902:{
  if ($cb(0)) { 
    did -a listme 101 $cb 
    did -e listme 903 
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:903:{
  did -d listme 101 $did(listme,101).sel
  if (!$did(listme,101).lines) { did -b listme 903 }

renamed it all

#148801 12/05/06 06:49 PM
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now tried on clean mirc 6.17
i get same errors for same lines.

ehm... weird case ?

#148802 12/05/06 06:58 PM
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Since I don't get the error, maybe someone else can tell you what is causing the error and how to get rid of it.

#148803 12/05/06 07:07 PM
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you could try changing these lines
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:1:{
did -t listme 100 1
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:2:{
did -t listme 101 1

on *:dialog:listme:sclick:1:{
did -t listme 900
on *:dialog:listme:sclick:2:{
did -t listme 902

#148804 12/05/06 07:19 PM
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same errors

#148805 13/05/06 07:36 AM
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If you're using the same definition of 'passive' as the screenshot earlier, I told you, nothing is actually selected there, so .sel will always be 0.

#148806 13/05/06 10:54 AM
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well if .sel is always 0
then why doesnt this code prevent it ?

if ($did(listme,100).sel == 0) { did -b listme 901 }

or it is impossible to have this kind of "detection" :P ?

sorry for being dumb smile

#148807 13/05/06 03:14 PM
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Where abouts is that if statement?

#148808 13/05/06 03:55 PM
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on *:dialog:listme:sclick:901:{
did -d listme 100 $did(listme,100).sel
if ($did(listme,100).sel == 0) { did -b listme 901 }
if (!$did(listme,100).lines) { did -b listme 901 }

i put it before line detection

#148809 13/05/06 04:24 PM
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Try this:

on *:dialog:listme:sclick:901:{
  if (!$did(100).sel) || (!$did(100).lines) { 
    did -b listme 901 
  did -d listme 100 $did(100).sel
  did -b listme 901

It's not very logical to try and delete the selected item and THEN check if there's one selected :tongue:

#148810 13/05/06 04:53 PM
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now it dont give errors but it disables in passive remove
and when clicked on item (that IS there) it isnt enabled anymore :P

"It's not very logical to try and delete the selected item and THEN check if there's one selected"

sure is, if you want to see if there is anything left or not.

#148811 13/05/06 05:01 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 2,881
now it dont give errors but it disables in passive remove
and when clicked on item (that IS there) it isnt enabled anymore :P

on *:dialog:listme:sclick:100: did -e listme 901

sure is, if you want to see if there is anything left or not.

Yeah, I was talking about error prevention though.

#148812 13/05/06 06:01 PM
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raZOR Offline OP
Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
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thank you so much, to all of you !
this work perfect now !!!

/me buys cookies to all

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