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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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"Channel ban/ignore list is full"

is there another (script)way to ban users from a channel??


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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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There is no way to override the channel ban list limit. However if you use the -uN switch when banning you could avoid always having a full list. Where N is the number of seconds mirc should wait before automatically removing the ban again.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't understand why anyone would have so many bans to equal the limit, my advice would be to remove older bans I doubt anyone can place so many bans in a day if so that really is one screwed up channel. As omen said you could add the -u switch..

Or maybe something like a simple alias to determine if the date it was banned is less than the current date. Something like:

alias rem {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $ibl($chan,0)) {
    if ($gettok($remove($ibl($chan,%x).date,th,nd,rd,th),2,32) < $gettok($date,1,47)) {
      echo -a $ibl($chan,%x) can be unbanned because it was banned yesterday.
    inc %x

Just an example.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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On some networks, there are a lot of spammers, so it's easy to fill the list. And many are repeat spammers that you want to keep banned. However, if you need to, you can always create a timed ban that automatically replaces itself if the person joins (kicks, and bans again with another timed bad). This is referred to as a s**tlist.

Invision Support
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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one of the best ways to minimize the amount of bans is to look at all the bans and see if there is a way to combine them. In SOME cases, you could get rid of (just as an example) 10 bans by tightening existing ones to cover two or three looser ones. So, sake of arguement, if you had a ban on:


You COULD combine these into ONE ban by doing (it's just an example):

*!identd@hello.*.*up.rr.com or even *!identd@hello.*.????up.rr.com

These are just examples, but if you were to list all your bans, copy them to a text editor, alphabetize them all, you might find some that are possibly duplications (in some part) and can be gotten rid of. The biggest reason why a ban list would fill up is by placing UNEEDED bans

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Agreed smile

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hey maybe you can do something like this which is locally stored on your pc now if the person that is banned is not on chan ban list but exist on your ini banlist on join it will kick them within 2 minutes

heres the script.. I know a few people here might be able to downsize this but you get the idea so by press F4 it will prompt you which nick you want to ban then it will add the hostmask and nick to ini and ban the person from channel ... you can also use a kick command but i included the kick command if you press F4 again and enter his name it will say he exist on file and kick him out anyways..

now if you type /uban a window will popup enter the nick of person you want to unban if present in channel again though this is if the wrong person was banned atleast hes got 2 minutes on join after the original 5 minute ban for you to remove him from banlist which removes from channel banlist if any... + removes from your ini banlist

alias F4 {
%ban.nickprompt = $$?="Who's nick did you want to ban?"
ban -u300 %ban.nickprompt 2
auser 15 $address(%ban.nickprompt,2)
if ($address(%ban.nickprompt,2) iswm $read(banlist.ini)) {
ECHO -a 15,1[7,1 $+ This address already exist on file under $read(banlist.ini,w, * $+ $address(%ban.nickprompt,2) $+ *)) Timer has been reset to 5 minutes $+ 15,1]
kick $chan %ban.nickprompt Spammer/Lamer/Idiot Alert!!!!!!!!!)
goto end
else { writeini -n banlist.ini Chan_List_Ban %ban.nickprompt $address(%ban.nickprompt,2) }
unset %ban*

alias uban {
%ban.nickprompt = $$?="Who's nick did you want to unban?"
if (%ban.nickprompt ison #) { ban -r %ban.nickprompt 2 }
if ($address(%ban.nickprompt,2) iswm $read(banlist.ini)) { remini banlist.ini Chan_List_Ban %ban.nickprompt
echo -a 15,1[7,1 $+ $address(%ban.nickprompt,2) has been removed from the Chan_List_Ban $+ 15,1]
ruser 15 $address(%ban.nickprompt,2)
/timeruban off
else { unset %ban* }

on 15:JOIN:#: {
/timeruban 1 120 /ban -ku300 $chan $nick 2 Tsk! Tsk! Your still on my ban list!


if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
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Babel fish
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Babel fish
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* /auser: insufficient parameters (line 4, kickban.mrc)


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Did you edit the script in anyway because #1

auser 15 $address(%ban.nickprompt,2) << only works if the nick is within the channel else... you have to get the address from the person you wanted to ban for an example and do this

auser 15 addressofpersonhere...

then your all set

otherwise if the user is not on the channel at the time then what will happen if that message you got


if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }

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