You realise N is the number of minutes you should fill in, right?
//set -s %idle 10 * 60
That won't make any difference to your if statement in the scon code, if it errors now it must have errored before as well and you only notice it now.
Might I add that's a very nasty way of coding something, and is almost begging for bugs, the way you have your code in that scon. Granted, I've done it myself in the past, but looking back at it, it is a very crappy way of programming.
scon -at1 myalias
alias myalias {
; code
Will be much better to read, adapt, debug etc.
Btw just in case you're wondering why you get an error, is because you are not fully aware of the consequences of passing code to scon (double evaluation):
if ($idle > %idle) inc % $+ b
--> this evaluates to if ($idle > inc %b
It evalutes "%idle)" to $null since you don't have such variable. This is the perfect example of why you should use the "myalias" approach and not the one displayed here, unless you are 100% sure of what you're doing, as is the case with Iori and a couple of other scripters on these boards.