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#142300 17/02/06 10:06 PM
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#142301 17/02/06 10:17 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Strange, you made this post before Tjerk announced it on the boards, (the time is the same, but your post was showing as a new one before Tjerk's was. I suppose it was showing in the News section then before he made his post, or else something phishy is going on haha. You must have been really eager to make the first post about the new version huh wink

Anyway, great to see a new mIRC version, I'm sure many people were losing faith in mIRC's development, and with this release we are assured: mIRC's development is still alive and kicking!

Thanks to Khaled and Tjerk for the new version, I see many nice additions, and some things that needed urgent fixing as well.

/me tosses Khaled, Tjerk and Arnie some cookies, enjoy smile

#142302 17/02/06 10:19 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Rock on mIRC 6.17!!

a big ty to khaled and tjerk indeed laugh

#142303 17/02/06 10:22 PM
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secret =)

anyways, i got a lil problem...
when i do dcc send with clean 6.17
it starts maximised shocked
anyone knows how to make it normal like in 6.16 ?

anyways great job to Khaled, i like this new unicode support, finnaly can type my language char's laugh

#142304 17/02/06 10:49 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you read the versoins.txt you will notice:

29.Added /dcc send -m switch to minimize dcc send windows.

#142305 17/02/06 10:51 PM
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Yay, UTF-8 support, thanks a lot Khaled! wink

#142306 17/02/06 10:56 PM
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raZOR Offline OP
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you miss understood me smirk

when i do dcc send in 6.16 it is small window in center of screen and its ok

when i do same in 6.17, its same as in 6.03, full screened and if i restore it then ALL my windows get restored, if i maximise any window, DCC window also becomes maximised

#142307 17/02/06 11:15 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yay :-)

I told you mIRC wasn't dead, I did, I did! grin

Thanks K, Krejt and Arnie!


#142308 17/02/06 11:25 PM
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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ok, 1 question. why is it trying to dns resolve my ip each time i connect? i haven't had this on 6.16.

#142309 17/02/06 11:40 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the update list is very impressive :-]

but I'm less pleased with the $decode being disabled by default :-/

I use it in one of my scripts due to ini files not being able to handle ctrl characters :-[
so that script it broken now in 6.17 :-/

I'll have to find another way then...

PS: kind of disappointed in still not having a minimize button for the scripteditor though :-[

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
#142310 18/02/06 01:03 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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$decode is off by default, but if you need it on, just uncheck it in mIRC Options - Options - Lock

#142311 18/02/06 05:33 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Nice job Khaled, Tjerk and the other mIRC contributors. I'm sorry for doubting you smile

#142312 18/02/06 11:43 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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$decode is off by default, but if you need it on, just uncheck it in mIRC Options - Options - Lock

I Know that but since it's in one of my scripts alot (about a 100) people use... I don't want other people turning off security features which are on by default just to run that one single script... so I will have to look for another solution

If it ain't broken, don't fix it!
#142313 18/02/06 11:45 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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A update that write to mirc.ini ? smile

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }
#142314 18/02/06 02:50 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Today i discovered the 6.17 release and tried my script-in-development with it, all seemed to be ok. While coding, i noticed the ($chr(9) tabbed) columns out of one of its @windows was not lined out, I first thought it was due to a longer than expected data field and I adjusted it in the /window definition, I had quite some trouble getting it right, for example, with 8 columns so 7 -t1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (example) it was like i was constantly busy with the wrong column despite the number was okay.
Somewhile after fixing that @window, I discovered about all my @windows where not lined out. I tried mirc 6.16 again and they all were ok, except for the one I 'fixed', which had excessive space between the columns.
Now, I can go through the big work of afjusting all my @windows (about 15) but I'd like to first know the specific reason to be sure it isn't some bug.

These are the window definitions to get roughly the same output:

ok in version 6.16:
elseif ($1 == @ServerList) { window %sw -t3,6,14,27,43,51,55 $1 -1 -1 720 300 | font $1 10 Tahoma }

ok in version 6.17:
elseif ($1 == @ServerList) { window %sw -t4,8,25,45,78,93,97 $1 -1 -1 700 300 | font $1 10 Tahoma }


Last edited by RRX; 18/02/06 03:40 PM.
#142315 18/02/06 03:16 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Very nice and unexpected news smile
Thanks all who have contribute to this !

One suggestion to mr. Khaled:
Is it possible, if the current selected font doesn't have don't have some char, automatically substitute missing characters in from another font.
I suggest, the feature like you have already implemented, in editbox, at activating the "Multibyte editbox".

(from the screenshot, the selected font was the standart Windows Fixedsys, we clearly see what mIRC have taken the special chars from another font).

Last edited by Adrenalin; 18/02/06 03:28 PM.

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#142316 18/02/06 07:55 PM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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That's not mIRC, it's Windows doing the replacement with default system font for the characters that are not defined in the current font, afaik. See the other thread about Unicode support that gives links to Fixedsys Excelsior font, a Fixedsys variant with Unicode characters for a large variety of languages.

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