I've got a working switchbar, the only problem is, the switchbar loads itself over the left side of mIRC, So I can't see the messages from ppl anymore. (i'm using ultradock)
It might be because I'm still using an outdated version of mIRC (6.15 instead of 6.17). I have no idea if this is the cause, but I'll try it out soon.
However, when I do that, I'll have to load all of my old scripts back into the new version, which would be a lot of work in my case. Is there any way to automatically load all these scripts back without having to do this manually...
Ultradock code:
alias udo {
if ($isid) return $dll($mircdirultradock.dll,$1,$2-)
else $dll($mircdirultradock.dll,$1,$2-)
ON *:SIGNAL:UltraDock: {
alias switchy {
dialog -m switchy switchy
echo -a $udo(Dock,-1 $dialog(switchy).hwnd right switchy)