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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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How do I get the information for a drop down box to display in the box?
I have a list of numbers that I want in a drop down box, then when one is selected, it'll bring up other information
I'm trying to learn about dialogs, but the tutorials haven't been of much help in this regard. I have Dialog Studio, which I'm using to figure out just how I want things laid out on the screen, but I can't figure out how to get the information to display in the appropriate areas.
What I'm looking for, in the long run, is something like this 1) A level is selected 2) Based on the level selected, a list of people that have that access level is displayed 3) Based on the nick selected, the following information will be displayed: Name, Address, Phone #, DOB, Gender, e-mail address
If I can get that much resolved, I should be able to figure out how to add more information if I want to
Right now the information is being stored in an ini file using similar to: /writeini -n $+(%level,.ini) %nick Name %name
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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can you post the dialog table so i can insert the script into it please?? because the information you request is something too
if ($did($dname,ID).seltext) { did -ra $dname IDOFLISTBOXHERE $readini(bleh bleh)
now of course if theres more then one value in the ini file we have to just insert multiple lines without the list box... so if im understanding what your requesting exactly is that when you click a nick in your Drop Down menu, you want the INFO of this nick to appear in the dialog Listbox correct like NAME: name of person DOB: dob... etc.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Basically, yes. Each person has a Level, so I want one drop box with the levels listed, then another drop box for the names for that level. Here's the dialog code that I've come up with. I don't know if this may need to be changed for what I actually want. This shows a basic line up for the information that I want displayed. I also want to be able to change the information displayed, or be able to add new entries. dialog Observer {
title Observer
size -1 -1 440 70
option dbu
button "OK", 14, 0 30 20 10, default ok
text "Level", 15, 0 10 20 8
combo 16, 20 10 30 8, edit drop
button "Cancel", 1, 0 50 20 10, cancel
text "Nick", 2, 60 10 20 8
combo 3, 80 10 60 48, size edit drop
text "Name", 4, 150 10 25 8
edit "", 5, 180 10 50 10
text "Address", 6, 150 20 25 8
edit "", 7, 180 20 50 10
text "Apt.", 8, 240 20 20 8
edit "", 9, 260 20 20 8
text "Phone", 10, 150 40 25 8
edit "", 11, 180 40 50 10
text "Province/State", 12, 240 30 45 8
edit "", 13, 280 30 20 8
text "E-mail", 17, 150 50 25 8
text "City", 18, 150 30 25 8
edit "", 19, 180 30 50 10
edit "", 20, 180 50 50 10
text "DOB", 21, 240 50 25 8
edit "", 22, 260 50 40 8
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well russell since you help alot around mirc.com i mostly coded everything now we can use hash tables to store the info or you can leave as... please insert this code before editing it then when it runs, then edit after. DO NOT use own entries... how this script works Select Level in drop down trust me theres 4 levels on init.  once level is selected type name of person in nick dropdown, then add all the info in (user info) section, then click my new button "store info" once done close dialog and restart and select the level you put your info in it should be there and then if you drop down nicklist youll see his/her info... now its not neccasary to restart the dialog you can enter as much info as you want then reselect the Level to store info...  well im sure youll get the hang of it your not a newb rusell LOL
dialog Observer {
title Observer
size -1 -1 320 0
option dbu
button "OK", 14, 5 30 20 10, default ok
text "Level", 15, 5 10 20 8
combo 16, 20 10 30 8, edit drop
button "Cancel", 1, 5 50 20 10, cancel
text "Nick", 2, 60 10 20 8
combo 3, 80 10 60 48, size edit drop
text "Name", 4, 150 10 25 8
edit "", 5, 180 10 50 10, autohs
text "Address", 6, 150 20 25 8
edit "", 7, 180 20 50 10, autohs
text "Apt.", 8, 240 20 20 8
edit "", 9, 260 20 20 8, autohs
text "Phone", 10, 150 40 25 8
edit "", 11, 180 40 50 10, autohs
text "Province/State", 12, 240 30 45 8
edit "", 13, 280 30 20 8, autohs
text "E-mail", 17, 150 50 25 8
text "City", 18, 150 30 25 8
edit "", 19, 180 30 50 10, autohs
edit "", 20, 180 50 50 10, autohs
text "DOB", 21, 240 50 25 8
edit "", 22, 260 50 40 8, autohs left
button Store New Info, 23, 50 50 50 10, flat
box User Info, 1000, 145 2 160 62
on *:DIALOG:Observer:INIT:*: {
%resize = on
if (%resize == on) { .timer 1 0 /diag.size Observer -1 -1 320 70 }
did -a $dname 16 Level 5
did -a $dname 16 Level 10
did -a $dname 16 Level 15
did -a $dname 16 Level 100
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:16: {
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 5) {
if ($exists(level5.txt) == $true) {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $lines(level5.txt)
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -r $dname 3
timer 1 0 /did -a $dname 3 $read(level5.txt,%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
elseif ($exists(level5.txt) == $false) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!! You have not created a level 5 access doc yet.
