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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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How do I make the timestamp output work with milliseconds? I was told I have to make a script to make that work, but how should i make that work with the default timestamp output without messing it up? and how do i even make mirc count milliseconds? The only thing I know of that uses milliseconds is timers, but I cant get the timestamp to work with that...or? Thanx in advance 
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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mIRC's timestamp feature uses the formatting parameters from $asctime() identifier (/help $asctime), and there are no identifiers for milliseconds. Actually, there are no identifiers that can return the current time in milliseconds.
Ping and timers can use milliseconds only because they compute the DIFFERENCE between two moments in time expressed in milliseconds - actually, in "ticks" elapsed since the computer was started. But $ticks in itself has no meaning, as it didn't have a precise reference point; only difference between two values of $ticks is useful, to accurately determine the duration of a process.
Out of curiosity, what do you need such a high precision timestamping for? How is it useful to you, considering how many other factors can influence the delay of messages appearing on your screen, like lag and even processor load that slows down refreshing mIRC windows?
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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mIRC's timestamp feature uses the formatting parameters from $asctime() identifier (/help $asctime), and there are no identifiers for milliseconds. Actually, there are no identifiers that can return the current time in milliseconds. I know, thats why I asked in the first place.. Ping and timers can use milliseconds only because they compute the DIFFERENCE between two moments in time expressed in milliseconds - actually, in "ticks" elapsed since the computer was started. But $ticks in itself has no meaning, as it didn't have a precise reference point; only difference between two values of $ticks is useful, to accurately determine the duration of a process. So how can i make a script convert this to milliseconds, and how can I make it replace the current $timestamp value without making the settings in options overwrite the script? ..as well as to replace the values in all windows.. Out of curiosity, what do you need such a high precision timestamping for? How is it useful to you, considering how many other factors can influence the delay of messages appearing on your screen, like lag and even processor load that slows down refreshing mIRC windows? It's for testing perposes.. I need the exact output time in milliseconds for several tasks i'm trying to perform.. and it will make fixing some of my scripts alot easier as well.. And I'm testing this on a private network, where lag and proccessor load isnt much of an issue 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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pre mirc6.17 ;usage /ctimems : well revaluate the the offset values used to produce the $identifier results (2 second delay during this processing)
;usage $ctimems : returns $ctime and 3 digit decimal place being miliseconds, (2 second delay if no /ctimems call is made prior to this $identifier being used)
alias ctimems {
if (!$var(%milliseconds.ticks,0) || !$var(%milliseconds.ctime,0) || (!$isid)) {
var %ctime = $calc($ctime + 1)
while (%ctime >= $ctime) { }
set -u1000000000 %milliseconds.ticks $calc($ticks - 1000)
set -u1000000000 %milliseconds.ctime $calc($ctime - 1)
return $left($calc(%milliseconds.ctime + (($ticks - %milliseconds.ticks) / 1000) + .0001),-1)
} mirc 6.17 only ;usage /ctimems : well revaluate the the offset values used to produce the $identifier results (2 second delay during this processing)
;usage $ctimems : returns $ctime and 3 digit decimal place being miliseconds, (2 second delay if no /ctimems call is made prior to this $identifier being used)
alias ctimems {
if (!$var(%milliseconds.ticks,0) || !$var(%milliseconds.ctime,0) || (!$isid)) {
var %ctime = $calc($ctime + 1)
while (%ctime >= $ctime) { }
set -e %milliseconds.ticks $calc($ticks - 1000)
set -e %milliseconds.ctime $calc($ctime - 1)
return $left($calc(%milliseconds.ctime + (($ticks - %milliseconds.ticks) / 1000) + .0001),-1)
} * this was old code i wrote some time back , yell out if its not working right.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Thanx, this works the way i want if i implement this: alias tpms { return $right($ctimems,3) } but the main issue is still: how to get this to work in every window, as a replacement of the actual $timestamp value ..without getting the actual timestamp value in options to overrun it.. :-/
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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unfortunetly the optiosn timestamp value doesnt allow u to insert identifiers like $x in else i would have said rename the alias to x and insert $x, maybve this should be a feature suggestion for the future who knows. i wacked this together for you alias ms.timestampfmt {
var %ctime = $calc($ctime + 1)
while (%ctime >= $ctime) { }
set -u1000000000 %ms.timestampfmt.fix $calc($ticks % 1000)
