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#127833 17/08/05 08:51 AM
Joined: Feb 2005
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SkyD Offline OP
Babel fish
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Babel fish
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How can i set the RGB color in nicklist!

[color:red]m[color:blue]IRC[color:green] for EvEr

#127834 17/08/05 01:04 PM
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 120
Vogon poet
Vogon poet
Joined: Apr 2005
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How can i set the RGB color in nicklist!

try using some certain dll , like nicklust and stuff

#127835 17/08/05 03:40 PM
Joined: Oct 2004
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
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/help /cnick

/cnick * 4 @

That will set all ops to Red.

It's not really using RGB values, but you're stuck to the mIRC colors anyhow (unless a DLL allows for more), so using the color codes works.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#127836 18/08/05 06:12 AM
Joined: Feb 2005
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 344
I use nicklust3.dll and it looks great.
here is de code i use:
 ON *:JOIN:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    nicklust Mark $window($chan).hwnd nLUST_CallBack  rowselect tooltips balloontips hideempty hottrack dlgframe clientedge

    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\op.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\voice.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\chat.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\hop.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\usr.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\spr.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($mircdirSysteem\icons\ownr.ico)
    dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll SetGroupText $chan 1 >  Chatters
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 10 + 2 >  Voice +
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 11 @ 1 >  Operator @
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 12 & 4 >  Halfop %
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 13 - 5 >  User ops
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 14 & 6 >  Super ops
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 15 . 7 >  Owner
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 1 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 10 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 11 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 12 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 13 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 14 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 15 normal
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupIcon $chan 1 3
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 15 start
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 11 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 12 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 10 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 14 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 13 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 1 end
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan bkg $rgb(244,244,244)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan text $color(14)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan tipbkg $rgb(219,219,219)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan tiptext $color(1)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan hottext $color(12)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan divider $color(12) $color(0)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderFontStyle $chan italic
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 15 $rgb(147,147,255)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 11 $rgb(255,70,70)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 12 $rgb(170,125,164)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 10 $rgb(78,191,224)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 14 $rgb(41,209,155)
    dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 1 $color(6)

alias nicklust { dll $+(",$mircdirSysteem\dll\nickLUST3.dll,") $1- } 
alias nlust_callback {
  if ($1 = tooltip) {
    var %extra
    if ($3 == $me) %extra = (Your name)
    nicklust SetTipTitle $2 1 > Info on $3 %extra
    return Status: $nlist_pnick($remove($nick($2,$3).pnick,$3)) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($2,$nick($2,$3)).idle) $+ $crlf $+ Notify list: $iif($notify($3),Yes,No) $+ $crlf $+ Address: $iif($address($3,4),$ifmatch,Unknown) $+ $crlf $+ Channels: $_comchans($3,32))

alias nlist_pnick {
  if ($1 = @) { return Channel Operator }
  elseif ($1 = .) { return Kamer Owner }
  elseif ($1 = &) { return Protected User}
  elseif ($1 = +) { return Voiced User }
  elseif ($1 = %) { return HalveOpped User  }
  elseif ($1 = -) { return Operator }
  elseif ($1 = $null) { return Normal User }
alias _isnotifylist {
  if ($notify($1)) return $2
  return $3
alias _comchans {
  var %tokk = $iif($2,$ifmatch,$chr(32)), %iii = 1, %chh
  while (%iii <= $comchan($1,0)) { 
    %chh = $addtok(%chh,$comchan($1,%iii),%tokk) | inc %iii 
  return $sorttok(%chh,%tokk) 

As you can see in the code i use mirc colors and rgb.
The dll you can get it here: www.unochat.nl/nickLUST3.zip
You can copy the code from here because it is not included.
A screenshot of how it looks with this code is here: screenshot
You have to change the path and name of the icons you want to use else laeve it blanc.
Also the path to nicklust dll has to be changed to where you have the dll.

Hope this is some help you where looking for.