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 10) {
if ($exists(level10.txt) == $true) {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $lines(level10.txt)
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -r $dname 3
/timer 1 0 /did -a $dname 3 $read(level10.txt,%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
elseif ($exists(level10.txt) == $false) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!!! You have not created a level 10 access doc yet.
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 15) {
if ($exists(level15.txt) == $true) {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $lines(level15.txt)
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -r $dname 3
timer 1 0 /did -a $dname 3 $read(level15.txt,%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
elseif ($exists(level15.txt) == $false) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!! You have not created a level 15 access doc yet.
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 100) {
if ($exists(level100.txt) == $true) {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $lines(level100.txt)
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -r $dname 3
timer 1 0 /did -a $dname 3 $read(level100.txt,%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
elseif ($exists(level100.txt) == $false) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!! You have not created a level 100 access doc yet.
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:3: {
%name.sel = $did($dname,3).seltext
did -ra $dname 5 %name.sel
did -ra $dname 7 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,Address)
did -ra $dname 9 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,Apt)
did -ra $dname 11 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,Phone)
did -ra $dname 13 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,prov/state)
did -ra $dname 19 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,City)
did -ra $dname 20 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,email)
did -ra $dname 22 $readini(nnames.ini,n,%name.sel,DOB)
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:23: {
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 5) {
write level5.txt $did($dname,3).text
timer 1 1 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Address $did($dname,7).text
timer 1 2 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Apt $did($dname,9).text
timer 1 3 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Phone $did($dname,11).text
timer 1 4 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Prov/State $did($dname,13).text
timer 1 5 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text City $did($dname,19).text
timer 1 6 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Email $did($dname,20).text
timer 1 7 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text DOB $did($dname,22).text
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 10) {
write level10.txt $did($dname,3).text
timer 1 1 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Address $did($dname,7).text
timer 1 2 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Apt $did($dname,9).text
timer 1 3 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Phone $did($dname,11).text
timer 1 4 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Prov/State $did($dname,13).text
timer 1 5 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text City $did($dname,19).text
timer 1 6 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Email $did($dname,20).text
timer 1 7 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text DOB $did($dname,22).text
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 15) {
write level15.txt $did($dname,3).text
timer 1 1 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Address $did($dname,7).text
timer 1 2 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Apt $did($dname,9).text
timer 1 3 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Phone $did($dname,11).text
timer 1 4 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Prov/State $did($dname,13).text
timer 1 5 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text City $did($dname,19).text
timer 1 6 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Email $did($dname,20).text
timer 1 7 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text DOB $did($dname,22).text
if ($did($dname,16).seltext == Level 100) {
write level100.txt $did($dname,3).text
timer 1 1 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Address $did($dname,7).text
timer 1 2 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Apt $did($dname,9).text
