i got this far its not quite done
i imagine someone else might pick up the job for you
if not ill work on it some more tomorrow
as not to leave you in suspense
#Hf on
alias Hfon {
if ($group(#find) == off) {
.enable #find
echo 5 -a Hash Find has been turned on.
else {
echo 5 -a Hash Find is already on.
alias Hfoff {
if ($group(#find) == on) {
.disable #find
echo 5 -a Hash find has been turned off.
else {
acho 5 -a Hash find is already off.
alias Hfadd {
if ($hget(find)) {
var %hf.sub = $$?="Enter the subject's name."
var %hf.dat = $$?="Enter the information you want for $1 $+ ."
hadd find %hf.sub %hf.dat
echo 5 -a Entry created for %hf.sub $+ .
hsave find " $+ $scriptdirfind.hsh"
else {
hmake find 100
var %hf.sub = $$?="Enter the subject's name."
var %hf.dat = $$?="Enter the information you want for $1 $+ ."
hadd find %hf.sub %hf.dat
echo 5 -a Entry created for %hf.sub $+ .
hsave find " $+ $scriptdirfind.hsh"
alias Hfdel {
if ($hget(find)) {
var %hf.sub = $$?="Name to delete?"
hdel find %hf.sub
echo 5 -a Entry for %hf.sub deleted.
else {
echo 5 -a Table cannot be found.
echo 5 -a Entry cannot be present.
alias Hfclear {
if ($hget(find)) {
hfree find
echo 5 -a Table cleared.
menu nicklist {
Hash find
.On Off
..Hf on:Hfon
..Hf off:Hfoff
#Hf end
#find on
on *:start: {
if ($isfile(find.hsh)) {
hmake find 100
hload -o find find.hsh
else {
hmake find 100
on *:exit: {
hsave -o find " $+ $scriptdirfind.hsh"
hfree find
on *:text:@find &:#: {
if (((%aa != on) && ($hfind(find, $2)) && ($ulevel >= 4))) {
msg $nick : $+ $hget(find, $2)
set -u10 %aa on
else {
if ((%aa != on) && ($hget(find) == $null)) {
msg $nick Subject not found.
set -u10 %aa on
hmake 100 find
#find end
its function as is i guess
i need to look into appending to entries rather than overwriting
and offer that option
for right now it will work you have to set the name of the person you want to have access to level 4 in your user list
im sure the help file can get you there
and as it stands once you make a entry anything else made under the same name will overwrite what was previously there.