#127837 18/08/05 09:14 PM
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 2
Where do i have to put the code??

#127838 18/08/05 09:17 PM
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547
Put it in remotes. smile


#127839 18/08/05 09:40 PM
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 2
ON *:JOIN:#:{

if ($nick == $me) {

nicklust Mark $window($chan).hwnd nLUST_CallBack rowselect tooltips
balloontips hideempty hottrack dlgframe clientedge

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($

dll Systeem\dll\nickLUST3.dll SetGroupText $chan 1 > Chatters

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 10 + 2 > Voice +

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 11 @ 1 > Operator @

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 12 & 4 > Halfop %

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 13 - 5 > User ops

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 14 & 6 > Super ops

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll AddGroup $chan 15 . 7 > Owner

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 1 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 10 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 11 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 12 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 13 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 14 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupView $chan 15 normal

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupIcon $chan 1 3

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 15 start

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 11 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 12 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 10 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 14 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 13 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 1 end

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan bkg $rgb(244,244,244)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan text $color(14)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan tipbkg $rgb(219,219,219)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan tiptext $color(1)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan hottext $color(12)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetColor $chan divider $color(12) $color(0)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderFontStyle $chan italic

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 15 $rgb(147,147,255)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 11 $rgb(255,70,70)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 12 $rgb(170,125,164)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 10 $rgb(78,191,224)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 14 $rgb(41,209,155)

dll Systeem\dll\nicklust3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 1 $color(6)




alias nicklust { dll $+(",$mircdirSysteem\dll\nickLUST3.dll,") $1- }

alias nlust_callback {

if ($1 = tooltip) {

var %extra

if ($3 == $me) %extra = (Your name)

nicklust SetTipTitle $2 1 > Info on $3 %extra

return Status: $nlist_pnick($remove($nick($2,$3).pnick,$3)) $+ $crlf $+ Idle:
$duration($nick($2,$nick($2,$3)).idle) $+ $crlf $+ Notify list: $iif($notify($3)
,Yes,No) $+ $crlf $+ Address: $iif($address($3,4),$ifmatch,Unknown) $+ $crlf $+
Channels: $_comchans($3,32))



alias nlist_pnick {

if ($1 = @) { return Channel Operator }

elseif ($1 = .) { return Kamer Owner }

elseif ($1 = &) { return Protected User}

elseif ($1 = +) { return Voiced User }

elseif ($1 = %) { return HalveOpped User }

elseif ($1 = -) { return Operator }

elseif ($1 = $null) { return Normal User }


alias _isnotifylist {

if ($notify($1)) return $2

return $3


alias _comchans {

var %tokk = $iif($2,$ifmatch,$chr(32)), %iii = 1, %chh

while (%iii <= $comchan($1,0)) {

%chh = $addtok(%chh,$comchan($1,%iii),%tokk) | inc %iii


return $sorttok(%chh,%tokk)


In wich fille do i have to insert it

#127840 19/08/05 02:42 PM
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
Insert code into a blank file. Alt-R > File > New. Also, when posting code in the forum, put it between [code[/b]] and [/code[b]] tags so it is easier to read.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
#127841 21/08/05 11:48 PM
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 4
AFX Offline
Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
Joined: May 2003
Posts: 4
Although this might be an old thread, please give credit where it is due. For example, I noticed you have went into zIRCk and taken most if not, all of the code. Examples include the /nlist_pnick and the callback alias, which you just renamed to your own. I really hate people stealing other peoples' hard work and calling it their own, if that is what you are doing.

Nevertheless, give credit where it's due, you didn't make this, and I have the code to prove it.

-zIRCk Author

#127842 22/08/05 01:32 PM
Joined: Oct 2004
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Oct 2004
Posts: 8,330
I agree with giving credit. However, he doesn't claim it to be his own script... just one he uses. And, he may have no idea where it is from. (Benefit of a doubt).

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net

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