timer 1 3 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Phone $did($dname,11).text
timer 1 4 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Prov/State $did($dname,13).text
timer 1 5 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text City $did($dname,19).text
timer 1 6 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Email $did($dname,20).text
timer 1 7 writeini nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text DOB $did($dname,22).text
alias diag.size {
set %sn 1
while (%sn <= $5) {
.dialog -srb $1 $2 $3 $4 %sn
inc %sn
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks a lot. That code works great. As you noted I do help out when & where I can, however, this is my first experimentation with dialogs, as dialogs require one on one interaction, and most of the coding that I've done has been for bots, where the interaction is done remotely, rather than directly.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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yeah I love Dialogs so much its like creating a new program  if you find a bug just tell me, im sure i looked the code over twice before i released it Enjoy
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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After reviewing the code, and making several modifications, most of which worked with no problems, but there's one part that's got me stumped as to why it's not working. I have marked the area that is giving me trouble with a remarked statement. Here's the code as it currently stands, and a couple of examples regarding the format of the ini files where the information is stored alias obs {
dialog -m Observer Observer
dialog Observer {
title "Observer"
size -1 -1 330 80
option dbu
button "Cancel", 1, 5 50 20 10, cancel
button "OK", 2, 5 30 20 10, default ok
button Store New Info, 3, 50 50 50 10, flat
text "Rte", 4, 5 10 20 10
combo 5, 20 10 30 10, edit drop
text "Account", 6, 60 10 20 10
combo 7, 80 10 60 10, size edit drop
text "Name", 8, 150 10 25 10
edit "", 9, 180 10 50 10, autohs
text "Address", 10, 150 20 25 10
edit "", 11, 180 20 50 10, autohs
text "Apt.", 12, 240 20 20 10
edit "", 13, 260 20 20 10, autohs
text "Phone", 14, 150 40 25 10
edit "", 15, 180 40 50 10, autohs
combo 16, 180 30 50 10, edit drop
check "Active", 17, 240 30 30 10, left
combo 18, 180 50 50 10, edit drop
text "Billing", 19, 150 50 20 10
text "Delivery", 20, 150 30 25 10
text "Expires", 21, 240 50 25 10
edit "", 22, 260 50 40 8, autohs
box User Info, 1000, 145 2 160 72
text "Start", 23, 150 60 25 8
text "Stop", 24, 240 60 25 8
combo 25, 180 60 50 10, sort size edit drop
combo 26, 260 60 40 10, sort size edit drop
on *:DIALOG:Observer:INIT:*: {
%resize = on
if (%resize == on) { .timer 1 0 /diag.size Observer -1 -1 320 70 }
if !$lines(Observer.txt) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!! No routes established
else {
var %a = 1
while %a <= $lines(Observer.txt) {
did -a $dname 5 $read(Observer.txt,t,%a)
inc %a
did -a $dname 16 Daily
did -a $dname 16 Sat. Only
did -a $dname 16 MP/LL
did -a $dname 18 Office
did -a $dname 18 Monthly
did -a $dname 18 Bi-wkly
did -a $dname 25 $adate
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:5: {
var %rte = $did($dname,5).seltext
if !$exists($+(%rte,.ini)) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!!4,0 You have no entries for Rte %rte
else {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $ini($+(%rte,.ini),0)
;this section isn't loading the appropriate information to the drop box in the dialog
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -a $dname 7 $ini($+(%rte,.ini),%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:7: {
var %file = $+($did($dname,5).seltext,.ini), %acct = $did($dname,7).seltext
did -ra $dname 9 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Name)
did -ra $dname 11 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Address)
did -ra $dname 13 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Apt)
did -ra $dname 15 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Phone)
did -ra $dname 17 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Active)
did -ra $dname 18 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Billing)
did -ra $dname 16 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Deliveries)
did -ra $dname 22 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Expiry)
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:2: {
var %file = $iif(!$did($dname,5).seltext,$did($dname,5),$did($dname,5).seltext)
.write -s Observer.txt %file
var %file = $+(%file,.ini)
