Um have you tryed a loop script? with on DNS event?
USAGE:> type /scanip
NOTE: A box will pop up to enter IP so just enter the IP your wishing to scan 555.555.555.555 < you know the syntax if you dont , you shouldnt even be playing with ip's
alias scanip {
%ipsearch = $?="What is the ip in question your wishing to scan?"
%ipscan.calc = 1
while (%ipscan.calc <= $nick(#,0)) {
dns $ial($nick(#,%ipscan.calc)).host
inc %ipscan.calc
on 1:DNS:{
if ($raddress == %ipsearch) { echo -a 4,1F15,1OUND matching ip based on your request $raddress $+ }
elseif (!$raddress) { echo -a No match on this person. }
else { notice $me User has no records. }
Untested... should work only though if your on a network that dont automatically hostmask and or person is not on proxy or bnc which is unresolvable. Go aheead test it on yourself, go on your own server, get your own ip and scan.