.timer.ms.timestampfmt.fix -imo 0 15 ms.timestampfmt.fix
alias ms.timestampfmt.fix {
var %timestampfmt = $timestampfmt
if ($pos(%timestampfmt,s.,1)) {
var %pos = $v1
if ($mid(%timestampfmt,$calc(%pos + 2),3) isnum) {
.timestamp -f $+($left(%timestampfmt,%pos),.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3),$mid(%timestampfmt,$calc(%pos + 5)))
} First run /MS.TIMESTAMPFMT and it well start it off, it well have that 1 to 2 second delay anytime you run it After that you well notice no change, unless you go into the timestamp format and insert ".000" (actually fullstop and any 3 numbers), ex [HH:nn:ss] to [HH:nn:ss.123] Next time the timestamp is displayed the 3 digits are adjusting to the ms, im actually going in and reseting the timestamp 67 or so times a second ( /me is a resource hog! ) * now becuase this is done on a timer, if you are doing your own large looping (aka mirc freeze) then the timer doesnt get a chance to go off, thus the ms value well not update, so if your got a /echo -t in your loop the ms well jam, only way to fix that is to call MS.TEMPSTAMPFMT.FIX from inside your loop. This however is not major in my opion as from what i gather your after getting accurate time stamps on channels etc. * again if u have mirc6.17 you can replace the -u1000000000 with a -e --- edit --- Calling out to REGEXERS!Actually to any good regexer out there it would be nice if you could do a regsub on it, and thus reduce my code over head replacing all my ifs etc, and it would also allow replacing of more than one s.000 value What i think is needed is to locate in $timestampfmt any occurance of s.### (# being a digit) and replace it with $+(s.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3)), Maybe also only set the timestamp if at least one was found, since im sure its resource hoggy to keep setting it if its not changed  Maybe along the lines of.... alias ms.timestampfmt.fix {
var %timestampfmt = $timestampfmt
if ($regsub(%timestampfmt,[color:blue]<re>[/color],$+(s.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3)),%timestampfmt)) { timestamp -f %timestampfmt }
} <re> to match s.###
Last edited by DaveC; 19/02/06 12:53 AM.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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First.. i'm using mIRC 6.16 Will upgrade to 6.17 after a while, when more people have tested it, and possible bugfixes has been released =)
And your code dont work...the actual replacement of the timestamp.
And I was wondering..is it easier to make hundreds? (not sure what thats called) like for every second, 0-99 is counted.. That is enough actually for what i need it for.. And both types would be nice to have the code of... i might not be needing both, but would be nice to learn them anyway =)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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And your code dont work...the actual replacement of the timestamp. You mean YOU cant get it to work, not it doesnt work. Becuase im using exactly that code right now. And no hundreds would take an extra mids to get the value, and it would only be cutting the last digit off. Regardless, rather than say "it dont work" , what part of my code are you having trouble with? Did you start it using /ms.timestampfmt Did the timer start (check using /timer) Is there a s.000 in the timestamp format itself?
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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You mean YOU cant get it to work, not it doesnt work. Becuase im using exactly that code right now. I tested it on mirc 6.16 without any other scripts (except for one small one that simply shows help for uno (a script game of course)) Regardless, rather than say "it dont work" , what part of my code are you having trouble with? The replacement of the actual timestamp in options. I did exactly as you said, went to options and replaced the current value with [HH:nn:ss.000] (even tried .123 to see if that helped) but the timestamp simply didnt update.. or it DID display HH:nn:ss right..but showing only: .000 (or .123) repeatedly. ..so in other words...the milliseconds didnt update AT ALL.. Did you start it using /ms.timestampfmt Did the timer start (check using /timer) Is there a s.000 in the timestamp format itself? yes to all that :-) Everything seemed to work, but as i said, the actual update of the milliseconds never took place, and simply echoed what i typed in options..
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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alias ms.timestampfmt {
var %ctime = $calc($ctime + 1)
while (%ctime >= $ctime) { }
set -u1000000000 %ms.timestampfmt.fix $calc($ticks % 1000)
.timer.ms.timestampfmt.fix -imo 0 15 ms.timestampfmt.fix
alias ms.timestampfmt.fix {
///echo -s Stage 1/3
var %timestampfmt = $timestampfmt
if ($pos(%timestampfmt,s.,1)) {
var %pos = $v1
///echo -s Stage 2/3 : %pos
if ($mid(%timestampfmt,$calc(%pos + 2),3) isnum) {
.timestamp -f $+($left(%timestampfmt,%pos),.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3),$mid(%timestampfmt,$calc(%pos + 5)))
///echo -s Stage 3/3 : $timestampfmt ********************************************************************************************************************
} try that then and track what it gets to stage 1 2 or 3 PS: its gonna flood the status window like hell!