var %acct = $iif(!$did($dname,7).seltext,$did($dname,7),$did($dname,7).seltext)
.writeini -n %file %acct Name $did($dname,9)
.writeini -n %file %acct Address $did($dname,11)
if ($did($dname,13)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Apt $did($dname,13) }
if ($did($dname,15)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Phone $did($dname,15) }
.writeini -n %file %acct Active $did($dname,17).state
.writeini -n %file %acct Billing $did($dname,18).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Deliveries $did($dname,16).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Expiry $iif($did($dname,22),$did($dname,22),$adate)
if ($did($dname,17).edited == $true) { did -a $dname $iif($did($dname,17).state,25,26) $adate }
.writeini -n %file %acct Start $didtok($dname,25,32)
if $didtok($dname,26,32) {
.writeini -n %file %acct Stop $didtok($dname,26,32)
echo -a Route $left(%file,-4) updated
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:3: {
var %file = $iif(!$did($dname,5).seltext,$did($dname,5),$did($dname,5).seltext)
.write -s Observer.txt %file
var %file = $+(%file,.ini)
var %acct = $iif(!$did($dname,7).seltext,$did($dname,7),$did($dname,7).seltext)
.writeini -n %file %acct Name $did($dname,9)
.writeini -n %file %acct Address $did($dname,11)
if ($did($dname,13)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Apt $did($dname,13) }
if ($did($dname,15)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Phone $did($dname,15) }
.writeini -n %file %acct Active $did($dname,17).state
.writeini -n %file %acct Billing $did($dname,18).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Deliveries $did($dname,16).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Expiry $iif($did($dname,22),$did($dname,22),$adate)
if ($did($dname,17).edited == $true) { did -a $dname $iif($did($dname,17).state,25,26) $adate }
.writeini -n %file %acct Start $didtok($dname,25,32)
if $didtok($dname,26,32) {
.writeini -n %file %acct Stop $didtok($dname,26,32)
echo -a Route $left(%file,-4) updated
alias diag.size {
set %sn 1
while (%sn <= $5) {
.dialog -srb $1 $2 $3 $4 %sn
inc %sn
Name=Dunn, Gladys
Address=135 Queen
Name=Odell, E
Address=150 Queen
I realize that there's quite a difference between what I had originally asked for help with, and what I'm asking for help with now. That's due to the fact that the two implementations are for different purposes.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Dont know if its still needed or not, but the following is much more efficient for adding than the original which duplicated a lot of code. And im not sure what reason there was for using timers, so just removed them.
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:23: { write $+(level,$$gettok($did($dname,16).seltext,2,32),.txt) $did($dname,3).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Address $did($dname,7).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Apt $did($dname,9).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Phone $did($dname,11).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Prov/State $did($dname,13).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text City $did($dname,19).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text Email $did($dname,20).text writeini -n nnames.ini $did($dname,3).text DOB $did($dname,22).text ; Call alias to 'refresh' dialog here }
"Allen is having a small problem and needs help adjusting his attitude" - Flutterby
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the timer was because the info wasnt refreshing all over there was a conflict.. and dude your assigned the wrong did command you send it to a edit box rather then drop down.. drop down = COMBO box
else {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $ini($+(%rte,.ini),0)
;this section isn't loading the appropriate information to the drop box in the dialog
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -a $dname 7 $ini($+(%rte,.ini),%obs.store)
[color:green]; this is being assigned to edit id 7 while only combo's i see in your table is 3 and 16[/color]
inc %obs.store
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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RusselB's does use 7 for a combo ID.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well i found one thing so far... your not able to create a .txt file named observer because your causing a -s switch (scan) so remove the write -s observer.txt $file just remove the -s so it can store Route... on file so accessable all time  more to come... still troubleshooting sorry im not completly understanding the large code completly but ill get around it.
