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Viper3 Offline OP
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Hey guys and gals,

Recently when i have been connecting to mIRC i have been getting this error :

Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead

This plays a bad effect on my IRC day as i am a IRCoper on my commen channel... But to Oper up i need to be under my own hostname.. .Not my IP. I somehow need to get mIRC to detect my hostname once more...

Cheers people, Any help would be great


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Alt-O > Connect > Local Info. Make sure you have Local Host checked and Server marked with the radio button.

Other than that, it's up to your ISP to provide the DNS rather than the IP.

Why not have the ops/bots just auto-op you based on IP and DNS?

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Thanks for the reply,

I have checked the settings you have advised, And they are already on the correct settings.

I cannot have my OPER status reliant on my IP as i am currently on Dial up.. It has been working fine... Just a few nights back it decided not to find my hostname...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The other easy option is to login to the bot. Set a script to send the bot login information when you join and have it op you that way.

It's very hard to always get just your DNS every time you connect... at least in my experience. I would guess that I connect about 95% of the time with DNS and 5% with IP using the same settings.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Viper3 Offline OP
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Right.... Now for me to act n00bish smile

Wouldnt have a link to instructions on how to do that would you? Im not very competent in the whole scripting/bot side of things... More of a interface only type of guy blush

Mmm, At the moment seems im getting IP conifg 100% of the time.. when i wasnt getting it at all before frown


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In your scripts:

on *:join:#channel: {
  if (BOTNAME ison $chan) {
    .msg BOTNAME OPME password
  else echo -a Unable to login.  The bot is not online.

Replace #channel and BOTNAME and password above.

On bot's script:

on @*:text:OPME &:?: {
  if ($nick ison #channel && $2 == password) {
    mode $chan +o $nick
  else .msg $nick Error: You are either not in the channel, or you entered an invalid password.

Replace #channel and password with the same as you used above. Note that you can manually login by just using /msg BOTNAME OPME password

As a security note:
If anyone gets access to your bot's script or your script, they will find out your password and be able to gain ops. Although not likely, it is something you should consider. You can prevent your side of the script from having the password in it by doing this:

on *:join:#channel: {
  if (BOTNAME ison $chan) {
    .msg BOTNAME OPME $$?="Enter your password"
  else echo -a Unable to login.  The bot is not online.

This will ask you for your password when you join. It would remove your password from being stored anywhere on your own script. That cuts in half the chance of anyone getting ahold of a script with your password in it. Of course, this is no longer completely automatic and if you're not at your computer and reconnect, you won't get opped this way. I offer it just in case you are concerned with security.

Btw, you don't happen to have the ability to register your nickname, do you? Like with NICKSERV? And no CHANSERV, I take it? I assume you don't, but I thought I'd check.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Viper3 Offline OP
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Cheers... And yes? The server i have IRCoper rights to has Nickserv, Chanserv, memoserv, operserv etc etc...
I might add.. Im not talking about +o .... IRCoper access... As in +O and access to #opers etc... Giver of /kill /gline /kline etc...

Just incase there is any confusion...

Last edited by Viper3; 09/08/05 01:55 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Ah, I see. I misunderstood you. You should just be able to change that to +O instead of +o, then.

Just as a note... if your server has NICKSERV and you can have your nick set to not allow anyone who doesn't authorize within a short time to use your nick, you can gain extra security by making this change:

on @*:text:OPME &:?: {
  if ($nick ison #channel && $2 == password && $nick == yournick) {
    mode $chan +o $nick
  else .msg $nick Error: You are either not in the channel, or you entered an invalid password.

Just replace yournick with your registered nick. It will then only work if you are using your registered nick. Then, people can't just use a password, but would have to use your nick as well. Just a little extra security.

Because you ARE talking about IRCop status, I can give you even more security to the log in method if you like. I can set you a way to encode your login information in a way that the encode/decode method changes each day. If you'd want that, let me know and I'll be happy to write it up for you.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Viper3 Offline OP
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Ok.. Believe me, ive never touched the coding of a mIRC script in my life... Nor no where to add the additional coding you have provided (Feeling kind of stupid now frown ) But looking through your code..
How can that give me Administrative status when the bot is not a admin itsself? I do not own the server... I am merley a global admin on it.. Hence my original problem....
The /oper NICK PASS command requires me to be on a certain host... And if i attempt to log in while mIRC is just using my IP i get:
"No O-Lines for your host"

But maybe i am just so n00b at this that i dont know what im talking about?
Sorry for the trouble...
And i extremly appreciate all the help grin

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hm... I'm feeling stupid myself now... I reread all your posts and nowhere did you say you were getting a bot to op you. For some reason, I was thinking you had a bot that was opping you if you had the correct hostname. None of what I said will help you. I'm sorry.

If I were you, then... I'd contact your ISP and see what they can tell you. It could be that their DNS information is messed up and that's why it won't resolve.

Maybe someone else has a better suggestion.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Why not talk to the netadmin and get them to add another o line ? Problem solved and if your ip is too dynamic get them to make it isp and ident specific. I assume you have to log in and set modes? It all depends on what ircd they use too.
Good luck

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