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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alias ms.timestampfmt.fix { var %timestampfmt = $timestampfmt if ($regsub(%timestampfmt,<re>,$+(s.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3)),%timestampfmt)) { timestamp -f %timestampfmt } } this will match ##:##:##.### but it sounds like you want this will match !!:!!:!!.### where ! is anything a-z,A-Z,0-9 alternatively, you could have this will only match AA:aa:aa.### where AA is upper, and aa are lower, letters only I'm not sure what exactly you require, and there may be a better expression to use, I've never really played with regex before, but I did test these to confirm they match how I stated. hope this helps, HobophobE
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I needed a regsub that would find s.000 through to s.999 aka s.### where # is a digit.
PS: . (dot) has a special meaning in a regsub.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To find s.000 to s.999 you would use a regex like this:
- Literal 's' - Literal '.' - Exactly 3 digits (0-9) * Case sensitive
This would NOT match s.0 or S.000 . It will match s.183 s.724 s.025 etc. anywhere in the string.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks man, from that i got this.... alias ms.timestampfmt.fix {
var %timestampfmt = $timestampfmt , %re = /s\.\d{3,3}/
if ($regsub(%timestampfmt,%re,$+(s.,$right($calc($ticks - %ms.timestampfmt.fix),3)),%timestampfmt)) { .timestamp -f %timestampfmt }
} however in a time stamp such as [HH:nn:ss.123 s.123] only the first instance of s.123 is updating. Am I missing some switch on the regex to do all matches (that i dont know about)? /me looks at feet shucks them around and wishes he had more time to waste learning regex, but sleeping is ment to be important as well!
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To have it replace all instances, you need to use the 'g' (global) switch in the regex match: /s\.\d{3,3}/g BTW, if you want to learn some regex (even just the basics) you should try http://www.regular-expressions.info . -genius_at_work
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Hoopy frood
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Actually, using {3,3} doesn't help at all for ensuring that there may only be 3 consecutive digits. All it ensures is that the regex engine will only match the first 3 consecutive digits, but it will not result in a failing match when there are more digits. Observe: //echo -a $regex(1234,/(\d{3,3})/) -> $regml(1) echoes 1 -> 123, even though it is clear that you only wanted the regex to match in case there are only 3 consecutive digits, no more, no less. The thing is that the engine did only match 3 digits, which is shown by the regml, but it didn't make the regex match fail even with that extra 4th one. If you want to enforce this regex to only match in case of 3 and no more, you need to use some kind of boundary check like for instance: \d{3}(?!\d) -> makes sure that whatever comes after the 3 digits isn't a digit, but can be every other char or the end of the string. \d{3}(?= |$) -> enforces that any sequence of 3 digits is followed by either a space or the end of the string. ... Typing this post was a drag with one hand, as I had an accident yesterday and broke my shoulder. I need speech technology 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You are correct. In fact I was only trying to match the 3 digits. Other digits (if they happened to exist for some reason in this example) would remain unchanged as there is nothing for them to be replaced with.
Could this example have worked? (I'm not positive on how \b works) /s\.\d{3,3}\b/g Using the \b word border to make sure the digits ended at a space/end of line. Obviously that wouldn't work if someone did s.123hh:nn:ss (for whatever reason).
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well its not often i get to say Fiberoptics is mistaken, but he is, I asked for it to replace any occurance of "s.###" # being a digit. I never speciified that there can not be a digit following it. Its a simple search and replace, no care needing to be taken with surrounding info. The usage was in a timer to replace "s.###" with a new "s.###" that represents the current ms in the timestamp. This allowing anyone to dynamicly set there time stamp to anything they like and any occurrance of a "s" followed by ".###" would imediately add the ms. Its the userrs choice if they want to put something silly like "[HH.ss.0001234567:mm:dd]" in there. /me waits for the envertable come back as im proven wrong 
Last edited by DaveC; 20/02/06 06:41 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Everything I stated was correct, but the mixup is that you think I was taking into account your code, while I wasn't. I only saw his regex and the explanation of the parameters, including what {3,3} does, which is the basis of my post. Note how my code examples strictly centered around showing how {N,N} really works, not necessarily a regex to apply to whatever situation you need it in. I don't even know what your code does, as I only skimmed this thread.
Many people using regex are tricked when they assume that {N,N} will mean the regex will fail to match cases where there are more than N consecutive occurences. I don't even know if g_at_work knew it already, but if he did, it still contains some good info for other people, as it's an extremely common pitfall for people relatively new at regex.