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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well rus the ONLY prob i beleive why nothing was going into your DID 7 is BECAUSE look at your table.. combo ID, x y w h, size edit drop right?? that was yours DO NOT use size in a combo without justify the combo drop size so therefore keep it as is.. combo ID, x y w h, edit drop LMAO this was giving me a headache till i decided to manually type from command line /did -a Observer 7 TEXT and it didnt go through then i looked at the table and saw it there..  well here is the whole dialog mate note DO NOT EDIT size of dialog itself for scroll effect to take place note i put a 0 in the height of it because the alias itself at the bottom while automatically justify size
alias obs {
dialog -m Observer Observer
dialog Observer {
title "Observer"
size -1 -1 330 0
option dbu
button "Cancel", 1, 5 50 20 10, cancel
button "OK", 2, 5 30 20 10, default ok
button Store New Info, 3, 50 50 50 10, flat
text "Rte", 4, 5 10 20 10
combo 5, 20 10 30 10, edit drop
text "Account", 6, 60 10 20 10
combo 7, 80 10 60 10, sort edit drop
text "Name", 8, 150 10 25 10
edit "", 9, 180 10 50 10, autohs
text "Address", 10, 150 20 25 10
edit "", 11, 180 20 50 10, autohs
text "Apt.", 12, 240 20 20 10
edit "", 13, 260 20 20 10, autohs
text "Phone", 14, 150 40 25 10
edit "", 15, 180 40 50 10, autohs
combo 16, 180 30 50 10, edit drop
check "Active", 17, 240 30 30 10, left
combo 18, 180 50 50 10, edit drop
text "Billing", 19, 150 50 20 10
text "Delivery", 20, 150 30 25 10
text "Expires", 21, 240 50 25 10
edit "", 22, 260 50 40 8, autohs
box User Info, 1000, 145 2 160 72
text "Start", 23, 150 60 25 8
text "Stop", 24, 240 60 25 8
combo 25, 180 60 50 10, sort size edit drop
combo 26, 260 60 40 10, sort size edit drop
on *:DIALOG:Observer:INIT:*: {
%resize = on
if (%resize == on) { .timer 1 0 /diag.size Observer -1 -1 320 78 }
if !$lines(Observer.txt) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!! No routes established
else {
var %a = 1
while (%a <= $lines(Observer.txt)) {
did -a $dname 5 $read(Observer.txt,%a)
inc %a
did -a $dname 16 Daily
did -a $dname 16 Sat. Only
did -a $dname 16 MP/LL
did -a $dname 18 Office
did -a $dname 18 Monthly
did -a $dname 18 Bi-wkly
did -a $dname 25 $adate
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:5: {
var %rte = $did($dname,5).seltext
if !$exists($+(%rte,.ini)) {
echo -a 8,1ALERT!!!4,1 You have no entries for Rte %rte
else {
var %obs.store = 1, %obs.calc = $ini($+(%rte,.ini),0)
;this section isn't loading the appropriate information to the drop box in the dialog
while (%obs.store <= %obs.calc) {
did -a $dname 7 $ini($+(%rte,.ini),%obs.store)
inc %obs.store
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:7: {
var %file = $+($did($dname,5).seltext,.ini), %acct = $did($dname,7).seltext
did -ra $dname 9 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Name)
did -ra $dname 11 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Address)
did -ra $dname 13 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Apt)
did -ra $dname 15 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Phone)
did -ra $dname 17 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Active)
did -ra $dname 18 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Billing)
did -ra $dname 16 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Deliveries)
did -ra $dname 22 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Expiry)
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:2: {
var %file = $iif(!$did($dname,5).seltext,$did($dname,5),$did($dname,5).seltext)
.write Observer.txt %file
var %file = $+(%file,.ini)
var %acct = $iif(!$did($dname,7).seltext,$did($dname,7),$did($dname,7).seltext)
.writeini -n %file %acct Name $did($dname,9)
.writeini -n %file %acct Address $did($dname,11)
