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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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mIRC was working perfectly for me but I keep getting this message now. Cannot request a file. What has happened? Any clue?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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are you manually identifying?

Did you recently add scripting in? Or load a mrc file of some sort?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Some networks have a usermode +R (not to be confused with +r which can mean you are using a registered nickname) which you can set that prevents NONregistered nicknames from PM/DCCing you. The other person could have set this which would then block your DCC requests if you're not using a registered nickname (or havent identifyed to it thru nickserv before sending)

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Self-satisified door
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Didn't add any scripting, etc. Wouldn't know it if I walked into it.

havent identifyed to it thru nickserv before sending

Not sure what that means. I signed up for the service, it worked until a couple of days ago. The only changes I can remember making were having to uninstall and reinstall Macromedia's Flash Player. Could that have affected mIRC?

You're talking to someone with minimal skills here. Thanks for any help.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Is the nick that you're using registered with nickserv? You can find out by doing a
/ns info YourNick
If it is registered, and you're the one that registered the nick, then identify with
/ns identify YourPassword
If the nick is registered, and you're not the one that registered the nick, then you must choose a different nickname, that isn't registered, and register it. This is all assuming that the network requires you to be registered and have usermode +r set before you can receieve any files.

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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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So if I'm registered (paid?) does that mean I automatically get the +r before my nick? Is that the problem? Some channels give me the + , some don't. Even with the plus, some users send files, some don't. I understand the server mode requirements but not all state that.

If I pay the registration, I'm in or not?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC registration has nothing to do with being registered on any IRC network. Some IRC networks do not even have a registration process. Registration on an IRC network that does support it is free.

The '+' (or 'voice' as it's called) is just a mode on IRC which is actually meant to be used in conjunction with the +m channel mode (moderated) which only allows users with op/voice to speak. What has sending or receiving files got to do with anything? Are you aware that mIRC is not a file trading program? If not, your expectations of what happens on IRC probably differ from reality.

For specific services help on the network you use, the best idea is to ask the helpers on that IRC network - usually by joining the #help channel.


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Self-satisified door
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Self-satisified door
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Yes, I am fully aware that it is not a file trading program. I do know what reality is. The acerbic nature of your response was totally unnecessary. My questions involved an aspect, I asked about that aspect.

I appreciate all others who offered explanations and/or help. I will

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