; ______________________________________________________ ______________________
; Runescape script
; ______________________________________________________ ______________________
; ______________________________________________________ ______________________
; Events
on *:text:@skills:#: msg $chan Available skills are: $replace($rune_skills,|,$chr(44))
on *:text:@*:#: {
var %skills = overall attack defence strength ranged hitpoints magic fletching thieving crafting cooking firemaking fishing smithing mining prayer runecrafting herblore agility
var %query = $remove($1,@)
if ($istok(%skills,%query,32)) {
if ($2) runescape $chan %query $2-
else msg $chan You must specify a player name, ie, $1 $nick
else msg $chan You must specify a valid skill, type @skills to see the skill list
; ______________________________________________________ ______________________
; Aliases
;; Function: gets data on runescape
;; Usage: /runescape <target> <type> <name of player>
alias runescape {
var %sock = runescape. $+ $ticks
hadd -m %sock target $1
hadd %sock query $2
hadd %sock name $3-
sockopen %sock hiscore-web.runescape.com 80
;; Function: simply writes to the object database, a shortcut for the lazy/uninformed
;; Usage: /rune.add <skill type> <object> <xp>
alias rune.add { writeini $shortfn($scriptdirrunedb.ini) $1 $2 $$3 }
;; Function: displays the skills list
;; Usage: $rune_skills
alias rune_skills { return overall|attack|defence|strength|range|hitpoints|magic| fletching|thieving|crafting|cooking|firemaking|fishing|s mithing|mining|prayer|runecrafting|herblore|agility }
;; Function: delimits a number with a given character (ie, adds commas to large numbers)
;; Usage: $delimit(<number>,<C>)
;; Comments: <C> is an ASCII representation of a char, as used in $gettok
alias delimit {
var %regex = (^[-+]?\d+?(?=(?>(?:\d{3})+)(?!\d))|\G\d{3}(?=\d))
.echo -q $regsub($1,m~ %regex ~xg,\1 $+ $chr($2),%regex)
return %regex
;; Function: returns the xp needed at a specified level in runescape
;; Usage: $lvlxp(<level>)
alias lvlxp {
var %A, %B, %C, %i = 1
while (%i <= $1) {
%A = $floor($calc(%C / 4))
%B = $floor($calc(%i + 300 * 2^(%i / 7)))
%C = $calc(%C + %B)
inc %i
return %A
; ______________________________________________________ ______________________
; Connection
on *:sockopen:runescape.*: {
;; remove spaces from the names and replace them with +'s, for URL encoding
var %name = $replace($hget($sockname,name),$chr(32),+)
sockwrite -n $sockname GET http://hiscore-web.runescape.com/aff/runescape/highsco rerank.cgi?username=$+
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: http://hiscore-web.runescape.com/aff/runescape/hiscore s.html
sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
sockwrite -n $sockname
on *:sockread:runescape.*: {
var %temp
sockread %temp
if (*class=c>*</a></td>* iswm %temp) {
hadd $sockname subject $nohtml(%temp)
hinc $sockname capture
elseif ($nohtml(%temp)) && ($hget($sockname,capture)) {
var %cap = $ifmatch, %subject = $hget($sockname,subject)
hadd $sockname %subject $+ $gettok(_rank _level _xp,%cap,32) $nohtml(%temp)
if (%cap >= 3) hdel $sockname capture
else hinc $sockname capture
on *:sockclose:runescape.*: {
;; type of query the person is asking for: overall, attack, defence, etc
var %query = $hget($sockname,query), %results
;; give overall stats --> list the level for each topic
if (%query == overall) {
var %i = 1
while ($hfind($sockname,*_level,%i,w)) {
;; get the type and value of each topic (ie, type = attack, value = 99)
var %type = $gettok($ifmatch,1,95), %value = $hget($sockname,$ifmatch)
;; concatenate the results
%results = %results $+([^B],%type,[^B] %value :
inc %i
;; give stats for each area (attack,defense,etc)
else {
;; find the XP for next level
var %level = $hget($sockname,%query $+ _level)
var %lvlXP = $lvlxp($calc(%level + 1))
;; find the current XP
var %currentXP = $hget($sockname,%query $+ _xp)
;; find how much XP is needed to advance
var %needXP = $calc(%lvlXP - $remove(%currentXP,$chr(44)))
;; format the 'stats' part of the message
var %stats = [^B]Rank:[^B] $hget($sockname,%query $+ _rank) : [^B]Level:[^B] $hget($sockname,%query $+ _level) : [^B]XP:[^B] %currentXP : [^B]XP required to level:[^B] $delimit(%needXP,44)
;; format and add the 'objects' part of the message
var %i = 1, %objects, %file = $shortfn($scriptdirrunedb.ini)
;; cycle through the available objects for the skill in question
while ($ini(%file,%query,%i)) {
var %object = $ifmatch, %xp = $readini(%file,%query,$ifmatch)
if (%xp) %objects = %objects $+([^B],%object,[^B] $floor($calc(%needxp / %xp))
inc %i
;; damned 'smithing' skill requires two lists of objects: smelt, and smith+smelt
if (%query == smithing) && (%i > $ini(%file,%query,0)) var %objects = [^B][Smelt][^B] %objects [^B][Smith + Smelt][^B], %query = smelt, %i = 1
;; set query back to smithing
if (%query == smelt) %query = smithing
;; combine the two
var %results = %stats :: %objects
;; message the results to the target
msg $hget($sockname,target) %query stats for $hget($sockname,name) :: $iif($hget($sockname,%query $+ _level),%results,No data found)