if ($did($dname,13)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Apt $did($dname,13) }
if ($did($dname,15)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Phone $did($dname,15) }
.writeini -n %file %acct Active $did($dname,17).state
.writeini -n %file %acct Billing $did($dname,18).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Deliveries $did($dname,16).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Expiry $iif($did($dname,22),$did($dname,22),$adate)
if ($did($dname,17).edited == $true) { did -a $dname $iif($did($dname,17).state,25,26) $adate }
.writeini -n %file %acct Start $didtok($dname,25,32)
if $didtok($dname,26,32) {
.writeini -n %file %acct Stop $didtok($dname,26,32)
echo -a Route $left(%file,-4) updated
on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:3: {
var %file = $iif(!$did($dname,5).seltext,$did($dname,5),$did($dname,5).seltext)
.write Observer.txt %file
.write Account.txt $did($dname,7).text
var %file = $+(%file,.ini)
var %acct = $iif(!$did($dname,7).seltext,$did($dname,7),$did($dname,7).seltext)
.writeini -n %file %acct Name $did($dname,9)
.writeini -n %file %acct Address $did($dname,11)
if ($did($dname,13)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Apt $did($dname,13) }
if ($did($dname,15)) { .writeini -n %file %acct Phone $did($dname,15) }
.writeini -n %file %acct Active $did($dname,17).state
.writeini -n %file %acct Billing $did($dname,18).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Deliveries $did($dname,16).seltext
.writeini -n %file %acct Expiry $iif($did($dname,22),$did($dname,22),$adate)
if ($did($dname,17).edited == $true) { did -a $dname $iif($did($dname,17).state,25,26) $adate }
.writeini -n %file %acct Start $didtok($dname,25,32)
if $didtok($dname,26,32) {
.writeini -n %file %acct Stop $didtok($dname,26,32)
echo -a Route $left(%file,-4) updated
alias diag.size {
set %sn 1
while (%sn <= $5) {
.dialog -srb $1 $2 $3 $4 %sn
inc %sn
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks for your help. I don't understand why it works with your code, but not what I had, however, it does. Next problem I've encountered is in this section on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:7: {
var %file = $+($did($dname,5).seltext,.ini), %acct = $did($dname,7).seltext
did -ra $dname 9 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Name)
did -ra $dname 11 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Address)
did -ra $dname 13 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Apt)
did -ra $dname 15 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Phone)
did $iif($readini(%file,n,%acct,Active),-c,-u) $dname 17
did -ra $dname 18 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Billing)
did -ra $dname 16 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Deliveries)
did -ra $dname 22 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Expiry)
I had to change the /did for item 17 to get it to work correctly. However, the information read from the ini file isn't being displayed for items 16 & 18. It does display if I select that item, but I'd like that to show automatically, and still be able to change it by selecting the item, if necessary. For example if Billing is Daily, it should show Daily in the display, and allow me to be able to change it to Sat Only or MP/LL I also edited the other combo boxes so that they all use edit drop...removed size, and sort, where applicable. I also just noticed that when the information is written to the text files, currently there are two text files being written to, Observer.txt and Account.txt, the information is written to each file, even if the information already exists. This causes the drop down box for the Rte # to have multiple entries for each route. I don't understand why you have Account.txt being written, as I can't find any reference to that file anywhere else in the code.
