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#148575 09/05/06 07:21 PM
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 449
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 449
You could just align it in columns without writing a full sentence. Separate it all by tabs so that the first column is the person who kicked, the second column is the person who got kicked, and third is the reason. You could just make a variable like this
var %kickline = $nick  $+ $chr(9) $+ $knick $+ $1-

Then you could just write %kickline to your file. Note: you might want to space it out more if nick lengths are too long. Just add another $+ $chr(9) there.

#148576 09/05/06 07:26 PM
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 525
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 525
Yes, it is to a certain extent but I don't think it's worth the trouble since a lot of the data being written to it has no upper limit to the length. It would be difficult to keep things aligned properly.

If you are familiar wtih html you could make an alias that when called it uses the text file to generate an html document with a table containing the various pieces of information.

#148577 09/05/06 10:05 PM
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Sep 2003
Posts: 4,230
on *:KICK:#:{
if (!$window(@kicked)) window @kicked
aline @kicked [[ $fulldate ]] - $gettok($address($knick,2),2,64) - $nick - kicked - $knick - from $chan for - $1-
write $+(",$logdirkicked.txt,") $line(@kicked,$line(@kicked,0))
write $+(",$logdirkicked.doc,") $+($fulldate,$chr(9),$gettok($address($knick,2),2,64),$chr(9),$nick,$chr(9),$knick,$chr(9),$chan,$chr(9),$1-)

open the doc file in what ever word processor you got and set the tab stops
* be aware that saving into the same file well likely add characters or control codes that would make adding extra lines problem matic at best.
* I suggest you save the file if need be to a new filename once setting the tabs

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