Last edited by RusselB; 04/10/05 01:45 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Oops delete write account.txt that was my bad... i was just testing lol its not neccessary
btw the only 2 changes you had to do in your original code is remove Size from the combo 7, xywh, drop edit section
and remove -s from write -s observer.txt .......... thats it
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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on *:DIALOG:Observer:sclick:7: {
var %file = $+($did($dname,5).seltext,.ini), %acct = $did($dname,7).seltext
did -ra $dname 9 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Name)
did -ra $dname 11 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Address)
did -ra $dname 13 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Apt)
did -ra $dname 15 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Phone)
did $iif($readini(%file,n,%acct,Active),-c,-u) $dname 17
did -r[color:red]c[/color]a $dname 18 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Billing)
did -r[color:red]c[/color]a $dname 16 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Deliveries)
did -ra $dname 22 $readini(%file,n,%acct,Expiry)
just remember TV RCA brand if you got a combo box and want info to pop right away just do -RCA :P btw i see more size in your combo boxes remove then what i mean is combo ID, X Y W H, drop edit... you keep putting size there remove that
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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without the -s (and yes, I realized afterwards that I was forgetting to include the search term), every time I add a new entry, the route number gets written to the Observer.txt file
I've got a total of nearly 400 entries over 13 routes, and I don't see why I would have to have the route numbers written to the text file 400 times, when it could be just once per route (a total of 13 entries)
Originally I had /write -s Observer.txt %file which should've read /write -s $+ %file Observer.txt %file so that if the value of %file was already in Observer.txt it would just be written over instead it seems like you're saying I have to use /write Observer.txt %file which, as I said earlier, would make a text file with about 400 entries in it, when there's only 13 different values
Regarding the other changes you mentioned, I've either already changed them, or will do so soon.
I've already removed the size parameter, for lack of a better term, from the combo boxes.
I was doing some entries, then checked them, and noticed that the entry for Start keeps going to 12/31/1969, no matter what I enter for the date at that location. At the moment it's a small matter, but one that should get fixed up. If it helps, I was using a default date of 09/01/2005
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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without the -s (and yes, I realized afterwards that I was forgetting to include the search term), every time I add a new entry, the route number gets written to the Observer.txt file
I've got a total of nearly 400 entries over 13 routes, and I don't see why I would have to have the route numbers written to the text file 400 times, when it could be just once per route (a total of 13 entries)
Originally I had /write -s Observer.txt %file which should've read /write -s $+ %file Observer.txt %file so that if the value of %file was already in Observer.txt it would just be written over instead it seems like you're saying I have to use /write Observer.txt %file which, as I said earlier, would make a text file with about 400 entries in it, when there's only 13 different values
Regarding the other changes you mentioned, I've either already changed them, or will do so soon.
I've already removed the size parameter, for lack of a better term, from the combo boxes.
I was doing some entries, then checked them, and noticed that the entry for Start keeps going to 12/31/1965, no matter what I enter for the date at that location. At the moment it's a small matter, but one that should get fixed up. If it helps, I was using a default date of 09/01/2005 im not sure what your reffering too because your INIT is (partial code) did -a $dname 16 MP/LL ; did -a $dname 18 Office did -a $dname 18 Monthly did -a $dname 18 Bi-wkly ; did -ca $dname 25 $adate } which $adate = Actual date (today right now OCT 4th 2005) so it should prompt adate (IF BY ANYCHANCE YOU STILL GET SAME ERROR CHECK YOUR PC CLOCK I BET YOU ITS THE YEAR YOUR SAYING) sorry for caps but i wanted to make that stand out please explain just a lil more thanks also ill point out something since you said your kinda a beginner on dialog coding... I noticed you said if ($did($dname,17).edited << now 17 = a checkbox and edited wouldnt help so within the sorta code you got following ... it well anyone it should be if ($did($dname,17).state == 1) << this means if checkbox = checked if ($did($dname,17).state == 0) << this means if checkbox = unchecked
*******************your code***************************8
if ($did($dname,17).edited == $true) { did -a $dname $iif($did($dname,17).state,25,26) $adate }
.writeini -n %file %acct Start $didtok($dname,25,32)
if $didtok($dname,26,32) {
.writeini -n %file %acct Stop $didtok($dname,26,32)
echo -a Route $left(%file,-4) updated
if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Found the problem...stupid mistake on my part.
As to $did($dname,17).edited, I want the current date to go into one of two locations depending on if the box is checked or not, but only if the check box was changed.
It might not be the greatest for coding, but it works
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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/write -s should work just fine as long as you're using the correct format (including the $+ %file like you mentioned).
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